Bungie Day Video (spoilers)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sp0nY, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    yeah, that was it. i think it'd make the most sense.
  2. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    I would venture a guess they use timed death barriers.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Or possibly they surround it with water so that in a normal game you istantly drown if you someone manage to get too far out, and far enough out there is a death/elastic barrier.
  4. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    it'd be cool if there was a tool in forge for drawing a guardians border, so you can choose where the edge of the map is . that would make it fairly simple
  5. Purexist

    Purexist Ancient
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    Hey guys, just a heads-up, they're going to be discussing some of what we saw in the RvB video in the update tonight. I'm sure you guys all catch the update anyways, but I just wanted to share the hype, haha. There will also be a massive Q&A with Chris Opdahl and 66(!) new screenshots. This was confirmed by Brian Jarrard on GAF. Can't wait :)
  6. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    My eyes are firmly fixed on bungie from 10 PM GMT onwards :D
  7. DMM White

    DMM White Ancient
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    I originally watched the video on my iPod (I was on holiday) and I too thought that those were forged bases, I've now got the large version and I've decided that the map is just not quite done yet.
    1:55, see the rocks in the Blue half of the canyon? Seems like not all the textures are done (or at least, not done during the production of this video)
    But the bases themselves look good.

    I've been thinking about how big the map might be and where abouts "Blood Gulch" is relative to the rest of the map. To me it looks like it'll be roughly 3 times more space overall, making a (semi) symmetrical map with the Valhalla Base being the central and highest point on the map, Blood Gulch being one half of the map (surrounded by cliffs) and a similar shaped area making up the other half but with the lake down one side instead of behind a base.

    Thats mainly from the final shot of the video. You can see that wall was probably placed in forge as it looks slightly out of place and blocks off a nice path up to the Valhalla base.
    That cliffs behind Red Base even look like they have symmetrical paths leading up to the Valhalla base.

    I'll see if I can sketch something quickly to show what I'm thinking... or wait a few hours for the Update. :)

    OK, it is very rough but heres my thoughts:
    Blood Gulch is on the right (although I used Coagulation as a guide) and the left gulch is not mirrored but instead rotational symmetry so the "caves" would be located at the top where the water is. I didn't actually draw the central but too well, I think it'll be more of an S shape, with the visible slope behind the wall and where the tank is in the video being shallower than the other two paths.

    edit again:
    (I've been on holiday, I'm enjoying my tablet again, even if just to do quick doodles).
    Right, this is a simplified layout that I'm imagining. Green cliffs are accessible on a canvas map (they can be reached by a normal player without help) and red ones are inaccessible with out the use of Forge (like flying up and adding teleporters).

    Its also what makes me think that the bases may possibly have a chance of being forge items (not the valhalla base). I mean, if that wall is forge then its made out of one large forge piece or a few smaller, but still large, forge pieces. Then look at Blue Base's front door when Sarge flies out, the way there's a border between the grass and base floor reminds me of merging an open box with uneven terrain.

    And I love the new Halo Ring! All other skyboxes have shown the ring as if the the map is in the center, and the ring goes up perfectly vertically. I love it goes of at an angle with a different perspective because New Gulch is slightly closer to one edge :)

    This'll be a 3rd map prediction. I was way off with Orbital, I was a bit closer with Longshore (but my 'premake' was changed to be based slightly on what I imagined the actual map might be like) but still not too great. 3rd time lucky?
    #187 DMM White, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  8. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Uhh, still waiting for Bungie Update :/ If it's not up by 1:30 am GMT then I am going to bed! -.-
  9. Zee-V70

    Zee-V70 Ancient
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  10. LordVurtax

    LordVurtax Ancient
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    Yeah the update couldn't have been better, the armory truly revealed was a beautiful thing. I cannot imagine all the unlockables available in the end product. My favorite tibit was the news that we'll hear press release info about campaign and forge the first week of august so Bungie will finally tell us what we actually can expect from forge.

    Oh yeah that Jet Pack thing with the flag was actually a bug that bungie fixed. The bug apparently occurred when you changed custom game settings to unlimited AA use (never runs out, meaning you could have a game where everyone is jet-packing forever, or possibly a marathon race of sprint. IDK sound like fun to me
  11. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The "print screen" option on my Mac is being stupid so Ill describe the location in the video:

    In the very end of the video (where Sarge is waving the flag on the cliff), you can see a large Forerunner structure hang over a hill with a bunch of trees. You can spot it when you first see Sarge on the hill (because the camera begins to move away from the structure when the tank fires) and the banshee goes by.

    Anyways, perhaps this area is playable? that would be pretty interesting. The base looks like that of Relic from Halo 2 and would make a great One Flag game.
  12. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    This is not necessarily what I believe what reach will be like but a possibility Campaign mission's are huge levels and some multilayer levels are just cut and pasted sections from them with paths blocked with walls and 10seconds death barriers.

    Like in ODST Lost Platoon, but now we have jet packs we can escape so they have to stop us leaving and its more realistic for a 10second barrier than a invisible wall.

    Anyone notice the things on there backs? I think there Armor ability "Packs" a way of knowing what armor ability someone has just from looking carefully at them.


    Of course this picture is wrong, Just the best picture I could find(I'm lazy) Judging from RVB Deja view video Yellow is Hologram, Red is Armor Lock, Green Is Unknown(either Sprint or Drop shield or the Last unknown AA )

    4:42 - Green
    1:26 - Red/Orange
    3:37 - Yellow

    Just noticed this is most likely how AA's are changeable in Campaign you pick up the Glowing "Pack" and swap or lose the one you had.
    #192 WWWilliam, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  13. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    You didn't notice the armor lock pack in the beta?
    Also the green pack is probably the drop shield.

    Im sure that those armor abilities are what you will pick up, but you will probably pick up a jetpack to use jetpack (who would have guessed?) and sprint is probably what comes up when you pick up no AAs/ditch all of them.

    EDIT: just watched the Beachhead firefight gameplay. When the spartan deployed a drop shield, I saw an orange/red color, but it looked like it changed colors after that and became green. It looked black after deploying. Perhaps the AAs change color when being used.
    #193 Loscocco, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  14. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Only way I can back up my point (which I don't entity believe is 100% how it works just more of a observational theory)

    Is that Firefight is different to MM/Customs. Because I just watched the firefight video beach head and It looks like its Black at all times (when boarding the wraith,After used it) and lights up Orange when been used.(technically it went Black orange green orange black) watched it in slow mo Since there is no real purpose of knowing what AA other people have in Firefight it just lights up when in use, possibly always orange for effect, I dunno.

    And in MM/Customs/Campaign it stays lit up and specific colors for each armor ability.

    And I edited my previous post to say the colors where judging from the Deja View video.

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