Sandbox Rebirth vs 2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by thehumangerm, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    • REBIRTH VS 2.0
    Infused with great power, this place of unknown ancient ceremony now holds perhaps just as bloody of a puropse. 4 -12 players.

    Residing in Sandbox's expansive ground level increases it's visual appeal and allows for large scale battles.
    Great map for objective game types.

    Two bases being both dual leveled adds the the complexity of this ground based map. Both bases are accessible from two separate areas and there are 3 paths to each base of the of the map. Through a L shaped tunnel that leads under the base or a brute force attack from the front through your own bases tunnel or the path between the 2 courtyards. Don't expect a easy fight no matter the path you choose and to effectively attack you will given strong opponents you will need to cover more than one direction at once. A ramp and a lift from below supplies two access points to the top of the base there is a third that i will not give away for the enjoyment of skilled players to find and use. This map if full of strategic surprises but there are no portals, catwalks, hidden weapons or super secret spots to provide an unfair advantage in this mirrored map. There is a point when bells, whistles and aesthetics can ruin a map. I have seen hundreds of beautiful maps with horrid game mechanics. If you extensively test this map and have weapon or spawn point correction suggestions send them my way but please refrain from commenting on this unless you have done just that.

    Put you skill in shooting and strategy to the test. Controlling key areas in the map is the key to success.
    Theres only one way to win on this map talent!

    Entrance to tunnel to red base.

    Entrance to tunnel to blue base.

    Red base.

    With the red team present in this picture it gives you a sense of scale to this map.

    Red base front ramp.

    Courtyard from under red base.

    Path between the two courtyards.

    Ramp to blue base.

    Tunnel path to red base.

    Tunnel nook next to tunnel exit to base.

    Blue base.

    Overhead view.

    Keep in mind both sides are mirrored. Due to it's fairly small size dropped weapons are plentiful. A lack of over powered weapons makes the gameplay balanced and fast paced relying more on player skill and strategy to win the battle. Any weapon loadout can be used effectively. No assault as most traditional builds have assault rifles with deaths plenty of ammunition can be found.

    Weapons on Map
    Battle Riffle -8 10 sec
    Bubble Shield 2 60 sec
    Carbine -2 20 sec
    Deployable Cover 2- 60 sec
    Frag Grenade -2 30 sec
    SMG -4 20 sec
    Spiker -2 20 sec
    Plasma Rifle -2 20 sec
    Plasma Grenade -8 30 sec
    Power Drain -1 60 sec

    This map is set up for all traditional game variants no custom settings required but that can like any map be used if you choose to create them. Recomended especialy for listed game types but setup has been competed for all game types.

    Game Types
    Team Slayer
    Team BR's
    Multi-Flag ( Best )
    One Flag

    This and version one's layout is loosely based off one of my previous maps Horizon in the skybox which is definity worth a download as well. Both mirrored maps however horizon is quite a bit smaller Feel free to stop by and look at Horizon as well.

    Let me know what you think feel free to share and enjoy.
    That means constructive criticism.
    Complements and Just a simple rating is great and keeps the post visible for others to find and enjoy.
    Please take the time to rate my map on as well thanks:)


    You know you want to!
    Hours and hours of my build time equals hours and hours of enjoyment for you.

    Special thanks to oODadeOo my build assistant.​
    #1 thehumangerm, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  2. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    I'm glad that you made a V2, because this version is a lot better than your first. There are a couple of things that I think you should add though to make it even better. First, there is only one route to the other side of the map, making killing easy for one team if the other is passing through that route. I suggest making multiple routes and openings to the other side so that the other team can't camp if they have the lead and just pick off the other team. This will keep the other team guessing and guarding multiple openings and routes, and it will increase strategy and fairness.

    Also, even though the walls themselves don't need to necessarily be merged because they are not played on so smoothness isn't an issue, the bases are played on, and they most definately need to be merged. You don't want to be playing and walking on the base when you hit a bump and "hop" a little, because you would rather play on a merged and smooth floor. So far, these are the only two things I noticed, but they are pretty major. Make a V3 I suggest and fix these two problems and this map will be as good as it can get.
  3. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    There IS 2 ways into the base from 2 different areas there is a tunnel that leads underneath and a front ramp and lift underneath. technically 3 way to the top. As far as merging I avoided merging to many items as it has been proven that merging large amounts of objects can cause the map to have more lag issues. Especially when you are pushing the item limits of the level. As far as merging the floor in the bases I literally have no more money or blocks to accomplish that task. There is very little noticeable variance in the floor due to the size of the pieces there is only like 5 cracks between sections. and due to the openness of the base battles on top do not occur often or are so close range that the very small variance doesn't come into play.
    #3 thehumangerm, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  4. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    I see what your saying. I can honestly say that I didn't even notice your tunnel under the base. The two pictures that show it make it look like it is part of the actual wall, and I only noticed it in the overview because you told me it was there. The reason I didn't see it in the overview and other pics is because I didn't think to look there, because again, I thought it was just a wall. I suggest editing your description and mentioning the tunnel somewhere in there, because I am positive I will not be the only one to miss it.

    Good Job though. I guess I should give a rating since this is my second response, so 4/5, but if you edit the description I will give you a 5/5.
  5. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    My description did say there was to ways into the base from 2 different areas. I made it even more clear and labeled the pics. I also added 2 more pictures of the area. Oh the tunnel is the door with the big glowing red and blue lights glowing above them opposite of each base location. Ya can't miss them.
    #5 thehumangerm, Jul 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2010
  6. blassin

    blassin Ancient
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    Okay, I do see the conversation above me and I understand it.
    However RittSea is right. The multiple entrances into the bases should be better covered. If you're worried about having too many pictures and a reaaaaaally long post, only do half of the pictures. This can be achieved by just using one base for pics, because like you said they are symmetrical.

    IMO, it would be nice to have a third entrance or opening to get to the other courtyard/base. It is extremely easy to watch only two areas for attackers. Also it would be nice to see the walls merged so you cant see the sides of them. Overall this map seems fun and well forged :) I'll DL and give more feedback on game play and such.
  7. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    Just because a map is not merged to hell does not mean it isn't a good map. If bothered to read like you bothered to post it explains why I did not merge the walls. It is also states it the forums rules you are to provide constructive criticism not just insult someones forge capabilities to boost your forum posts. I am always open to constructive criticism but think before you type. Just the same I hope you enjoy it.
    It is impossible to fully describe a map and show it via photos. To truly evaluate the map you must actually download and evaluate it. I have described the tunnel and entrances the best I can. This map is designed to require use of strategy. the likelihood of sneaking around and being a lone ranger successfully is not very likely. It involves a game with distraction and attacking from more than one direction simultaneously. Were many people create maps with hidden paths secret rooms etc I prefer to stick with maps designed for strategy. As far as entrances there are three paths to get to the base top flag locations and three to the base itself. Unless someone with bungie pro wants to render a video for me this is the best I can do. If you can play it an come up with a better verbal description of the bases I am always open to polite suggestions but I have added about all I can. This post contains more description that 80% of the maps posted here. Thanks for the ideas and I hope you enjoy the map.
    #7 thehumangerm, Jul 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2010
  8. forgenarb

    forgenarb Ancient

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    when was this proven? i've made budget glitched oln maps where i ghost merged everything well over the object limit and i've never had lag on them in-game. the only way i can see merging making the game lag is with z-fighting.If what you are referring to is when you forge over a map with a huge number of items and objects light up and lag, that has nothing to do with merging and only happens because of the sheer number of items on the screen at a time.

    however, i could be wrong but i wont believe merging makes stuff lag unless you link me some proof...
    #8 forgenarb, Jul 22, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2010
  9. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    There used to be a lot of talk about it back when everyone started using tacked maps. Be careful of budget glitched maps they are against user agreement to put in your share. I recommend stacked maps. When you merge items you naturally increase the amount of objects on screen. There used to be a lot of discussion about it on bungie forums. Possibly here as well. But the premise is simple the more objects needed to be loaded the more potential lag. When you shoot a gun it not only hits people it hits objects and objects react with bullet marks explosions etc. when you interact with a merged item often you are interacting with more than one item which means more data that needs to be computed. I also remember in some podcast or bungie post in regards to bungie's selection on maps to be used for gameplay over merged maps were mostly avoided do to these issues. I wish I could remember the sources of this info but unfortunately I don't. You will just have to search for yourself but this late in the game I don't really see the point. I have nothing against merged maps I play on several I am simply going of the past extensive research I did. It could all be BS who knows but I do remember finding such info from highly trustworthy sources one of which was from bungie themselves. I do not expect anyone to take my word as law but it is my reasoning.
    There used to be a lot of talk about it back when everyone started using tacked maps. Be careful of budget glitched maps they are against user agreement to put in your share. I recommend stacked maps. When you merge items you naturally increase the amount of objects on screen. There used to be a lot of discussion about it on bungie forums. Possibly here as well. But the premise is simple the more objects needed to be loaded the more potential lag. When you shoot a gun it not only hits people it hits objects and objects react with bullet marks explosions etc. when you interact with a merged item often you are interacting with more than one item which means more data that needs to be computed. I also remember in some podcast or bungie post in regards to bungie's selection on maps to be used for gameplay over merged maps were mostly avoided do to these issues. I wish I could remember the sources of this info but unfortunately I don't. You will just have to search for yourself but this late in the game I don't really see the point. I have nothing against merged maps I play on several I am simply going of the past extensive research I did. It could all be BS who knows but I do remember finding such info from highly trustworthy sources one of which was from bungie themselves. I do not expect anyone to take my word as law but it is my reasoning. Unfortunately there is no official Bungie 101's for these things most of the knowledge if put out over forum discussions and other hard to to reference sources.
  10. blassin

    blassin Ancient
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    Idk the validity to this due to the use of it so much and them being DL'd which means they have to be in someones fileshare. I don't think Bungie pays that much attention or cares....

    This makes no sense because merging only places an object into another one, or within the map geometry. Merging doesn't create more objects.

    If this were true then most MLG maps on foundry as well as the newest grifball maps would be risky for Bungie to use in matchmaking. I don' think Bungie likes risky.... Also if the merged item to lag ratio is true then these same maps would be very laggy and slow. Which they are not.
  11. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    It is about draw distances and the amount of objects rendered and interacted with in that area. Nothing personal guy but even in your last post you chose to read into what you wanted to then ignored half of what I said. I was being polite last time telling to re read what was posted. I also stated that were I got said information from to the best my memory serves me and that I am not trying to convince anyone that this is true. I only stated my reasons why. I also said I may be wrong in the reasons I was only working from memories from 2 or more years ago. If it concerns you then go do the research WHICH I ALSO SAID TO FIND OUT YOURSELF. I have no reason to do your legwork if want to look it up fine if not then that's fine as well. I really can care less if you understand or not.

    It can be all BS but I also started this map probably a year ago and it was build upon my knowledge of forging at the time. This is the last time I am saying this.

    The only way they can tell if your map is budget glitched is to actually load it themselves if it is never reported or they never see it then they will not ban it but if they do find it they will ban it. Just like people modding there file share. I can truly care less what you put in your own share. I simply warned you and the goal of any map builder is the hope than one of his maps will see bungie favorites or actual bungie posting it to the playlist and that will never happen with you modded maps. And could even get you banned. Not very likely but it could happen. I simply advised you it would be smart for you to switch to stacked maps if you choose to ignore me I could care less. I will not loose any sleep over it.

    FYI I am not reexplaining any of this again it was already there in black and white.
  12. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    You know what humangerm, you win. You can keep making excuses about why all of the other amazing maps out there that are merged are going to be laggy and be terrible and your map is going to be awsome because it is not merged. Not merging a map like this isn't a sign of intelligence to make gameplay better and prevent lag, it is a sign of laziness. Not to mention the fact that it would look so much better merged, there would be less grenade cracks, it would be cleaner and smoother, and it proves that the creator put forth time and effort. But I don't need to tell you this do I, because your amazing map is going to be SOOooooo much better than all those silly, stupid merged maps out there. You should feel proud to have a map as AMAZING as this one. My point is children, NEVER merge, because it is stupid and makes the map and gameplay worse, now go to bed, it is past your bedtimes :D.
  13. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    No, I said I started the map roughly a year ago that was the information I had. I also stated I do not have enough pieces not budget with a stacked map to merge the map I also stated to do so it would reduce the map size by probably a third. I also stated that merging all the walls would conflict with the theme I had in mind for the map. I amongst all these reasons and it had been shown at that time that highly merged maps of this scale can produce more lag gameplay. That part may have been BS I said that as well. However I did find that information form reputable sources. Meaning I did not make it up. They may have been wrong at the time. Who knows. I said don't take my word for it because I was not going to re-research it for the other poster ATF DAVE. with reach coming out so soon there is no reason to spend ridiculous amounts of time digging through forum posts just to prove it. If it concerned anyone reading this that they should research it themselves otherwise ignore it like everyone else does. I also stated that I play on several highly merged maps and have no problem with them. I never said anyone else's map would not be good because it was highly merged. I also was not talking to you about this subject and said nothing about it to you in your post you are now simply being insulting and flaming someones post.
    #13 thehumangerm, Jul 23, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2010
  14. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Yo sorry man. The whole thing wasn't meant to be taken seriously, it was a joke. If you seriously took offense to it, then I appologize. I was hoping that the italics signified the fact that I was being sarcastic to my sarcasm, and you would laugh along, but I guess it wasn't that obvious :(. And anyway, I don't know what your response says, because half the words are more than 5 letters, and they are too big for me (lol). I think we should have a nice conversation over a fresh, hot cup of tea, and we can make up and be friends again. And then you can tell me your response in 3 letter words :D.
  15. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    It sounded like sarcasm to me if no insult was intended then there is none taken. The sarcasm was fine until the lazy comment. I also have a low tolerance for ignorance I really hate when people post such strong opinion especially negative opinion with out even reading or knowing all the facts.

    When I was asked more about the merging and lag and for proof I was not mad at all it was simply someone wanting to know if it was true I gave the best response I had then people start going off without even reading all that I have posted on the subject. Heck it was only one of several reasons I did not merge the hole map. Thats the problem with people today they want to have everything handed to them on a silver plater and then when it is they choose to ignore half of it and then insult the guy just trying to be helpful and share knowledge and good fortune. In this case a map I started a year ago no one would get to play on if I didn't get it released before Reach. Hell I might get board and remake it even though the size will be reduced a lot I may not be able to make the walls tall enough as well we shall see if I do it.
  16. Marcass2021

    Marcass2021 Forerunner
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    wow, so much better than v1. im glad you kept the fins in. the new bases look tons better, (extra smiley face, it resembles what i suggested you make it look like) +1 download!
  17. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Great! It's very clean and it feels like it would provide very intense close quarters firefights. Not much to say except that, but i do have one complaint. It's too small. I'm scared that there might be spawn issues. My suggestion is to make the map in a rectangular shape. Where the bases are on the shorter sides and the longer sides are multi level ways to each base. v3?
  18. thehumangerm

    thehumangerm Ancient
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    One thing his map isn't is small. It takes up almost the entire flat area in sandbox. As far as spawns I have created team spawn areas so short of the usual spawn issues you have with any Halo 3 map due to its natural spawn mechanics. I can't change them unfortunately. Sounds like you have an idea for your own map enjoy. Give it a try and good luck finding more pieces I used the full budget on a stacked variant.
    I had the idea for this a while back but it required a lot of work to accomplish. thanks for taking the time though to make an example and posting pics for it.

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