The increasement of spam, and 'popular' users taking breaks, or leaving. In other words, site activeness decreasing-ness.
Yeah, I gots me some 1guy1cup I'm sure everyone will love. Also, discuss sandbox. It's looking very promising for forgy goodness.
you know it would be nice to be able to lock your own thread instead of having to get a moderator to do that... wow that took me a long time to think of, now i dont have to kill my self (WIN!)
Write Us was wanting to know how you get into the forge hub academy because i would like to learn how to get all the merging techniques because i have been wanting to make the maps that i create better then ever. I have just recently learned how to ghost merge but i would like to learn/know more if you have any info that can help me please tell me thank you
+ 1 Internets for you. Srsly, what is with all this major bumping by newbies recently? The application for Forge Academy is closed I think, the link doesn't work anymore so I guess it is. Next time post a thread HERE instead of bumping old threads -.-
How the hell did he even find this thread? Anyways, to answer your question, you can't. Forge Academy died a little bit ago I do believe. Before there was, and still is, a sticky at the top of this forum to join it. But there hasn't been new activity in it.
Cosmic Rick writes: What are Sarge's suggestions for movies that are bad, but that I can pretend are good in front of dates such that when they agree and fall into my intellectual trap they can be left penniless, speechless, and hopeless on some dusty abandoned corner.