I think 343's got it. The least Halo knowledged one of them has more ability and respect for the series than you could probably get if you added up all of 4chub and multiplied by 1000. And about ODST, I think firefight was mainly an experiment, thus no matchmaking for it, and I think it was a success. How much trouble did we go through to play it, calling friends and setting parties up on here? The problem with the price came from Microsoft, I think Bungie just pumped out a nice little story with a new perspective to let the firefight mold to. Then Microsoft said "Oooo, monies." and tried to sell it as a full game.
Doubt it. Reasoning (all monetary values are in dollars btw, [~] means approx) is this below, this is what is usually the costs factored into a game. So, overall this ends up being worth something closing in on $100, but they sold it for $60 because the majority of cost is a one time only deal. They actually make very little on each game, and since the ODST package included more than most games do its actually a great deal. This wasnt microsoft being greedy, it was bungie being kind and very intellegent.
I can't believe I read this entire thread. Way to waste my goddamn time, all so you can ***** about how a hypothetical game isn't good enough for you.
I agree on all that.... ODST wasn't a ripoff at all, it was smart. It came with ALL the map packs. When my little cousin got a 360, I got him odst, and used copy of halo 3 for 12 bucks. no downloading map packs, no playlists he can't enjoy if he wants. People who whined about it being a ripoff either a)don't have a job and that extra 20 bucks means the world to them OR b)love to complain --- YOU spent the time reading the thread. its not OUR fault that you wasted your time. that little x in the corner would've gotten you out of it..... its not like its a homework assignment....