
Discussion in 'Featured Maps' started by chrstphrbrnnn, Jul 16, 2010.


What do you think of this map?

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  1. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Created By: Vyctoriouz & The Sir Toppum Hat

    Recommended Players: 2-6
    Recommended Gametypes: Slayer, Oddball, Territories

    In light of Sarge's distaste for overused, cliche metaphors I opted to just simply state that our most successful contest in site history has come to an end. This, of course, means that we have a winner and in Forge Hub fashion the winner is to be featured. However in the process of said winner being featured we ended up with a staff dilemma. Two people wrote up the same map. That's right, we actually did more work than necessary, catching both Buddha and I off guard. I quickly discovered that Buddha was indeed trying to steal my thunder by featuring one of the best maps in Forge Hub history. I was able to slip Buddha a sedative and slip my post by him, so without further deliberation...

    Welcome to Sentinel, a map created with the long lost recipe for perfection. It goes without saying that when the single best contest in the history of a site comes to a conclusion a map of equal success must have come along with it. When I first stepped onto Sentinel my jaw dropped and I knew that it was that map.

    Typically in feature write ups we praise maps and use words of great stature that scrape the edges of perfection but with Sentinel the edges don't need to be scraped. Sentinel is perfection. It is gorgeous, accurate and true to the original, plays exceptionally in Halo 3 and manages to flawlessly sew all of these seems together. Though the competition was tough in Foreign Treasures, Sentinel still manages to step head and shoulders above its closest competition. It is with the craft of such exceptional forgers that Halo 3 lives on so strong today.

    While my write up was boring and full of praise, Buddha did write one nice comical little bit (as per usual) and I can't let it go to waste. So for a second opinion:

    Seeing this map on the front page may come as a shock to you good reader. It is perfectly understandable that one would not expect to see this, of all maps, featured at this particular moment! I could easily argue that this map has sprung up out of absolutely nowhere, to suddenly appear in this article, for no good reason!

    *Insane whispers into BuddhaCrane's ear*

    It whaaaaaaaaaaaaaa--? Oh! Oh deary me, it seems those pills I've been taking have stopped working. I've just been informed that there was recently a huge, momentous contest thingy which involved prizes of baked bean handbags, or something - I dunno, I wasn't really listening. Whatever the incentive, it would appear Sentinel came out vyctoriouz (cwotididthar?)!

    Sentinel is a competitive map remade from its Unreal Tournament III version of the same name. Since UTIII is all about fraggin' like a pro, this painstakingly accurate remake fits in well with Slayer gametypes, but it also handles objective games quite nicely too. Further in keeping with its UTIII roots, this map promotes fast-paced gameplay; a fact accentuated by a healthy dose of power weapons for such a compact map. Games are frantic, yet fun, as players attempt to dominate with the more powerful weapons, relegating BRs to a comparatively supportive role by Halo 3 standards.

    Remake or not, these two authors have shown great creativity and attention to detail in the construction of Sentinel. One of the real aesthetical highlights of this map is the gate, over near overshield spawn, which probably used up half of the map budget alone with all its object detail! Another, more literal, aesthetical highlight is the inventive use of a guardian tower light, for ambiance. It's safe to say that this map was no simple copy-pasta job from UTIII to Halo.

    Whether you've played the Unreal Tournament version, or not, it doesn't really matter because you will still have a blast playing on this faithful recreation. You will have absolutely no problem enjoying this map for its fun gameplay and beautiful aesthetics. In conclusion, all I have left to say about this map is "Flawless Victory!" ... oh crap, wrong game! Just where were all the Mortal Kombat remakes anyway?




    #1 chrstphrbrnnn, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 17, 2010
    Faulk Smash likes this.
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    That didnt really take too long. So this means officially that Vyctoriouz is premium correct? And what about Sir Toppum?
  3. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    Great map :) It's nice to see a map that doesn't sacrifice gameplay for aesthetics or vise versa. You got my DL
  4. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Gravedigger's mistake will certainly count.
  5. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    If Felipe Dos' Eight Emerald Legs is the Godfather of all Blackout maps, then Sentinel is the Godfather of all Sandbox maps to come. Vyctoriouz and Sir Toppum Hat sure proved the extent of their forging abilities with this epic creation. Not only does it resemble the original Unreal Tournament map in every way, but it adds to what was already there by finding ways to replace Unreal Tournament's weapon arsenal with Halo 3's.

    Excellent job here you guys, once this was posted I realized there was no way I could snag first place, and I'm sure that just about every other competitor felt the same way too.
    #5 Conkerkid11, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 16, 2010
  6. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
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    This has undoubtedly become the best looking map I have ever seen built ever. From the beginning of forge to now, no doubt. Vyctoriouz has mad skills and to put them together with Sir toppum hat, that lethal. I had no idea this was a remake until the winners were announced, I had just downloaded it on live when Sir toppum sent it to me and my friggin jaw dropped. I still havent played it but I have heard from credible friends that it plays great and I know I can trust them. Great friggin job on this map guys, you make me want to hang up my forging coat and retire forever.
  7. LD

    LD Ancient
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    both of them, and it surely is well deserved
  8. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Wow I knew this map was amazing but seeing the overlay pictures is just impressive.

    From the first time Toppum and Vyctoriouz showed me their map I knew it was gonna win. The design was awesome, and their ability to bring it to halo was even more impressive. I heard rumors they weren't gonna finish in time and that kept us going for a bit :)

    Congrats to both of you, well deserved premiums and I know you two are going to destroy with whatever reach gives us.
  9. PatchworkZombie

    PatchworkZombie Forerunner

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    I enjoyed this map. It was actually really big and must have been difficult to forge without breaking the object limit. The only bad thing about it was that it was easily escapable, but who hides in FFA?? You would just boot them wouldnt ya?
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    When you first showed me their map, I shat myself. I didn't think it would be possible.
    But now that I'm mistaken and it was possible, I'm at awe. It's a beautiful map. Congrats Toppum and Vyctoriouz
  11. Eyeless Sid

    Eyeless Sid Ancient
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    I played a few games on this map and found no problems and just looking at every little detail they added into every section of the map made me really appreciate this map. Congrats on the feature guys its a very well made and forged map :]

    P.S the item management on this map is in itself amazing I can't believe how much they did with the restrictions we have :]!
  12. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    that second comparison picture shows the most beautifully forged faux door i have EVER seen. That single picture sums up what makes this entire map so intriguing. I've faded out of checking out forged maps, but merely seeing photos of this just sparked a little inspiration in me. Congrats on the first place, it was most definitely deserved.
  13. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    This map should have been featured even if you didn't win that Forge Contest.

    Anyway, what can I say, this is the most beautifully asthetic map I have ever seen built.
  14. Love Slice

    Love Slice Ancient
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    I haven't run any games on the map yet (my internet has been screwed up for a few weeks now so I can't play XBL games), but it sure does look beautiful. I love the lighting you created by forging the map near the guardian. Excellent forging, this map deserved it's first place finish.
  15. Kung Fu Jesus

    Kung Fu Jesus Forerunner

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    Just went through it - it was pretty sexy, but not so much I'd want to actually run the course if you catch my drift.

    That said, basically, it's not really my style in some real competitive heat, but I was never that guy anyway.
  16. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    This is so close to the original map itself, its so sexy, a def download from me and congrads guys for the premium accounts.
  17. Gunnergrunt

    Gunnergrunt Ancient
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    The whole reason I didn't enter the contest was because of this map lol. Its just a bummer that such great maps only get a couple hundred downloads these days. Maybe I can get it on the Bungie Blog for ya. That always helps. Well congrats to both of you!
  18. BrassMachine

    BrassMachine Forerunner

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    Don't worry, Reach will fix that. It's amazing how you can simply put a few objects together to make the best damn door I've ever seen in a Halo 3 map.
  19. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    This is definately one of my favorite maps ever. I couldnt believe my eeyes when I first saw it. I thought it was hackeed at first or something but this is truely amazing. Plus I didn't enen know that it was around the guardin tower until I downloaded it
  20. Critical Ghost

    Critical Ghost Ancient
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    This map bring back memorys from playin UT befor the online just died out. I cant wait to dl this map the orginal was one of my favirote maps from UT. Now all I need is a good Facing worlds.

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