My Final Project is Done!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Devil95, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    With Halo 3 coming to an end and with Halo:Reach in the Horizon, Im leaving Halo 3 with a Bang. No this is not a project that is currently being worked on. Its done! 100%. Im still trying to figure out a release date though. I know alot of maps are releasing as soon as August comes. Wow, Its kinda sad looking back from 2 years. When I was a noob, and when I became a forger. Not the best, but a forger. Anywho, My final project is a revamp or in this case rezombified. Zombie Horde is ringing its last bell as Reach enters. However, this time Zombie Horde will never be the same. I've added something new. Classes! Yep, Just in time for Reach. Select your weapons, Teleport into battle and fight Zombies. Heres the catch, Camping in the rooms will lead to death. KILLBALLS! When you die you will not be able to pick-up any weapons until the Rockets come. This means if you weren't a camper, you can get a Shotgun, Battle Rifle or a Fuel Rod. While the campers get a SMG and a Pistol. Thats your reward! The Map is a 2 Story floor building, with multiple enterances. The players that run outside the map will be shot at will by god (Towers). Not only did the Humans inprove, So did the Zombies. Omega is still there but whats new is (Human/Zombie) Zombine. The Zombine is a Zombie that can pick-up and Smg and use it against the humans. But don't worry humans, We added Health Packs! Thats right get the Overshields on the map to recharge your health. Sadly, we increased the Zombies health by a couple of percent and made them run 10% Faster. Humans have no shields but do have 500% Health as Normal. Just to make sure the Overshield doesn't give you too much health. Anywho, Im still trying to fix some issues like how zombies can pick-up rockets and Shotguns. But don't worry, this will be conquered. I'm gonna make it between July 28th - August 4th the Release date, So see you then.
    #1 Devil95, Jul 20, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2010
  2. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    If its done, including testing, why not just release it today? No one really cares when you release it, if its a good map/gametype, people will like it and download it.

    Anyways, I haven't really seen an infection game with human classes done before, so it might be interesting. Good luck.
  3. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    i must say devil, this sounds AWESOME. im drooling just by reading your description ;)
  4. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    You posted a thing like this in my video thread, said you might need a video soon. If you recommend me the map and game-type, then I can have a video before it's release. I'll need it soon if you want to do it though, I'm going on vacation the 28th.
  5. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Were have several testings throught out today and this week. Just to make sure gameplay is at its peak and glitches are gone. I can toss you a gameplay Video Today or Tomorrow. Organite's gonna try getting some pics. Since I suck at that sorta thing. I very happy to annouce that Zombie Horde is going down with a great map and a new style. However, I may have to make an armory. But the Verdict between regular players and campers still stand. Killballs have been added into the armory since players some how managed to live. And I'm gonna add some ammo in some areas. Just Assualt Rifles, SMG, Shotgun (1 Only) and Battle Rifles. Player can't get back into the armory and the weapons never respawn in the armory too. I will also be trying to end the Zombie Horde Storyline as well. I'm also adding some new cover for Zombies. If all goes well with the Video, Testing (2 Days), Pictures and Storyline. This map should be able to release on the 26th.
    NEW UPDATE: The Armory has been removed and I've added 4 Rooms with specfic weapons and equipment. Team 1's room has 1 Shotgun and 1 Assualt Rifle. Team 2's room has a Rocket Launcher (1 Only with 2 Rockets/1 Extra Clip) and Some SMG Ammo. Team 3's Room has a Sniper Rifle (1 Only with 1 Clip/1 Extra Clip) and Some Pistol Ammo. Team 4's Room has 1 Battle Rifle (32 in a Clip/72 Spare) and 2 Assualt Rifles (32 in a Clip/160 Spare). Theres only 2 players in each room which means you must share. This is gonna make Zombie Horde a little more strategic. So use your brains if you have one that is.
  6. Izano Slayer

    Izano Slayer Forerunner

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    Erm.. not exactly what I meant. But here isn't the place for this conversation. visit my video thread and we can figure this out.
  7. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    Update: Issue has been Found! Ammo runs out fast. Adding more Ammo for Weapons (Not Sniper or Rockets). Adding Extra Assualt Rifles, Battle Rifles, SMGs, Pistols and Shotguns.
  8. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    In order to get people more interested, post screenshots. To be honest, maybe like two people will read that. If you don't show us anything, don't expect us to get excited.
  9. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Actually, I just skimmed through it and it still sounds nice and refreshing.
  10. Devil95

    Devil95 Ancient
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    NEW UPDATE: Restricted Zone (Final Project) is being delayed by 2-3 Days. Youtube Video Issues. Izano Slayer is currently working on one along with a walkthrough by me and Manic Killa 93. Pictures are almost done. Still trying to get contact with Organite.

    I will post a Teaser Picture SooN!
    #10 Devil95, Jul 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2010

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