Sandbox Ghosts of Desolation

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Hobbes, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    This battle zone is now haunted
    by angry Ghosts who seek revenge.


    Download Map

    Download Gametype

    This Game is a remake of the Classic game of Ghostbusters. I have changed the Map (to Sandbox) instead of Foundry because I thought the bigger map would allow a different way to play the game instead of being able to hide in one tower for the whole game (which is still "some what" possible.)

    My clan leader in the Sniper Tower

    The Zombie spawn room.

    Overhead View 1

    Overhead View 2

    Hornet, Man Cannon, Zombie Spawn Room (B&W)

    Man Cannon, Sniper tower, Hornet (Colored)

    This game is in Black & White - I'm going to make a DESOLATION 1.5 where the FX Gloomy and FX Black & White will appear 90 and 120 seconds into game-play.

    #1 Hobbes, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2010
  2. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
    Senior Member

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    It seems like your post isn't up to par. Click here to see the rules. You need at least 1 picture or video, but the more, the merrier.
  3. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your pictures don't seem to be working, amigo.

    What you have to do is you take a screenshot in Halo, and upload it to your Fileshare. You can then go to and the screenshots should be on your virtual B-net Fileshare. If they are, you'll have to right click and save them to any Document on your computers hard drive. Remember where you saved it. Okedoke, now just go to an image-sharing website like Photobucket or Imageshack, and upload your screenshots. The website will walk you through the next few steps. Basically, just Copy and Paste the code under "Forum"

    ~Additional Info/Links~

    Here's a link to, followed by a link to your own Fileshare:

    Here are some Threads started by Staff and other Members explaining in greater detail how to post pictures:

    Use these websites to upload your pictures (Photobucket sucks, Imageshack is better):

    Remember, if you have no successful pictures within Twenty-Four hours of making your thread, it will become locked, and will be unviewable.

    #3 Hogframe, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  4. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Guys, if you read it I'm going to put some up today - later. Unlike some of you I have a life and I sometimes get into trouble (;D) so yeah, I'm going to put pictures up soon. These posts are perfect examples of what people don't do - read.
  5. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Only two people warned you about pictures man. That was a mindless insult. And maybe u did not mean it like that, but the FH community might think it was flaming later on. Try to avoid doing this in the future, the VERY near future. BTW First comment not about the pictures
  6. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

    Likes Received:

    Yes you are the first to not comment about the pictures, but none of you actually reviewed my map at all but instead were talking about the pictures and my annoyance of the those comments. Obviously they shoulda read the whole thing instead of jumping to conclusions the second the thread loaded.​

    #6 Hobbes, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  7. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Admittedly we have not dled and played the map. I cannot because my b-net profile is experiencing problems. These people want to help you. Unfortunately people judge whether or not they want to dl a map based on what they see and then they review it afterward. so they knew you were going to embed screens later. They just were helpin you out. But only one pic? eeeh, not to convinced yet. Can we at least see an overview please?
    #7 Zow Jr, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  8. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I will put as many views as I can as I am kicked off the Xbox for today.
  9. forgenarb

    forgenarb Forerunner

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    just wondering, why would you make a thread and then do pictures later instead of just waiting till later to make the thread entirely?

    but onto the map, its really... really... plain. it looks like you really didnt put any time into the map, just threw some stuff on there and put a lighting effect on.

    also, are vehicles drivable, or are they just for aesthetics? if they are useable then i cant see the hornet being a good idea.

    i suggest that you check out the forging 101s and clean this up a little, i can't see any merging from the pics so you should definitely check out ghost merging if you dont already know about it.

    btw, if you do make a 1.5 and all you do is change the lighting effects, don't make a brand new post, just edit this post with a dl link to the v2 and maybe a pic with both of the lighting effects on. You shouldnt make a new post for tiny changes to a map.
  10. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    Because I just started that day and wanted to post something. I know I could of introduced myself in an Introduction Thread - but I didn't feel like doing that. So I made something, put it up, realized I needed pictures, then got kicked off the Xbox for no real good reason.

    I admit I didn't put the MOST time into this map - it was something I threw together so I could hurry up and post something. I don't know why I didn't just wait and put a bunch of time into it but I did and I'm putting at least three day's work into my next map.

    They should be drivable for both parties (ghosts and humans). The Hornet is not meant to be able to be reached - but with the testing with my brother if a Ghost gets in - it'll be easy to kill and it will serve as a lesson to not go into the Hornet again. The Humans cannot jump high enough to get in I don't think.

    I merged, but not a lot. I really don't like to as long as it is NEEDED. Because I don't want to waste a bunch of time starting new rounds and crap just to find that the place I put it was not good enough. Also Ghost merging does not work well for me if I have more than two of the same items in the map as it shows the one I originally spawned in the middle of the air - not what I want.

    I wasn't going to make a new post - I don't think. I haven't checked over this post in a while as I didn't think anyone is downloading (because people aren't) and I'm starting to get a little pissed. No one is actually playing the game and then reviewing it and they just judge by the pictures. Thank you for reviewing this half way - but I doubt your going to download as it sounds that I didn't make a good one. Oh well. My next one will be better. (Not a lot of merging in the new one as it bugs me. But I did where it counts)

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