Halo Reach

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by lVlr Me 2, Jul 18, 2010.

  1. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    HaLo ReAcH
    Hello I am new to this site and I jsut recently got back into playing halo. I realize now how fun this game is. I would like to start a conversation about halo reach, just because I didn't play the beta and I know basically nothing about it. IF anybody could help me here that would be great.

    -First of all I would like to know about how the game plays, the graphics and other things along those lines.
    -Another thing is that I would like to know how forging is going to be the same, different, easier, harder, and what the forging maps are going to be like.
    -Lastly I would like to know if I should buy this game upon release. I wanted to buy Black Ops and I also wanted to buy Fable 3 and Gears 3 but money doesnt grow on trees. If you would kindly order theses games from what you personally think if the best to the worse in your responses that would be great. For ex: (random order)
    1. Halo Reach
    2. Fable 3
    3. Black Ops
    4. Gears 3

    Again I am new to this site and this is my second 'Thread' started, the first being my introduction to the community
    #1 lVlr Me 2, Jul 18, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 18, 2010
  2. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Theorem ain't a mod, brah. He can only mod the map forums and OT.

    Anyways, THERE IS A FORUM DESIGNATED FOR HALO: REACH DISCUSSIONS. I'll ask a mod to move or lock this. Welcome to ForgeHub.

    And just a little problem with your post, ForgeHub has two style types. Light and Dark styles. Please refrain from using colors in your post(s) because certain colors are hard to read on certain styles. Thanks :)
  3. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I moved your post, deleted your duplicate and formatted it so it's easier to read, please put more thought into you threads in the future easier on everyone and will keep you out of trouble.
  4. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Since it's not locked and no one has actually answered the question.

    The game plays awesomely!!!!! has a lot of new features Armor Ability's, Load outs, New Weapons. If for some crazy reason you don't like these new features you can set the game to play exactly like Halo 3/2/1 If you want :)

    Nothing has been released about forge.

    Here is my educated guess of best to worst.
    (Played all of the earlier versions, And read about each of them)
    1. Halo Reach
    2. Black Ops
    3. Gears 3
    4. Fable 3
    #4 WWWilliam, Jul 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  5. alienman911

    alienman911 Ancient
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    IMO you should go:
    1 halo reach
    2 cod BO
    3 fable
    4 gears
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    -Yes the graphics have improved greatly and Bungie is doing their best to changing every problem that Halo 3 had and are trying to reach (<- no pun intended) perfection. They have been playing with gameplay styles and they have given players the ability to play anyway that they like. This game is worth buying because it brings player customization to a new level.
    -Nothing has been revealed about Forge, but they have confirmed that it will exist.
    -Here is my rating:
    1: Halo Reach- it will probably be the longest lasting.
    2: Gears 3- I dont know if the multiplayer interests you, but they are improving gamplay and giving dedicated servers to solve the obnoxious host issues of GOW1/2
    3: Fable 3- its fun, but Fable 2 was easy, thus boring after a while. This is why Fable 1>Fable 2
    4: Black Ops- I have the feeling that this will be no different from any other CoD game. They normally are only fun for campaign and the multiplayer is short lasting. I could go into one of my 2 page rants about how it's gameplay sucks (rewarding those that do good to make them do even better, camping is easy, 1 bullet kills=boring, etc...)
  7. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Blackops will likely have a subscription fee so it should probably go very, very last (not to mention its a crappy treyarch crappy cod game). Don't know enough about Gears 3 and Fable II was a disappointment, but Reach will be around for years to come.
  8. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I doubt that they would charge for an xbox game. I can't say I've ever seen a company be that cheap.
    Other than that, Fable II followed the whole Wii kinda route ("its about fun for the family" and they throw out the fact that competitive players that want a challenge exist). While it is pretty entertaining when you make it challenging for yourself (try to get 100% completion, turn off gold trail, don't rank up too high), you shouldn't need to cripple yourself to play better (like breaking your leg at age 17 to make little league soccer entertaining)
    Gears of War is normally just a frustrating game because the gameplay is pretty annoying. When they give you one life in 90% of gametypes and you die because of hosts or chainsaws or one of the many overpowering weapons, it makes you feel like you just wasted your time with the entire game... They need to let players customize the starting weapons for a game and have a gametype with just killing until reaching a point value (team slayer).
  9. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    Well I really liked call of duty when it first came out because it was new and fun but eventually losers became losers and found out glitches cheats hacks and all that stuff. But if the extra per month thing is true, I will never buy this game. Whata waste that would be. Also if it is true, I think Im gonna stick to the Halo stuff. Thanks for the help boys
  10. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    I agree with this. Gears 3 looks promising. Fable is meh, and COD seems like a really quick, thrown-together version of what is already out.
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    well in my opinion reach plays great. problems that they are fixing aside, i actually preferred the reach beta to halo 2/3 multiplayer. Everything you would expect from a new halo game by bungie, plus enough new and different things to be fresh. As for graphics, i dunno, we havnt seen the final version. but obviously expect better and sharper graphics and animations that come with a new engine.

    heres how i rank those (or at least what i hope them to be, i havnt seen enough of all of them)(best to worst)

    1. gears- gears 1 had the best multiplayer ever, if its gears 3 is anything like that itll be at the top of my list anyday.
    2. reach- its definitely gonna be amazing, but nothing tops gears for me personally
    3. CoD- eh i probably wont get it. ive liked cod in the past, but i wont play it much with gears 3 and reach. and i seriously doubt itll have a subscription fee btw. even so i wont get it.
    5. fable- **** fable.
    #11 Wood Wonk, Jul 18, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2010
  12. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    1. Halo Reach
    2. Black Ops
    3. Gears lll
    4. Fable lll

    Halo Reach is a no brainer.

    Black Ops is a CoD title which usually ends up as a filler while we wait for the next Bungie game. You know it's true.

    Gears 3 is going to have 4-Player co-op and looks like they stepped up in the visual department. I'm not saying it wasn't good before, just didn't have that... feel. imo

    Fable lll because they finally made it posible to actually do something with the citizens instead of just breaking wind on them.
  13. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Finally someone got it right ;)

    I kid I kid but I guess I should give my reasons for the way I voted.

    1. Halo Reach - Obviously
    2. Black Ops - Because its a COD title, Most likely like all other COD's but that's never stopped anyone before has it? and I don't believe that monthly fee for one game.
    3. Gears 3 - Because GOW is generally a alright game and now with improvements in all area's specially Horde mode.
    4. Fable 3 - After Fable 2 was ok I guess but for the most part was a let down and I don't see much improvement on 3 and the amount of people bought/Play online Fable 2 is far less than any game on this list In my experience and I don't expect that to change.
  14. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    1. Halo: Reach
    2. Fable 3
    3. Call of Duty: Black Ops
    4. Gears of War 3

    First of all the only reason you're asking us what you should get in what order is because you say money doesn't grow on trees, but all of these game release within months of each other. Halo: Reach releases in September, Black Ops releases in November, and both Gears of War 3 and Fable 3 are being released next year. So yeah, pointless thread is pointless.

    But anyways, I would get Halo: Reach first because it will take about five years before you get bored of it. Give or take some years... Then I would buy Fable 3 because it looks like it's the only full game being released on Natal. After Fable 3 I would buy Call of Duty: Black Ops just so you can see what all the hubub is about before you sell it within a month. Finaly I would purchase Gears of War 3, because the Gears of War franchise is well known for it's epic campaign, then I would sell it after you've taken a dip into multiplayer.

    All of these games suck except Halo: Reach, because Bungie's the only company doing things right around here. Besides maybe Dice, though EA is holding them down...
  15. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    Definitly get Halo Reach, and get Gears of War 3. Thats all.
  16. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this. although i would get gears before halo personally.
  17. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    1. Halo: Reach
    **** those other games
  18. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    I don't even like Gears of War. It's not bad, but it doesn't exactly blow my mind.
  19. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    IMO, it's like this:

    1. Halo Reach
    2. GOW 3
    3. CoD: Black Ops
    4. Fable 3

    Halo Reach is on top of my list for forge, campaign, matchmaking, firefight and everything else.

    GOW 3 is a great sequel to a great game (GOW 2 blew my mind, and I haven't played GOW 1).

    CoD: BO would be 2nd if it weren't for Activision and their subscription fee.

    **** Fable.

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