Hello again everyone! This is a map that i've been working on for quite a long time. as soon as i saw Rifte's pelican, i imagined an "infiltrate and destroy" type thingy, lol. So i took the pelican(with Rifte's permission of course), took out the 'Hog mechanism that held it to the pelican, and came up with this map. Just letting you all know that, because of my xbox live expiring, this is just a preview because i just couldn't wait to post it. i will put up the DL link ASAP. Now that thats outta the way, onto the map! I hit the object limit and as of right now, only 4 to 8 players and its only compatible with the gametype. (more on that in a bit) So far there are only a few weapons... but i think i placed them fairly well. Rocket Launcher - x1 Battle Rifle - x2 Sniper Rifle - x1 Splazer - x1 (hidden in pelican) Covenant Carbine - x2 Beam Rifle - x1 Spiker - x2 Energy Sword - x1 Onto the Gametype So the game is one bomb. Spartans vs Elites. Traits: Bomb Carrier: Damage Resistance - 150% Shield Multiplier - no shields Immune To Headshots - enabled (you'll see why) Damage Modifier - 150% Player Speed - 75% Player Gravity - 150% Vehicle Use - Passenger Only Motion Tracker - Off Waypoint - No Waypoint Base Player Traits: Damage Resistance - 110% Shield Multiplier - no shields Damage Modifier - 100% Primary Weapon - Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon - Magnum Player Speed - 100% Player Gravity - 150% Motion Tracker - Off Ze Game Settingz of Lovz 10 sec. arm time (planting C4) 5 sec. disarm time 10 sec. fuse timer Thats about it folks! PITURE TYME!!! ^Broken Wall Blue^ ^Broken Wall Red^ ^Blue Overview^ The pelican kinda covers it a little... ^Gate^ ^Red Base (front)^ ^Red Base (Back)^ ^Red Overview^ ^Okay so, these WILL NOT GO AWAY. I really don't know why. I've deleted them so many times. The good thing id that they DO NOT effect gameplay .^ ONCE AGAIN: THIS IS A PREVIEW UNTILL I RENEW MY MEMBERSHIP. DL LINK WILL BE UP VERY VERY SOON! Thanks to Rifte for the AMAZING Pelican
While the Pelican is pretty awesome, I can't help but wonder if some of the resources used to build it could've been put to better use; since it appears to be mostly aesthetic, the resources put into the Pelican might be better spent filling in spaces like in the "Red Overview" picture, where the geometry seems a little sparse and lacking a distinct aesthetic of it's own. For instance, the Blue side has a distinct derelict feel, whereas the Red side seems to lack that kind of a cohesive idea. The resources of the Pelican could be used to expand that idea, and improve the area of the map which will see the most action. Just a thought. -=Moxus=-
I did try taking things out that were needed to hold up the warthog, but it wasnt much. It was just a couple collumns. I might make a second version and work more on that. Thanks for the input I forgot to mention that blue is supposed to be a kind of, ruins thing and red is a "covie instalation"
When I saw the first picture, I was literally like "Wow, holy crap!". When I scrolled down and saw the second picture, I was like "OMG LOL ROFLCOPTER LMAO Who Teh F Made Tis????" When I saw the third picture, I was like "blah". From the third picture on, nothing really interested me that much, and I think you could of done a lot of things to make this map a LOT more aesthetic and clean. For one, you want this map to look as good as possible, considering you are using the most legit forged pelican eva in your map. You can do simple things that won't make you worry about object limit or budget, such as merging EVERYTHING. When I first saw your red base, I thought that it looked rushed, because out of 18 objects (yes, I counted), only about 5 or 6 were merged, and that was only when you absolutely had to merge. The base would look literally 10x better if you merged EVERYTHING. You could have easily merged the 2 wedge larges and 2 wedge huges into the base, and if you had also merged the 2 wedge corners into the base as well, then "boom!", you have a neatly forged, aesthetic, clean base. If you had done that with EVERYTHING, then on the third picture I would have been like "LIKE WTF WOO IN HALO WAZ GODLY ENOUF TO MAEK A MAP TIS ASUM?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?". Take a deep breath RittSea, it's OK. Well now that that is over with, let's get on a happier helpful note. When I said merge EVERYTHING, i meant EVERYTHING, including those three objectives you couldn't delete. Just make an object not spawn at start and place all three objectives where it was, and when it respawns, NO MOAR OBJECTIVES!!!! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOL!!!!!!
This should've been in Halo Forge Discussion with the Map Preview prefix.... anyways, this looks awesome! The red base/covvie base does look sort of rushed, but the other stuff like blue base/human base was awesome, especially the Pelican (I never saw Rifte's one so I have no idea what you mean by his hog-holding mechanism ). At first I thought you had made it crashed (I'm tired atm) but now I see that it's just landed or something BTW, that's one epic destroyed wall I really wish I could DL this but you didn't put a DL link up And why do you have to renew ur gold? You can still forge it more (merge red base please?) and then put it on ur FS and put the DL. Or am I mistaken..... I remember putting stuff on my FS as silver
I tried lol it has to be gold. :'( anyways, i am merging red more and it actually is looking a lot better! I found some more unnessecary(<--- ?) pieces in the pelican and now i can do i little more --- by the way here's the link to Rifte's pelican. check it out. Seriously. NOW!!! http://www.forgehub.com/forum/aesthetic-maps/91439-d77-tc-pelican.html --- the only options fer the objectives are team and symmetry, so i just took them out into the dunes
I love the look of the pelican. It would be cool if the other side had one or a phantom. Then it would be an epic battle between covenant and Humans for any body who accutualy reads this I think that would be a cool idea.
The reason that they wont go away is that Halo 3 makes it so all maps must be compatible with every game type, no matter how crappy it would play. If you go to other game types like King, the original hill spots from sandbox will be there (unless you've messed with them).