Sentry Hola FH. Sentry tis an asymmetrical, enclosed 1v1 map residing in the crypt. Yes it's a 1v1, but 2v2 IMO works fine, but some people don't think so. 1v1 it is. Spawns were an issue in the Beta version of this, and I'd like to think I've improved them greatly, with a little bit of thanks to the tester guild. Spawns are the most difficult things for me to do, and I tried my best to place them. When creating Sentry, I definitely went with the Forerunner look; clean, smooth, and architecturally brilliant. Any I honestly think I successfully implemented all of those points into it. I tried to make the architecture look very clean, and I tried to not make the architecture I made random; they had a purpose in overall gameplay. Weapons List: Weapon/No. on map/clip/respawn BR/6/2/30 Carbine/2/2/30 Sniper/1/2/150 Shotgun/1/0/120 Rockets/1/0/180 Rendered video walkthrough Overview w/o roof Special thanks to: CAPNxCANT-probably helped the most out of anyone. He tested, threw out ideas, and saw the map from start to finish. IxXROADKILLXxI-Gave me some ideas, and tested a few games. UnAvoided-Helped quite a bit when it came to weapon placement. The Testers Guild-For their great feedback on the Beta version. And there is the download right below this sentence. Thanks and enjoy DOWNLOAD
*orgasm* Damn, you did capture the Forerunner feel. Looks similar to Halo CE's Chill Out and Damnation. Fantastic job, clean interlocks and geomerges, etc. Downloading now. Just a quick quesion, though. You said everything had a purpose. What about those curvy catwalks? Do they do anything? Can you even get up there?
Na ya can't get up thar. But they do have a purpose. The two long wedges act like supports to the curvy catwalks, and they add cover and affect LoS. And thank you btw
Very very impressive I must say. This map does have the looks of CE's Chill out, althought I do nor see Damnation. What can I say, the map is incredibly clean and has some realy nice aesthetic features to it.
Oh.... my..... god. You achieved what you wanted. Definitely. As they said, it has the looks of Chill Out from Halo: CE. It looks fantastic, and all the better for me because it works for BOTH of my amounts of players (mostly I do 1v1s with my friend, and when he invites his friend and his friend's guest we do 2v2s). Very well done. Has anyone thought of nominating this for a feature? (After they play on it, of course)
A feature is a little much sir, but thanks. I've actually never played Halo CE and never seen Chill Out. Guess I'll have to look up some pix
You don't have to, cold storage is a halo 3 version of it (a remake). And I don't think it's a little too much, this map is VERY clean and if the gameplay is as good (i dont know i cant go on my box) it deserves it.
Whoa, I didn't expect this much of a reaction, though it is a very quality map. If this does end up getting featured, I want some testing/suggestion cred bro
It does have the halo 1 feel to it, incredibly forged nothing i can see nothing wrong with it, going to download and have a few games. Edit: loved it 1 vs 1 and 2 vs 2 are perfect for this map it plays awesome.
Cred twas given to you and the rest who helped in the updated thread. ****, I just realized I spelled millennia wrong in the map description...
Well, the map played great! I had a 2v2 (after showing everyone the wep spawns and all) and it went perfectly! We never had a problem with spawn camping throughout the entire game. In fact, my bro even just dropped in and it still wasn't too cramped. Also, nothing felt too overpowering unless it was used by a person who knows how to use it skillfully (My teammate dominates with the sniper). The only thing I found is that right at the start both teams head for the rockets and disregards the sniper.
First of all, thank you for coming back an telling me how it played. Most people don't do that. Second, I'm very glad it played well. No one going for the sniper surprises me a bit, though. Anyways, thanks for the feedback
Yeah, they just didn't feel like it until later in the game. Also, what in the world is that tube thingy place for by the BR in the room with the catwalks? It just felt out of place. :/
I tried to make an area where you could go and get some cover and chill for a bit, but yes I will admit it does seem a little out of place
Hm..... well it didn't do it's job, people just pass by it and never go in. Well, at least that's what my team did.... the other guys could've. If you wanna see the full match you can go here. Hope that helps
Now that you mention it, it really didn't do it's job whenever I played on it too. I was also trying to make a good camp spot for oddball, which is supported btw. Oh wells, I would make a v2 but I'm really focused on my current map which should hopefully be sickness.
OH NOES, you were encouraging camping in oddball! I hate it when people do that on foundry -_- Now I gotta go block that place off and save as new map and name it 'Sentry Oddball' -_- Ur wasting my 100 custom content level
Ok, I guess I was exaggerating that a bit Wait, if 'nades and rockets flush people out of there, how would it be a good place to let your shields charge? 0.0 Oh well, an extra area is an extra area...... so it has great aesthetics, no spawn camping/camping in general, rockets were strong but when it ran out of ammo (which happens really quick) the sniper is started to be use, the tube place feels out of place, that weird thingy thing place (lol) where it slants down (where there are spawns) is cool and a great spawn, and.... wait I have nothing else to say.
Wow looks great, the map has a ton of features that I'd wish I had thought of. The map is clean and the gameplay looks like it would run very smoothly, without a chance of spawn trapping or any sort of spawn killing