Heroic DLC The Refuge

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by n00bsk00lbus309, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    n00bskoolbus, Zesty

    Map Name:
    The Refuge

    Map Canvas:
    Rats Nest

    Map Size:

    Player Count:

    Supported Gametypes:



    "This warehouse was used as a refugee camp for the Battle of New Mombasa, now only remnants remain. Clue 6-16 players"

    Clue Rules
    * In the pre-game lobby, God (first party leader) decides upon a killer (or two, depending on party size).
    * God then sends a text message to the killer to inform him (“you” works well). The killer will send a text message back confirming that he understands he is the killer (“k” will suffice)
    * The killer may not kill until god has picked up the ball. This is because when the ball is held, there is no ____ was killed by ____ messages in game
    * No one can shoot, throw grenades, or melee anything or anyone unless you are the killer, or you physically see someone else commit one of these actions. Then you may take action against the offender, or defend yourself. These actions are considered violent actions, and will get you killed. The most “violent action” you can do is charge your plasma pistol (if you have one)… however you cannot charge a laser.
    * The killer tries to isolate people, and kill them off one by one, unnoticed. No one knows who the killer is except for God, and his victims (who cannot say or hint to who killed them, or with what weapon.. youre dead, act like it.).
    * If the killer kills off everyone else, he wins, and is the new God.
    * If the killer fails and gets killed while trying to kill someone, the player who killed the killer is the new God.
    * If there are two killers, and they kill off everyone else, they then battle each other for the God position.
    * Last one standing is God.
    * If the killer dies, inform the party leader so he can end the game, and start a new one. In the new pre-game lobby, God chooses a new killer, and repeat.

    So one day we were bored and were like "Hay, why not make a Clue Map on Rat's Nest?" And so we did. The Refuge is a medium-sized clue map, filled with lots of rooms and other nifty things. Careful not to get lost, though.

    Big, mother effing thanks to Rorak Kuroda for all-around help, especially for the awesome teleporters. :D And Sir Shazmanoid, for pointing out a HUGE flaw, and for being generally awesome.


    Cowboy and Vyctoriouz having some fun

    Vyctoriouz found a buddy to play with

    Sticky situation, oh god

    Small room, many people

  2. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    Previous post was deleted
    #2 n00bsk00lbus309, Jul 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  3. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    This definitly seems interesting. This gametype and map idea is based off of the original board game right? It seems likeit can relate alot to it which I am glad you could do, that used ot be one of my Favorite Board Games to play.
  4. Shenanigans.nom

    Shenanigans.nom Ancient
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    sadly this idea has been used, if you didnt steal it, then bravo for coming up with it yourself you clever boy, otherwise i would all respect for you. the map looks like a good clue map, ive only played on foundry maps. but this seem decent. The only problem with is god cannot see everything,in foundry god had a high position and could see almost everything, providing less cheating. But this is still great.
  5. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    As much as i loved playing the other clue games on other maps, this looks like you just put random objects in random locations, with no thought what so ever how it would affect game play. You should try doing something unique, such as ghost merging objects in the ground to create a series of hallways in the larger hallway. Also, the teleporters are cool, but they have been done before, so that doesn't count as being unique :(

    Now that we are past all of the cons, I can at least say that this is a very fun map to play on. My xbox is being repaired, but i still was able to play this map on my friend's xbox. We enjoyed playing it and we had a good laugh every so often, and that is obviously what you were trying to accomplish, so good job!
  6. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    Clue is just a gametype free for anyone to create there on map for

    It almost feels like you wrote the first paragraph then played the map and then wrote the second paragraph! Agreed all the secret rooms have been used before. Also if you payed attention ghost merging was used in several places ( Blocking off the doors and the main structure.) I would ask you to pay more attention next time before posting something like that
    #6 n00bsk00lbus309, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  7. RPAL

    RPAL Ancient
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    This is a POS nobody play on it.

    (ti evol i kj)
  8. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    damn straight you love it lol i hope more people will love it just as much as you man :)
  9. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    I did pay attention and I did notice that, I was just saying that maybe ghost merge some of the random objects in the hallway of the map, and place them more tactfully, meaning so that there can be two places in that same hallway next to each other, one that is a little more closed and easy to kill people as the killer, and the other more open and harder for the killer. I am not saying that you didn't because I know that you did, so I know that you are most definately not lazy. But all I can say is that RittSea needz moar interlokz!
  10. n00bsk00lbus309

    n00bsk00lbus309 Ancient
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    It is also difficult to do a large amount of mergin on this map considering the only immovable objects are the bridges and the double boxs. The containers and open containers are movable objects
  11. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    Oh that's right. Thank you for pointing that out, because I don't forge on rat's nest very often. I don't know why I didn't think of that.

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