**Disclaimer** This map WILL NOT be released until Halo: Reach is released. **** An InferiorPigeon and OwlWolf Production: Alrighty, now to the map itself. I technically started this map in June of 2009, however I barely worked on it up until a couple months ago. In fact, the only thing that remains of that once forgotten map is a spirit of an original base. Now, I always seem to go to the limit with my maps, and end up having to sacrifice some aspects. This map at the moment has absolutely horrible spawns because I have no more items to place spawn areas.... That along with it only being set up for Slayer, I'm not releasing it until Halo: Reach where I can remake it and improve it. I believe Halogen has a wonderful layout, and I hope you will enjoy it. Halogen: (Captions above screenshots) Overview: Overview 2: Overview 3: Overview 4: Base: Rings: Rings 2: Middle: Middle 2: Other Base: Other Base 2: (Needs a callout....) Tunnel: Tunnel 2: Well, that would be Halogen. Thanks for taking a look!
In this pic, is it possible that people can get on top of that structure, and if so wouldn't it be a problem? Other than that, I really like this.
It isn't all that great up there actually. Nothing you can't see from the Rings. However, I would really love to block everything off, but I'm out of items (hence why I'm waiting for Halo: Reach). I literally finished up the map the day Forge World was released........ DDDD,,,,,,:
Take that design, except make it three floors tall. Or something random and cool. When reach comes out the only way to get noticed will be with incredibly amounts of originality, so thats what you MUST do.
I am relatively worried about that... Odds are, I'll start remaking this and sparks of creativity will change 80% of it. Haha.
Yeah, I'm gonna make basically this in Reach. I wasn't able to fully complete this map the way I envisioned it, and I hate settling..
Woah, I haven't seen you in a while. This map looks interesting. Not the norm. Can't wait to see it transitioned to Reach.
Haha, hey there Scope. And yeah, I'm not a big fan of normal everyday. I just hope I can make it awesomesauceonaplate in Reach. ;D