I could care less about a flaming helm, and that statue is not worth whatever that hefty price is. Limited all the way.
I wonder if people will sell there Armor codes on eBay.com, that would be an easy way to buy the codes.
I'll probably find a copy in Gamestops dumpster because it's packaging was jacked and it got scratched and only the first level works anymore.
I've pre-ordered the collectors edition but I'm selling the statue and the flaming helmet/recon codes since I only really want it for the case and the hope that I might make a profit from selling the statue and codes.
I want the legendary for the flames and the elite armor, but who wants to fork over 150 bucks? i'll probably end up getting it and waiting longer for a car....
I have legendary pre-ordered, i have always gotten the highest special editions of games as i like the extras that come with them
I was the first person down here to pre-order it and was guarenteed a legendary pack but then the guys at the store ****ed up by being useless and now I am stuck with heroic.
Standard edition. I don't give a crap about statues and special armor. I just care a about playing the game. :/
The Legendary Edition looks like a waste of money to me so I'll be getting the Limited Edition. That is once I can get some money to pre-order it.
I'm a nerd. I want the special box, I want the flames, I want the action figures. and since I make enough money and have no spouse to stop me, I'm getting me some legendary
Limited. Flames suck anyway, unless they actually hide with you when you get the cloak this time around. But it's still really pointless, even IF there was a skull-shaped helmet to go along with it. The statue, meh. It's well-sculpted, but I have nowhere to put it anyway. Of course, this is all really just an excuse/cover-up for the fact that I suck and am broke. I'll probably blame the recession, too, or something.
^If it cost the same as the standard, why? If it were stand alone on the Arcade or a separate disc and cost less, then yeah, go to town, I guess.
Standard for me. No need for extra stuff. There are some cool collectables but they wont enhance the game much.
I'm buying standard. I am not paying extra money for the privelage of a couple of thousand of pixels that other people will see on there screens. However nice the flaming helmet and all that shizam is it dosent enhance your enjoyment of the game in anyway what so ever.
Well my birthday is September 13th so I'm just gonna ask for the middle edition, whatever its called. Honestly I would be way more inclined to buy the legendary edition if it came with action figures or something, I mean you cant do much with a statue.