Foundry 117 Corrections Facility

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by o0 IMatt 0o, Jul 24, 2010.

  1. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    Made by o0 IMatt 0o
    Ok guys. This is a Cops and Robbers Map. I usually NEVER make casual maps. I love to make competitive MLG type maps, but my friend persuaded me to make a Cops and Robbers map. And let me tell you, I think it is better then most of my competitive maps.
    This is cops and robbers with a twist. You cannot actually break out of the map, however, there are secret passages, a Execution Chamber, and 1 A$$hole cop (Lulz).
    The cop is invulnerable, and has unlimited ammo. All player stats are normal and he has a Shotgun.
    You have normal stats, unlimited ammo and a pistol (Have Fun!)
    As long as the cop doesn't randomly kill anyone, this game will be fun for everyone.

    NOTE* I only put one picture becausse i want you to watch the video. It is basically a walkthrough, that is NOT how a real game goes.

    Lunchroom Overview

    Before 90 secs.....

    After 90 secs....

    The potty

    The shower (Water underneath metal)

    Cops' Lobby

    Lunchroom and a spartan in one of the passages.

    Youtube Video


    (This is my first casual map post lol)
    #1 o0 IMatt 0o, Jul 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  2. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    This is one of the better cops & robbers maps that I've seen, but how does the execution room work? Do you use the custom powerups as switches or do the bars spawn at a certain time?
  3. xDarklingx

    xDarklingx Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Played with the right friends, this would be fantastic! I've always been a sucker for maps with secret passages but i'm sure i'm not the only one who thinks this looks extremely cool. How does the execution room work by the way? I'll take a guess, does the custom powerup unblock death-teleporters hidden in the ground of the execution room? Also, it's a pity you built this so close to reach, seen as though everyone is staying away from forgehub until reach. It's a great map nonetheless. Hope this gets a fair bit of attention because you have obviously put great effort and thought into this and you deserve it. For a Cops & Robbers map, 10/10
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ...You might want to add more than ine picture. Right now, I see what the lunchroom looks like, and nothing else. Is the entire map one big lunchroom? Are all the other "rooms" just one Single Box, Open? How should I know. The point of the "pictures" rule here isn't to annoy new members, it's to allow people to see ahead of time what a map looks like, and be able to choose from that whether they like it or not.

    If you spent as much time and care on your map as you did on your post, than it's a definite No-DL for me.


    Anyways, from what I can see in your one picture, there seems to be a lot of Z-fighting going on. This is often a sign of a poor map, so perhaps my earlier comment about the quality of your map was right? If it isn't, then prove me wrong. Post a full picture set.


    I know there's a video. Im posting this in honor of all those people (myself included) who can't load videos on their junk computer. Pictures are gold, and are usually available to everyone, regardless of their PC age.​
    #4 Hogframe, Jul 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2010
  5. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is alot of very nice looking details like in the shower room, I have to say, that was my favorite area.

    What you also did for this map was make it very creative and added alot of cool features, like the sercret passage ways so you could kill the Cop. I really liked the sewer path to the top of the shwing which I must say was super creative, along with the death chamber which I pretty funny at times.

    Overall, this is by far your most cleanest, and unquie map you have ever forged.
  6. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    nice to see you listened to haris by adding more pics. those bars are very interesting and caught my eye right away, what items did you use to get bars like that?? the showers look very good and hopefully the toilet wont get mixed up with the electric chair ( cough. cough. station 69!)
  7. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    (He used 'window panels' for the cage). I have to say, this map looks like the best
    Cops n' Robbers map i've ever seen.This is a definate download for me. (you should
    keep making maps like that i fyour so good at it! :D)
  8. Hat

    Hat Guest

    The map looks great. It feels like you really wanted this to look great and not like a crappy remake of a popular game type. I only have one complaint... you can't get out. One of the funnest maps i have ever played was a teacher map where the teacher was a b*tch and you would try to escape the school and find the hidden custom power to kill the teacher. You should make a remake where you can escape.
  9. o0 IMatt 0o

    o0 IMatt 0o Forerunner

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    Glad you like the map. I made so they could not escape because:
    1. did not have enough money to make anything outside.
    2. Could cause the game to become boring because of camping or the Cop not finding the people outside.

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