DIBS ON MAKING A FIREFIGHT VERSION OF THE SILENT CARTOGRAPHER ISLAND MAP (that island mission on halo:CE)!!! This is HUGE! It's basically everything we've asked for........ but now comes to the ideas. Someone had better make a sketchup item compilation thingy that comes with a template...... I have so many ideas in my head atm. Hopefully firefight supports the max amount of players now (like 16 of them) so that silent cartographer map thingy (that i called dibs on at the top of the post) im gonna make will be awesome. Imagine, 16 players running around the island with covvie dropships landing everywhere on the beach, with vehicles and everything. It'd be a big team firefight match I will now start writing my ideas down..........
Holy snap! In only 3 hours this thread has already gotten 10 pages. My friend called me and told me to get on Bungie because there was something that was going to blow my ming away. Of course I didn't expect to see something so amazingly mind-blowing. I cannot even begin to describe the amazing excitement I have. Someone is going to have to create a new word or phrase just for that because damn. I am so excited that I just want to rape a cat or something OMG! The possibilities are seemingly endless. As soon as Halo: Reach comes out, people are going to have to stand up (or lay on their couch) and really show the world what they are made of because competition is going to get a lot, a lot more harder. OMFG! Good bye outside world, friends and family, potential girlfriends, and personal fitness, hello Forge World.
hate to burst your bubble dude, but bungie said forge is for competitive matchmaking/customs only, no firefight.
Wow, and i thought bungie was cool yesterday... And with those colored vehichles and large objects to easily make bases, i can see some good lookin halo wars dedicated customs
Damn i most admit this is the first thread i have ever seen grow faster than Ghost merging. It took that a whole day to get to 11 pages, this one made it in several hours. I guess it makes sense, what bungie gave us was a new game plus ghost merging plus free porn. Metaphorically, of course. Unless you get turned on by super beefy women in armor >.> Ehem..... What a weird fetish... <.<
Do you think that maybe, just maybe, someone could make a sort of skyrail thing? My favorite map of all time has one. YouTube - 007 Nightfire Maps - Skyrail Skip to 1:05 to see it.
Omg I remember playing that lol. Probably the dumbest game evar. That is definitely possible. **** I'll do it if no one will
If he could make a conveyor belt on Halo 3, Im sure as he'll he could make a skyrail on reach; cosmic, I see you thar, make it happen
Holy **** ZANDER, that would be amazing. Im thinking that might be the first thing i try to do when reach comes out. If i manage it, shits goin down. Hahaha that would be amazing, if would could build maps with moving geometry. Elevators would be almost expected if its easy enough.
Bungie.net : Halo: Reach Forum : COMPLETE list of Forge Options, plus Developer Q+A, a must read ferrex awnsered a crapload of questions about forge which the author of the thread has compiled in teh first few posts....lot of awnsers
You can set up Infection safe areas, according to Ferrex. Also, he said all the gravity stuff is an optical illusion.
Imagine the switch possibilities, we can now have any object movable, or immovable for that matter. Imagine a revolving base.
Did anybody notice how the guy from bungie called them "mongeese" forever settling the debate of mongooses or mongeese
Actually, in Halo 3 custom games you could choose the vehicle set and one of them was called Mongooses. The plot thickens.
Bungie members are entitled to personal opinions. Also, my mind exploded from the new possibilities. Honestly though, I'm not going competitive for a bit, casual, mini game first, until I'm really comfortable with the sandbox and can make an uber awesome BTB sex map. Pulled from b.net Hopefully the length/width/depth/pitch/yaw pertains to actual geometry obejects and not just KOTH/RA/Killzones