This is an XBL Indie Arcade game coming out July 21st. It's a sidescroller and I personally think it looks awesome and will definitely be getting it. YouTube- Limbo - Treacherous World Gameplay | HD Limbo Website Limbo - Somewhere Between Life and Death - GameInformer Article "The first thing you will notice about Limbo is that it's indisputably stunning. Fully deserving a nod in the visual art category, Limbo stands out amongst more traditional puzzle/platformers by complementing simple gameplay mechanics with an eerie and engrossing world. The player takes the role of a young boy with luminous eyes, somehow lost in a foggy forest of horrors. The colorless flora and fauna and shifty visuals cause an immediate feeling of unease. This sense of dread is amplified by the fact that Limbo plays host to no music – instead silence is punctuated by ambient sounds of groaning trees, stumbling footsteps and wind whistling through barren branches. We're not sure if the boy is escaping to or from the forest, but it's obvious that the woods are no friend. Physics-based puzzles open new paths when solved, but hazards and deadly traps are cleverly disguised to take advantage of your success. We're talking bear traps, spike pits, saw blades and more. One false step and the little boy will die a number of gory, unsavory ways. Puzzles start simple and intuitive – pull a box here and push a lever there – but get complicated quickly. Even when you've finally figured out a correct solution, the escape attempt will keep you a breath away from death. Making timed jumps as a rocky platform crumbles, avoiding descending spikes as you sprint across a room, and thinking quickly as a chamber fills with water are all examples of what the young boy will endure. Even after several hours of play, we had a hard time putting Limbo down. Though a narrative is near non-existent, PlayDead has managed to weave such a level of intrigue into Limbo that a morbid curiosity pushes us forward – one tentative step at a time. Without ruining any revelations, it's worth noting that new game mechanics are introduced as the game unfolds and that the "narrative" takes an unexpected twist. (It's not just the forest out to get you.) Gory, unsettling, and utterly beautiful, Limbo is well deserving of it's name. Constantly on the razor edge between life and death, we've never been more enthusiastic about the unknown." DISCUSS AND STOOF
It looks like a sexier, obviously darker, version of Braid. Count me in. Comes out tomorrow, you say? Sounds like my Wednesday night just got more interesting.
My Thoughts on Limbo (Trial) When I played Limbo, It felt like Portal only a 2D Scroller. It made me think, which most games don't, about half way through I got stuck and somehow found a way out. Controls are simple. A to Jump, B for Action and Thumbstick to Move. What really made me want this game is, Its sorta like a Horror Genre. That's when I have to buy it. The only issue is the Water. Aparently this kid doesn't know how to swim. Wow! F**k even Sonic can at least touch water and not be a *****. But yeah other than the water issue, Its solid. A Nerve racking game that makes me want to play it over and over. Plus, theres a 100G achievement called: "Where credit is due". Hey, what can I say I'm a Achievement Junkie. I love 2D Scrollers. But Limbo takes Portal and just F**ks it up. Trust me, Its hard. Gameplay: 5/5 Graphics: 4/5 Story: --/5 Im buying it! ** I can't rate the Story because its a Trial**
Its an arcade trial; its part of the summer of arcade, or whatever that event is called. I'm thinking about buying it too. It looks awesome.
I think its a little much for a game that lasts 3 hours. 1200 MS Points. Yes, Its an Arcade Game. Im about 60% done the game. Ign said it only took them 3 hours. I thinking maybe 4-5 Hours.
Actually, IGN said 5-6 hours. They also said it was completely worth the price. Where did you read that it took 3 hours? YouTube - Limbo Review [HD]
This games looks pretty good, but it's sad that I actually never, ever take side-scrollers seriously anymore. For a lower price, I'm all good.
Ahhhh, So Close to 100%. I got 11 out of 12 achievements, all avatar awards and the last achievement I need to do is complete the game with only 5 lives or less.
It is very, very short. However, like IGN said, it's much better to have a short, near perfect game rather than a game that overstays it's welcome. I haven't finished the game yet, although I played for about an hour and I'm lead to believe I'm around halfway through; However, it may last longer, because I do seem to be slightly more adept at solving puzzles in games then most people I know. So far, my experience has been very enjoyable. The game is creepy and atmospheric. The deaths are very brutal and sickening - as well as saddening to an extent - and the puzzles introduce new mechanics regularly and really make you think. However, this game is all about trial and error, and it can be difficult at times, though never to the extent to become frustrating. I'd say, if you have enough money to spend, this game is well worth it. I believe this is a game that will be remembered for years to come as an unorthodox game that everyone should play at least once.
I'm about an hour in. It's pretty incredible thus far. The visuals and ambient sounds mesh so well together... shivers.
Oh god, I want this game, it looks so amazing! I will definitely be buying this when I get paid friday. Thanks Ace.
The originality alone gives me more reason to get this game. After seeing all the positive feedback, I think I know what to do.
I bought it and I was impressed. I managed to complete it in one sitting (not with less than 5 deaths though! heh). It took me 3 and a half hours. I really liked some of the puzzle ideas; there were 5 occasions, I think, where I was really stumped for a few minutes before it finally dawned on me and I was like "oh genius!". They say the game is "trial and error" but really I didn't feel like that was the case. You can look at most of the puzzles and work them out upon their first viewing. There are only one or two puzzles that are purposefully trying to unavoidably kill you the first time so that you then know, after the event, what to do. One particular example of this was with two crushing pistons. The first crushing piston would kill you if you didn't jump on a block, so then when you get to the second one you think "Oh I need to jump on this block" but, instead, it's jumping on the block that kills you; that puzzle had no logical solution and you would only figure it out after it had already killed you, and is a perfect example of a "trial and error" puzzle. Most of the puzzles were not like that however. I don't get why I'm only "78%" completion after finishing it though. Is that because I haven't gotten all the achievements?
Now I'm really considering buying it, I haven't read one (truly) bad thing about it yet. Too bad I'm broke.
Yes, most of the achievements are non required puzzles themselves. Most of them are hidden to where you most explore.
WTF the acheivments are rediculously hard to get. Waaaaaaay not worth the hours it takes Still, great game. I managed to kill a serious amount of time with it.