I think that I'm going to use this on my new Blackout map built in the sky. Only, instead of using Blackout's doors (I'm using them for guard rails- xD) I'll try placing a small shield door in the door's location. That way, it'll look like you're running into a "blue wall of teleportation." Thanks for the awesome idea!!
Interesting, Learned something. never knew you could do this, will be sweet in infection maps i will make in the future.
It doesn't have to touch the box. Are the pictures misleading? I interlocked the door with the box for the sake of aesthetics, but you can just leave it as close to the box as you can. You could also add things to the sides of the door to make the door not look like it's popping out.
This could be pretty dam'd funny for one of those maze maps. "How the fleth do i get out of this room?!" "This thing is doing my ehad in!!!" "Ahhhhh*blows self up with nade and rips out own hair" "fleth it! *starts jumping around crazily and jumps into the door" ".....you have got to be blurging me!!!!!!!!"
Very nice! I've got to ask though, is it possible to do this with two-way nodes on both sides so that you can walk through the door both ways?
I dont think you can use two-way nodes to do it, when I tried it it was unsuccesful. However, you can make sender and receiver nodes on both sides to improvise.
This is amazing. I hope I'll be seeing some maps that use this. I will definitely download them as soon as they release.
i agree, this is awesome. its great for secret passages too. Someone make a good map that utilizes this.
i pulled a prank on my freinds with this i made a secret room hid in it and no one ever found me i later showed them how to get in and deleted the map
I used this trick in my map Ganghouse. A lot of people had trouble figuring out how to get to the roof lol.
if you have a map or now a vid that shows how to do this please post it here. i need a little more detail.