PPC - Post Party Countdown

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SargeantSarcasm, Apr 14, 2010.

  1. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Now you know i aint with that **** lieutenant
    aint no ***** good enough to get burnt while i'm up in it
    and thats realer than real deal holyfield
    and now you hookaz and hoes know how i feel
    well if it's good enough to give her off a proper chunk
    i take a small piece of some of that funky stuff.

    IT'S LIKE...
  2. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    like this and like that and like this and uh
    it's like that and like this and like that and uh
    it's like this and like that and like this and uh
    Dre creep to the mic like a phantom.
  3. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Well I'm peepin and I'm creepin and I'm creep-in
    But I damn near got caught cuz my beeper kept beepin
    Now it's time to make my impression felt
    So sit back, relax and strap on your seat belt.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yo, peep the style and the kids checking for it
    The number one question is how could you ignore it
    We drop right back in the cut over basement tracks
    With raps that got you backing this up like
    Rewind that we're just rolling with the rhythm
    Rise from the ashes of stylistic division
    With these non-stop lyrics of life living
    Not to be forgotten but still unforgiven
    But in the meantime there are those who wanna talk this and that
    So I suppose that it gets to a point where feelings gotta get hurt
    And get dirty with the people spreading the dirt
  5. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    You never been on a ride like this befo'
    with a producer who can rap and control the maestro
    At the same time with the dope rhyme that I kick
    You know, and I know, I flow some ol' funky ****
  6. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    to add to my collection, the selection
    symbolizes dope, take a toke, but don't choke,
    if ya do, ya have no clue what me and my homie snoop dogg came to do

  7. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    {*funky sample break*}

    NEXT SONG |>>
    #12907 Black Theorem, Jul 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
  8. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I was a terror since the public school era.
    Bathroom passes, cuttin classes, squeezing asses,
    Smoking blunts was a daily routine;
    Since thirteen, a chubby [REDACTED] on the scene.
    I used to have the tre` duce
    And the deuce deuce, in my bubblegoose
    Now i got tha mack in my knapsack,
  9. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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  10. SargeantSarcasm

    SargeantSarcasm In Loving Memory
    Senior Member

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    Shake em up shake em up shake em up, shake em
  11. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    i'm liking the ppc now.

    Roll em in a circle of [REDACTED] and watch me break em
    #12911 Black Theorem, Jul 17, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2010
  12. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Found a cool brand of acoustic guitars.

  13. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    ok, who's on Live?
  14. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    i can be, just say the words
  15. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    "The Words".

    Already in ground war, warming up.

    Sarge, you too.
  16. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I'm online...Not sure if you accept really really insanely good mw2 players though.
  17. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Site Update - July 17th


    We have two big announcements for you guys this weekend, one out the other is right around the corner (wat?) and both are right around the corner, so why not relax for a second and read the update, no?


    First we'd like to say that this week has been full of promotions so lets start off right away with the staff.+mw.+wa.Helix has also joined our ranks as a moderator awhile ago, but we still feel we should give him a shout! +wa.EGP, has also become the first ImagenRealations Member, and we know that he will be a great addition to it the team, and that he'll be great for the job.

    From the +iS Family, we'd like to congratulate: RightSideTheory, Icecikle, and Kilroy for becoming new members of the family. *May they be great members* (oddly worded, but okay) and bring us some great resources.

    Now let's get into the real meat of things, shall we?


    We are happy to announce that the Imagenschool BETA is now open to the public. This is a teaching system that we have come up with to help everybody, from beginners to experts, increase their skill and professionalism in all Graphic Arts. We have been working hard on this so we hope you will take advantage of our teaching service. Right now, we have open applications for both teachers and students, but classes are beginning to fill up so hurry up and sign up.

    The beta will consist of the main Photoshop and GIMP Public Classrooms, along with the private tutoring which will be out shortly. (see the next main header for details.) Three main classes are out at this time which includes including Stefan's Webdesign Classroom, Justles Photoshop Basics, and finally Icecikle's Gimp Basics and Signature Making. These are the only classes available now for now, however we will be getting a lot more as time goes by, and you'll have a nice selection of classrooms to choose from!

    If you are being bold, you can always come join the teaching team and apply as a teacher to help the community out with the school! We are always open to any teacher willing to come teach, so why not try today and see if you're good enough?

    I'd also like to point this out, as not many people have read it, or more so noticed it.. On the top of the Photoshop and GIMP classroom boards, there is an announcement thread, which is entitled in bright RED to get your attention. The FAQ and How-to-use thread SHOULD be your first check the first thing you check everyday to see if there are any new updates on it. The information there will help you use the board and/or get to where you want to be right now. If you would have any questions about what you need to do, want to report something wrong (like a bug or something), or just give an suggestions, you can always come over to the Imagenschool Discussions board and post there for us.

    Imagenskins V3

    Now for the fun part of this update. Now when we say "Version 3" we mean (italics ftw) Version 3. There is a lot of new stuff about this and I'm going to go into a few of them it a bit for you folks, so you know whats some of the new additions we have.

    First off, we have a new skin. This one is brand new and we hope that it comes off as good for you guys (really odd sentence). Its a bit more compact than version 2, however with that comes more space for other things. These "other things" would include (but are not limited too): All Facebook Features here on the board (which are all customizable for you as well), a "thanks/like" system for our threads and posts, Reputation Posts, Points System, Market Place, and much more. We tried to make this a great upgrade for you guys and we are still looking for more suggestions if you have them.

    Facebook was one thing we are happy to integrate into our site. Yeah it seems a bit "in your privacy", however we don't hold any information here about you, your username, password, and anything of the like like the such. We aren't thieves and we don't plan on it anytime soon. So connecting is as easy as it would be to "Like" a thread. Over on your name to the right, you can see a small Facebook logo. Clicking that and following the prompt on-screen you are only a few steps away from getting your account here on Imagenskins as well. I'll be making a post on how to do so, however the advantages of FBconnect would be are that you can post your thread right to Facebook, along with liking threads, and getting others to notice. Its a great feature and shouldn't be over looked by anyone that uses Facebook!

    Finally I'd like to talk about the new points system we have at this time. Along with it we also have a market place, which can be located on the top right of the board at anytime. This is where you'll be able to see how many points you currently have, along with a lot of other cool stuff to check out. The main idea of a market is you able to enable you to buy stuff, so then that you can now buy a slew of things for your user, and we won't skimp either. We'll be adding more things to buy as time goes buy, and maybe you'll see something you like. With that you also now have a bank to store your points in. Might want to though folks, thieves can also soon buy an item which may let them steal some of our points for there own good! So keep an eye out, or you may have less points then you think!

    We have also added a minor "thank/like" system on the bottom of every post. This is here so you can show what threads have helped you a lot and also just posts that you like. It will also help others see what's good and what's not. We hope to be using this along side the Facebook like button, however, let it be noted, both are completely different from one another.

    The ImagenBazaar

    With the new points system it seems now we have more possibilities with what we can do. This is where the ImagenBazaar comes in. "Bazaar" means Marketplace in the middle-east, however we don't plan on moving there at all. You are now able to open your own shops here on the site, so you may fill out requests along with anything to try to make a few easy points. You can also now sell your PSD or signature to other members for a modest fee. This would include the Full rights to it (As in it's your's, 100%) to just being able to wear it.

    We want to make the time here for you all fun, exciting, and enjoyable for you all. That's why we go through all the trouble to bring you all this and more to come everything else that's on the way. So suggestions on what YOU guys want to see is a huge thing for us. Head on over to the Customer desk and suggest something or report a problem you have with the site to help bring our community give more to you as the user.

    Well that's the update for today guys! Any questions about all the new features can be posted here, or posted in the Customer Support Desk Board.
  18. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Was that your correction of their site update...or what?

    Cause if it was...they have a terrible journalist if the red writing is your corrections.
  19. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Red is my corrections, Green is things I've added.

    I tried to stay away from changing how he worded things and simply edit the grammatical side.
  20. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    Oh ok. Well that write-up did need to be revised...

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