By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-18 This is it. About 20 days left. My remake of the RDA C-21 Dragon is 95% done. Me and my construction team have been working around the clock, everyday, to finish this on time. And it's paid off because it's finally here. My team is now making final adjustments, as seen below. Intake inspections By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-18 Final welding By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-18 And the moment you've been waiting for. A rather large reveal. By hlgamberclad at 2010-07-18 Remember, check back on August 10 to download this map.
I'm really liking it. You make some good aesthetic vehicles! Only problem is the lighting on it, I don't like the extra bright blocks :/
I know. This is the only this I don't like about my map. It's really annoying how they light up, it kind of spoils it.
Yes. Don't worry about that, as you can see from the final pic, there's the dual cockpits (unfinished) that you can enter. There's also the side hatches that lead from the inside to the Scorpions. It's completely hollow.
This is turning out pretty sexy Plasma, it may be one of the cooler aesthetic maps in a long time. Also, try viewing the map in a custom game, solo. It helps with the light-up problems sometimes.
I really liked the lighting on the flaps to be honest.. i thought you'd somehow intentionally done it with mystikal powers!!! I also LOLd at the second picture
I like the brighter blocks, I thought you'd done it on purpose to add to the aesthetic value, because their all symetrical. Looking great so far though!
It's finally done. I couldn't do everything I wanted, because I hit the budget limit and OLN limit. But I'm still pleased with it. Remember, August 10!
Yeah, if it's done you should release it. You don't have to say 'Wait for August 10th for me to release it!'
To solve your lighting problem,simply go into forge,look at the lighten up areas while in monitor mode,turn towards a dark area of the map and make sure you can't see the lighten up areas,go to player mode and then immediately back into monitor mode.After you complete this,all blocks should be the same color.This works best if you are the only person on the map.I could get all technical and tell you how this happened and how to prevent it from happening from the start,but the above solution should prove sufficient enough.
Because, about a month ago, I said the release date would be August 10th. However, I went on a big forging spree to finish it early, so I could forge one final map. Not going back on my word, the release date builds hype, like for Halo Reach. Bungie's pretty much done, but they're not releasing it now. Also, I like torturing you guys
Nice, your dragon looks hawt. Hehe, I made a pun. on a more serious note I can't wait for you to release your map.