Is it just me or does anybody else think that some of these helmets will look 5x sicker when they have the attachments on them? Bungie even said some of the attachments will cost more credits than the actual helmet itself
This is how it was in the beta, except everything cost a ton more. Now they decreased the cost of attachments unless it causes huge changes, like the EOD thing that looks like a stormtrooper.
What exactly did you add to what I said? I know that's how it was in the beta, I said that some of the attachment will be more. And does the did picture have an attachment or not?
This is the quote from the update: the initial Credit investment is in the base helmet, and adding augmentations to it is cheaper than the actual base variant was. That said, there are certainly some aug combinations that significantly change the helmet and those are priced accordingly. I see what you mean about the helmets looking way sick. I tried to skim through them carefully to see if any of the base helmets were significantly changed. I didn't see any from this base overview. I don't think any of these will be "aug combinations that significantly change the helmet". I think that would be something that changed the visor shape or added a crazy gas mask or something. It's funny that Bungie knows what looks cool, so they are charging more. Damn video game economy/supply and demand!
When i first seen the Super EOD helmet, I was instantly reminded of Dead space. Only if the Augs covered the visor somewhat.... Or maybe the level 6 suit?
I believe that is the new rouge... But Im not 100% on that, anyway moving onto the unblurred picture... I am absolutely blown away from all the customization. Firefight voice!
Here are various pictures of armor that I've seen that are not on the list, therefore, making them unlockable after you rank up and purchase more ****.
I just noticed something: Look at the initial armory picture Zoom in on the left side of the any customizable spartan's spartan's torso. On the right, there is the UNSC logo and on the left, there is a symbol that resembles a emblem that looks like an emblem that can be created (blue triad). Seems as if emblems will appear on players if this is correct. Then check this out: (I consider this post Armor related which is why it is here btw)
Who is that guy in the bottom row, third from left? Johnson's dad? lol I know it's not Johnson coz he's sitting to his right
I hope there is no more hyabusa. That was the dumbest armor ever, right behind the legions of gay dinosaurs.
I really believe that hyabusa was the most annoying armor in the game, in front of elites. Wayy too many people used it and thought it was cool. I am right with you. If its in reach, im going to be angry