today i have noticed that almost all my team doubles games ive been paired with 8 year old squeaky kids who either stand at spawn n dont move the full game or rush the enemy team and dont fire a bullet just let them kill them, or betray me and kill themselves, its so annoying, is there anyway to help this situation at all? its starting to put me off halo after my short time of playing it. /rant
De-rankers are pretty much everywhere, I suggest that you don't go into doubles unless you are with a friend. Either that or play MLG or social.
@above post: Really? If you hate derankers do NOT go into MLG at any cost, regardless of the level. MLG is almost as bad as doubles... But as a rule only play doubles with a partner, otherwise you will get retarded people like that who are too idiotic to play the game how its supposed to be. They are worse then people who only play the game, people who cant get good so they cheat are the worst. They make me want to hurt people.
I would say stick with... Team Swat, Team Slayer... and that's about all I have played without de-rankers/boosters/jerk-offs.
Agreed, they are the two least cheated in playlists. But its still really easy to have fun in the other playlists! Dont give up on them because you get paired with total losers, continue to love the game regardless.
You get so many losses that the system has a ton of negetive points attributed towards your charactor, then anybody who plays with you will have the stats for a game weighted very heavily in their favor; IE they are almost certain to rank up if they win, and will not rank down if they lose. Its incredibly freakin complicated to explain well unless you understand the trueskill system in great detail.
Basically, one person starts a new account with 0 games played. Another person who has a reaaaaal old account with a lot of games de-ranks(loses games on purpose) giving them a lot of negative points. The person with the new account plays with the person with a bad account as partners and raype everyfrickenbody they play. After game, the rating system feels bad for the person with the new account and awards them more positive points, equaling ranking up quicker.
Thats boosting what you speak of... And that can be obtained by winning as well. It's just harder to do so. De-ranking, is literally just lowering your skill so you can play lower levelled players and carry people higher up in skill level. People who derank to boost, are usually unsuccesful, because there isnt much point. Boosting goes on consecutive wins and losses. If you win 1, lose 1, win 2, lose 1 win 1, lose 2. Your rating stays the same and decreases because it knows your at a constant. If you win 8 lose 1 win 8 lose 1, it puts your rating higher and knows you're above the skill level so promotes you quicker to get you to a more consecutive streak. Sooo De-ranking, puts you on a losing streak which lowers you're skill quicker, but then when they want to boost people back up, they have to earn their rating back by winning consecutively. But because they're at a much lower rank than before, they don't achieve anything when they get back upto 45ish, because their rating has returned back to the constant variable rather than a negative that is needed for the other player to get higher. It's easily understandable, its just gullable players who do this. I've not been boosted in games before and gone up 6 ranks after winning 1 match. If people knew how to exploit boosts like that, they would. Instead they go after thinking, "your record says you play X amount of games and you have 0exp, you're gonna make me go up quicker" <--- Retarded gamer.. Go play action sack if you believe that bullshit. /RANT
Deranking works for team games; It says to the system "This player is so bad that he could pull down his entire team, so if they win they get bonus points for winning at a disadvantage." Deranking only works when you boost other people. Now the people who derank to boost themselves are the real idiots