Hi guys, as you can probably tell im new round the forum and new to the halo franchise as-well. if i was to capture some of my recent team doubles gameplay and post them in the videos section would you guys be willing to review my gameplay and let me know what im doing right/wrong and how i can improve, im a very competetive and serious gamer and have been playing CoD in a number of clans since cod2 and before that Medal of honor etc. so im fairly decent at FPS. but halo is a whole new playground to me. thanks for taking the time to read this.
With Forge Hub being more of a content community than a competitive one, you may find less help with this than you would on other Halo forums that are more about competitive play, though the flip side of this is that here you're less likely to run in to that 'you suck, stop trying' kind of poster who is all too common on forums like MLG. I'd be happy to give feedback on what I thought you were doing right/wrong, though I'm far from pro myself, but we do have some pretty damn good players here so I'm sure you'd get a decent amount of helpful feedback and at least get some discussion going on tactics etc. I'd say it'd be worth it, I for one would definitely watch and give my thoughts. I also own a HD PVR so could help you out with capping if you need it.
For what it's worth, I recommend this thread as a resource for how you can analyze your own gameplay to try and get better. Are there any specific areas you feel like you need work on? Strafe? BR? Weapon control?
i found that thread extremely helpful Ladnil thank you and thanks Pegasi, wow this forum is literally full to the brim with really cool guys usually on the majority of forums i have visited it has been over run with trolls and douche's but there isn't many on here from what I've seen. i think i have 3 games so far on my backup account fileshare at the moment which i believe are from team doubles and if anyone would be willing to take the time and be kind enough to capture these i would be so grateful. i would bake you a cake the account with the files is : Out Lander 10 but i have included the 3 fileshare links just incase which are : Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details thanks so much guys, i really want to get good at this game and with a little help i don't see why i cant. once again big thanks.
One of the best ways to get better is to play other types of games that requier a ton of hand-eye coordination. So, not call of duty lol Another good way is to play games with people who are above your skill level; at first all of your kills will be only luck and that gets very frustrating, but after a short amount of time you will soon notice that you can actually keep up and stuff. And possibly the most important skill is knowing the map, and knowing when to stay and fight and when to run and hide, because its better to live then die. Also, especially in doubles, teamwork. One teamate lowers the oppositions sheilds with a power weapon of some sort, then the other cleans it up for a double kill. It is the single best stratagy ever. If you have any direct questions, i am here very often so just lemme know what they are. Ill look at your videos when i get a chance and give more detail based on how you play, because that might be more useful at this point. Good luck getting better!
thanks death yoyo do you think it would be wise to party up with my friends who are 45+ in MLG playlist and allow them to search for players of their level? im always up for a challenge and i definitely see the benefits that you just described such as id be trying a hell of a lot harder to even get a kill which in the long run should make me better with a BR and my aim will improve. thanks for the advice all of you guys im going to jump straight on xbox now and try and get some practice in
Epilogue 1 Flag You waste too much of your ammo and equipment, for example, in Round 1 right at the beginning you shoot 2 rockets at an enemy and you only drop his shield 3/4, be patient with the rocket. In Round 2 you rocket gets a lot better. You throw too much random grenades, a grenade shows the enemy where you are, it makes noise and it is clearly visible where it comes from, save you nades and they will save you. Sniper ammo is precious, don't waste it by shooting on fusion coils when there is no enemy near them. Use you bubble shield and your Regen when you need them and when the opposing team is out of range, equipment is always a advantage/disadvantage for both teams. If you throw a Regen in a close range combat, the enemy's shield recharges too. You and your teammate have to call out where the enemy is, that's the key to Halo 3. After you missed the 2 rockets in round 1, you teammate is very close to the enemy, but he ignores him and runs the flag when both of your enemies are alive. This may work on your current level, but you'll have no chance at higher levels. Call everything out, no matter how minuscule it may be Learn the Map! You missed the Sniper Jump 2 times, that's just a basic crouch jump. Movement is as important as aiming and communication. Learn your weapons, when you help a team mate, use the BR instead of the sniper, in this game, it worked, but you may miss one shot and your team mate dies. Also, don't use the magnum as a secondary, Halo 3 is not Halo CE or Reach, the Magnum is useless, when you have a sniper, find a secondary BR.When you have a AR, find a secondary BR and use it as your primary weapon, but keep your AR, not the magnum. Guardian Oddball When you are holding the Ball, make sure that you drop your power weapons and give them to your team mate, or give your team mate the ball. In your game, you had the Ball, the Sniper and the Shotgun, your team mate had his starting weapons. The Halo 3 Over shield makes you invincible for a couple of seconds after you picked it up, in your game, you saw the OS and picked it up, next time, wait for an enemy to get close enough, then pick it up, you should be able to kill him while having full OS Construct Oddball There is not much to say since the other team gave up after 30 seconds .. When playing on Construct, always, always, stay on top, don't drop down to kill an enemy, when you spawn in the basement, get on top as soon as possible. You waste to much time running around nowhere near your team mate, against a proper team, you would loose the game. The ball carrier is very vulnerable, s you have to protect him. I'm sure that is more to say, but those are all the nagative points I've found
About those games you posted, two were doubles oddball and one was doubles one flag. If doubles is your thing that's fine, but do you have any Slayer videos to work with? I personally despise doubles, especially objective doubles.
thank you LD that was super helpful i really want to get better at halo before reach hits us. looking back over those games now i see exactly what you mean and im seeing things i should of done differently now i just need to be thinking about it as im playing like how can i best protect my team mates and get into a better position all the time, thanks guys. and i could play some slayer today Ladnil thats no problem, i prefer all things slayer related and those doubles games were just me and my old friend bored and decided to give doubles a shot. thanks again guys much appreciated
A lot of people underestimate Halo 3's magnum. When used right (like any other weapon, really), it can actually be really useful when you don't have time to find a BR or whatever it is you're looking for, or whenever it doesn't feel like the Assault Rifle can't quite finish off your enemy. A lot of times I can manage to kill an opponent with it who's using any automatic weapon or even a BR (in a lot of these cases, it's not an all-out-purely-skill ranged firefight, but I'm closer to them and escape their line of sight as much as I can, jumping a lot but not so much that it's mindless). But you always start out with the Assault Rifle alongside the magnum, so if you're more comfortable with that (which you probably already are anyway), mastering the magnum isn't as crucial as mastering the BR or anything. I just like it for those instances where the AR isn't satisfying enough.
i played the reach beta for a good few hours and i found the magnum to suit my aim etc so when i finally came to halo 3 i expected it to be the same which i quickly realized is not the case but i still like it from time to time, its satisfying to drop someone with it when their shields are down.
Sometimes not only a finish-the-job type of weapon, but also great on its own... Like the SMG, which I find is underestimated just as much.
SMG>Assault Rifle It shoots faster, its clip lasts the same amount of time, and unless you are dual weilding it the damage per bullet is exactly the same. When dual weilding with a SMG its total damage drops 25%, so you end up doing about 85% of the damage of an Assault Rifle, except now you have either another SMG (equals about 150% damage) or preferably a pistol so you can shave off two seconds of taking down health with a single headshot once the sheilds are down. The thing that Assault Rifle has on that is accuracy, and its got a much longer range. Depending on the situation either might be good, thats just a skill that takes knowledge and practice to figure out. LD, this is very much not true. Even at the low 40's in doubles, especially on construct, i am more likely to ninja a person when holding an objective than lose it. I will admit that i am freaky good at the dexterity and movement skill area (jumping around, strafing, outmanuevering opponents, finding little places to hide where i am not expected... T2 playing style if you will) but it is really simple to learn how to jump over a person. And if you are looking down, wait for the tip of their helmet to just leave your screen then melee and you got a ninja. I personally find the objective weapons the most usefull because people will idioticly charge me instead of staying back most of the time. This is something that you MUST learn to take advantage of; memorizing other players skill types and adjusting your own to what you have found best counter's it. That is something that takes practice and knowledge, but being a dynamic player will greatly improve your chances of winning. Even though you may not be the most skilled, if you are the smartest it wont matter very much at all. EDIT: If someof my friends are back from vacation next week, i can try to set up a few games with you if you would like. And since i will have been in those, it will be a lot easier for me to point out some things like LD has.