MW2 lulz! & Discushhionzzz

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by B3NW, Nov 10, 2009.

  1. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    I bet one of them isn't because the Coltan used in the processors and capacitors funds conflicts in Africa?
  2. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    I'm 14 and what is this?
  3. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    What the hell did you just say?
  4. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    Sorry Matty, what?! :L
    A hilarious tactic for SnD:

    When playing as a group of 6, have your team stick on:

    UMP w/FMJ OR Silencer
    Spas-12 w/Grip
    Marathon Pro
    Stopping Power Pro
    Ninja Pro

    If they enemy is thought to have UAV, replace Stopping Power with Cold-Blooded.


    ALL 6 players run the SAME way. Take Rundown for example. Your team spawns on the defending side, EVERYONE runs straight down the middle, past the turret box and over the middle bridge then swarm right and around the Attackers spawn. They get overwhelmed too fast and the round usually ends about 15-20 seconds in.

    Me and some mates done this last night. Went on a 6 game winning streak of either 4-0 or 4-1.

  5. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    I'm running

    P90 FMJ
    Desert Eagle


    It's tons of fun, running around planting claymores, strafing and spraying with FMJ, and sniping with the deagle.
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i've been running A LOT with my tac knife usp, i just feel so cool doing it...

    when a game isn't lagging and every shot is connection where it should, it's so winly. I laugh out loud every time i shut somebody down with that little gun.

    had a hardcore team deathmatch game the other day where i held down the boat house on estate by myself, sniping and running around with a usp. That entire upper area from the wood stairs to the house was my habitat and i was shutting people down like crazy. 20-2 with a sniper class, which might have actually been my best sniping game. It probably happened because sarge wasn't there to do most of the sniping work >.<
    #3266 CHUCK, Jul 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2010
  7. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    The mini-uzi is awesome.

    That is all.
  8. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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  9. ABigDumbOgre

    ABigDumbOgre Ancient
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    I like my Serve and Protect class. When I have both guns unlocked, it's:

    Mini-Uzi (silenced)
    Desert Eagle (FMJ)
    Marathon Pro
    Cold Blooded Pro
    Ninja Pro

    Works well for SnD. But when I prestige I change the Uzi for the UMP and the Desert Eagle for the USP/M9 (I hate the .44).
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The L86 is the sexiest gun. She's got the best acog and has great damage. Plus the heartbeat sensor fits in the screen even when aiming down the rail sights.
  11. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Lost all credibility with this statement.

    Also, I've basically given up on this game. The only gametype I even want to play anymore is Domination because it's the only gametype with spawns that don't blow ass and takes a good degree of teamwork to play. Problem is, everyone on my friends list plays ****ing Snooze n Dreams, which is the biggest scrub playlist ever, especially with randoms. I can't even count on one hand the amount of times I've been paired up with 14 year old LOL QUICKSCOPE 360 kids that go for EPIC WIN XD MONTAGE CLIPZ ON MY DAZZLE each game. Even then, it's boring as hell and nothing but camping with claymores and sound whoring the bomb site. The only plus side to it is it keeps all the try hard 10th prestige nerds in one place.

    The only times I will even touch this game is if my girlfriend comes over and we switch off playing online matches, if I'm playing with a full team of 6 in Dom, or if people just want to play some Private Matches.
  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
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    Who'll be my teammate that yells at everyone?
  13. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    you know when you said that i was planning on recommending Search and Destroy to you. Strange that somebody who hates bad spawns and likes teamwork dislikes S&D.

    anyway, i was in a party with my usual FH MW2 friends, we somehow ended up on a 30 game winning streak in hardcore team deathmatch that's still currently going. I'm afraid to play again because i know i'm going to get really really pissed as soon as i lose a game and i'm sure you all know the classic getting thrown on a losing team with 10 seconds left in the game.

    if than happens, *controller* *window*
    #3273 CHUCK, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  14. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Well, most people like to think SnD takes a large amount of teamwork and skill. That really isn't the case. On my previous account, before it was filled with little random 360 quickscope tools I would go in alone with no strategy whatsoever and take out lots of teams on my own. It's basically a gametype about who can camp the best and who has the better headset. I can't even begin to count how many times I've gotten parties of people together and have taken out 'pro clans' in SnD without any strategy whatsoever because it's so easy. Hardcore on the other hand, isn't necessarily the case for me considering I never play it.

    Plus, it's boring for me, especially with the one life sort of deal. Domination on the other hand, is the best gametype in terms of spawns because you will always spawn by your flags and the only time people will spawn next to you is if you run into their spawn like a scrub. The problem is, nobody seems to want to play Domination and I never, EVER play Domination without a full team because that one random teammate can always ruin the spawn traps and force them to spawn behind you. Especially on Highrise.
  15. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    HardCore SND?

    I remember using a silenced vector with red dot.

    It Raped..
  16. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Yeah. The Vector is basically the weapon you want to have in it, along with the .44, EBR, and FAL Holographic.

    I just don't enjoy playing it because I always end up accidentally killing myself by my grenades hitting teammates or having retards jump in front of me when firing my gun to get me to die.
  17. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    Ah see, i play hardcore Search and Destroy.

    regular that might be, but in hardcore you have to call out every single thing that's going on with yourself and enemies to be truly effective.

    see i've never seen this before in hardcore... that sounds more like a deathwish than a tactic to me. That's retarded and is another reason why i'll never play regular... Also, going into hardcore search alone probably wouldnt work.

    I don't really see how camping can be an issue when one team has an objective. The camping team will always get ****ed as soon as theyre on offense. Headsets do make a difference yeah, and most of the team i play with has one so uh, yeah. Nothing to say there, kind of a necessity imo. All you need is some cheap turtle beaches to be set there.

    hardcore search and destroy can be very very easy with communication. it's pretty much a war of who can communicate better, which is how it should be in every gametype.


    Don't die. lol.

    No spawning > any spawning

    That's how i feel about hardcore search. Going it alone is impossible, but not because of spawning issues because... THERE ARE NONE wooooo

    basically, i love hardcore search and destroy(if you couldnt tell). It isn't perfect, but it's ton of fun. Sarge turned me onto it and i'm hooked. The one downfall i can think of is tubes and thumpers, which have no right to be in any hardcore gametype because they're bullshit.
    #3277 CHUCK, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  18. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    I call things out all the time in almost every gametype, even if I don't know the callouts I at least try too. The trouble is, if you get taken out by surprise, there isn't anything you can do. If they have a non silenced weapon, your teammate can pause and pull up the minimap but that's about it. Even if you do get a call out in, how can you be so sure that your teammate going to kill the guy you called out is skilled enough or smart enough to handle the situation effectively?

    The moment you get that bomb planted on Offense, you need to camp hard. It's literally a gametype based on patience. People think that having one life automatically makes it skillful but it doesn't. Gametypes like Capture the Flag take the absolute most skill because you have to actually organize and communicate with your team to control the enemy spawn and run loops with the flag and get multiple captures in. In SnD, the amount of strategy is much more limited because if one key team member dies, your plan can fall through easily, especially if the other team knows the best spots to control the engagement and lock down bombsites.

    And honestly, I don't even use a headset and seem to do fine because I check my corners and have my TV turned up loud most of the time. Plus the majority of the people who play Search use Ninja Pro so it isn't that big of a deal for me, but in games like Domination, I can hear footsteps easily even without a headset.

    It's more of a war of who can camp and predict the enemy better, though I won't argue that communication is important in all gametypes (save TDM, because we all know it's just FFA but with people that you can't kill and won't kill you.)

    Yeah, if you're the kind of person that likes to wait and not kill anything half the game. I get a sick satisfaction out of killing enemies (but that doesn't mean I don't play the objective.) That's why I play Domination, because the spawns are easy to predict and I don't have to wait too long between each kill and definitely don't have to wait have to wait minutes to get back into the game if you are unlucky enough to be taken out first.

    Grenade Launchers and the Spas 12 ruined Hardcore for me. I've tried it a lot and played it a good amount, but I just can't enjoy it. The explosives radius is too huge and the Spas cal kill with like, 2 pellets from ranges that rival pre-patched 1887's.

    I also don't like the fact that you die so fast. I like having no HUD, but dying across the map from one shot of a .44 is too much for me. As well as the fact that people camp twice as much in Hardcore modes because the lack of health and that is an undeniable fact.
  19. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    it all comes with the game really,

    i dont play with idiots, in fact i'm the idiot of the team. I play with the same dewds who rarely let me down.

    yep. that's search. roles reverse like crazy, which is what i like.

    well, this is really the only part i disagree with.

    well i'd hope plans fall through if key people die. if you're on a real battlefield and Sargeant Killy McKills gets taken out, you have to adapt. That adds strategy if anything.

    all true. that spas's range is absurd, but it's a very slow and sporadic gun. no more powerful than any other gun in hardcore though if you think about it.

    It's all based on opinion really
  20. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
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    I'm generally the tactician when I play, but when it comes to TDM that role is generally limited to simply calling out where people are every second (I'm pro at keeping track of players :p ) unless we need to flank people or get campers out of a cheap spot.

    SnD however, not only do I (and this is personal experience, not a sweeping statement) need to formulate a plan early on, but as players die I need to make new ones. Just because plans fall through doesn't mean it's a lack of strategy, it hints that you're in dire need of more, a new one to accommodate the changing environment. How I play the match when I have teammates is drastically different than when I only have Chuck to use as cannon fodder distractions to sneak past enemy players, and even more separated from my playstyle when I'm solo and need to make my own distractions from across the map.

    It's a matter of dynamicism, which is more strategic in the end than a static match where you keep to the same plan the entire time.

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