Yikes this place is in for some change. This game will revolving around custom content, I'm guessing that it will be more than X4 the traffic to this site at the games release.
I'm fully expecting DLC forge maps with different aesthetics. Seems like an obvious thing for Bungie to do.
HOLY FRICKIN WOW OMONOM OMG CRAP DANG IM GONNA DIE! AHAHAH!HAAAAAHH! Okay, now that I got that out: I haven't read through this whole thread, but did anbody else see this? See the map names on the left? XD
Yeah, I think so. See how they have little arrows next to some of them? I wonder if that means those are defaults!! OH BOY! I think that would make sense, because notice that there aren't arrows next to the map he just made (Sweet New Map), and Halo Classic. That means those both must've been forged after the default maps... Edit: Oh, and I also just noticed in that picture that he has little musical notes as an emblem. Were those available in the beta? I wonder what else they added?
in the custom games options, you have two options... increase/decrease jump height and increase/decrease gravity... i think the gravity option will affect things like vehicles, grenades, players, etc... while the jump height will only affect player ability. This may be why the mongooses were being thrown ridiculously far
I hope it's easy to set up a confined area with death barriers. For example, If I want to use the island and have flying vehicles, can I keep them from flying away? This is just incredible what bungie is giving to us. Many custom game options and now this. Cant wait to toy around with infinte jetpack. It's exciting of how many ideals we have already. I really hope we get a in depth tour of the world. The one area I hope for is a river either in a canyon or not. I need to write some ideals down. this will probably be my last game until another game that isnt of interest for many here but me at the moment.
Pinohkio like how there is currently 42* people viewing this. And I must point out, I see no familliar block shaped objects, am I the only one? or are there none?
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