fully operational AC-130U, you just cant drive it, im to lazy to add more pictures by hoppin on to xbox live, so you just have to watch the video sorry :C NOTE: Use this map to your advantage i dont mind anyone taking this map and changing it up by adding structures or a team based objective or maybe even infection do what ever you want just remember to give credit to me! YouTube - ac 130 in halo 3 download link: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
You should have made the AC130 bigger, then add a tank as the 150mm, then the gauss cannon as the 40mm, then a regualr turret you already have as the 20mm. Yeah! I know how to google things Air Condition 130 in the air!
You should go with what he said, but I noticed in the video when you use the turret it aims 'up' so its impossible to hit anybody. you can only hit people if they walk on the edge of the map. Oh yeah, I made everything colorful BECAUSE I like coloring ****. Also you should add a battle field underneath to make it nicer looking. Good map overall! NICE JOB MAN!
o ya what i forgot to put is that, the reason the map is blank is ebcause i want people to kinda of use this as a canvas or just mess around and make a fun infection map i might post up a new version of this map and try and recreate a map from cod such as rust or maybe terminal idk... --- HELL YA! air condition FTW, ya i know this is a very old map anyways i need to clean it up ALOT but thanks for the heads up i could make a totally new map with the suggestions you gave me ---
xXx Shadow xXx, just remember to give him credit. As for the map, it has a good concept, but for me it could use some working on, like say, add vehicles on the AC-130 that are tilted downward, maybe some obstacles and cover on the ground for balance to improve gameplay... There's a lot that could be done, but I'm not saying your map is bad. Maybe make a version 2 of this?
Very good map. 4/5. the only problem i noticed was that the turret was at a bad angle and so you couldn't shoot anyone. Very well made though, Good job
It is ok, nothing really special in my opinion. You could have doen alot more on it like maybe make it biggere because AC130's are HUGE! You also could have made it a likke neater.
Lol fail AC-130U has a 105mm howitzer 25mm Gatling Gun "Crowd Pleaser" 45mm Cannon Also nice job on the AC-130, i would have made the back rudder a bit taller and the wings just a tad wider. other than that nice job
this honestly isnt that great of an aesthetic piece. The forging is okay, and its just filled with weapons. There's nothing special here. That also doesnt look anything like an AC 130...
The problem with that is vehicles(including turrets) can't aim down(well they can but not very much) and the angle of the vehicle doesn't effect where they can aim. Best bet is just Missile Pod's Rocket launchers and Spikers. But a AC-130 can't really be re-created in halo 3 effectively. Nice try though. (Didn't download map just in case that's what you did use)
AC - 130Aesthetics AC-130 Gunships are massive, incredibly powerful aeronautical machines built solely to destroy. They strike fear into the hearts of soldiers around the globe, and can be used as anything from basic fire support to the very sword used to take out the hostile forces. This is something awe-inspiring, something that should be created with nothing but firepower in mind. And it should be built accurately, or it simply can’t fly. This is not only a list of what was expected from this aesthetic map, but it is also a list of the majority of what was not included in this map. For starters, the forging skill was average at best, but for simplicities purpose; it looks rushed. It feels as if the map creator was in a hurry to build this and get it out for the public to see. This is actually just fine, and almost expected if the map was built competitively. While the best it could have achieved is great fame in the casual section that is the only way that a ship built like this could be properly used. For starters, there is a set of weapons you included on the plane, and a giant window, to simulate the weapons on a correctly built AC-130. You chose Rockets, a Missile Pod, and a Machine Gun Turret to do so. Most players will be extremely confused by the weapon choice. The Rocket AND Missile Pod’s are poor choices, because either weapon could be either big gun. It is not remotely clear which weapon is which. Secondly, the Turret cannot even look down properly because of its poor placement. These are all things that could be easily fixed if the map creator had taken the time to pay attention to such details. Another major issue this with this Gunship is accuracy. It is about half the length of a correctly built AC-130. While this may not seem like an important detail, Aesthetic maps are all about detail. When creating an aesthetic map it is expected that you get every tiny detail correct, be it a ventilation duct, an engine, a giant gun, and most importantly the actual scale of the object being recreated. Failing to properly build such a fundamental thing is a huge issue, and there were many times that this was not done correctly. The wings themselves were MUCH too small for a large airplane. Not only were they out of scale but any vehicle, AC-130 Gunship or no, would not be able to fly with such small wings. And it is an obvious fact. The fact that you can only access the poorly built hull, and not the two separate floors that a true AC-130 has was also depressing. A player could not reach the Cabin either, because it did not exist. These are two problems that could have been fixed by simply building the map the correct size. Building Aesthetic Maps on Sandbox is always a great idea because of the nearly limitless budget, and the huge amount of items that can be used. Instead of taking advantage of either of these, the creator built a, undersized ship, using a small portion of the budget, without correct accuracy, using only the most basic of pieces. This AC- 130 Gunship is not only unoriginal, but it is also very disappointing and is represented painfully in the score. The biggest thing that this had going for it is the fact that it actually did look impressive from below. Something that expected out of a giant airplane. 6 / 20 Originality This map was by no means original. It is a giant floating ship above sandbox. This idea has been done and overdone, and the map’s maker should have taken this opportunity to create something different and original. Something that would make an average player download this, just a cool little switch that fired a cannon. Or possibly a cabin that you could enter and look around in. But ac-130 had nothing new about it. It did not build it using new, inventive pieces and it did not create something to distinguish it from the hordes of giant floating ship-style maps out in the Aesthetic section of today. It was not up to the standards of what is expected out of a truly well built Aesthetic map, and that is once again reflected in the score. 1 / 5 M a p . R a t i n g
That's almost contradicting what I said D: ,Hate to say this but it's going against what I said and your a Journo doing an official review so I feel I need to validate my points. First off the machine gun turret isn't bad because poor placement no matter where he placed it it would be almost useless.Because the Firing range(LOS) doesn't get effected by the angle of the actual turret so it's impossible to aim it down any further(like any vehicle) therefor bad choice for AC130. Which is why I suggested Spikers because they are slow moving bullets like the "25mm" is in MW2 as in they take awhile to travel from the plane to ground. Secondly, The Rockets and Missile pod are the best choices from what we have to use in Halo 3 for a AC130(Didn't see you provide a better alternative) Because Rockets Have big splash damage and Rate of fire is slow Like the "105mm" does in MW2 and the Missile Pod has a High Rate and not much Splash damage like the "40mm" does in MW2. If people don't know the difference between a rocket launcher and a missile pod then they shouldn't be flying an AC130 in Halo 3 or MW2! Just a suggestion I think it would be good for the person(s) in the AC130 to have instant kill because it would be hard to hit people at that distance. But I agree with your overall score and everything else just that one thing I had to point out, No hard feelings.