BRIDGESBridges is a map with two small bases that have a bunch of bridges connected to them and a other places in the map. The map is set in the crypt of sandbox and takes up the whole space. The best gametype to play on Bridges would be 3v3 or 4v4 slayer. Free for All, Capture The Flag, and King of The Hill are also fun to play on it. The power weapons on the map are 1x Sword, 1x Shotgun, 1x Sniper, and 1x Rocket Launcher. There is also an over shield at one the highest spots on the map, and a mongoose at the bottom of the map. Download Here: I would put a picture but the site where the picture is is down for maintenence.
half of is down, fileshare is down, and you dont have a picture. I reccomend having this thread locked and just waiting it out... If you would like to do so, just request it.
You do need to have atleast one picture of the map, take the screenshots you made in forge out of your gallery (on and place them on your Photobucket account. Then copy the have to embed your picture into your post. We should be able to see it on this page without having to go to any outside links. Here are some instructions on how to embed a picture: Click Me! The irony is that all this info can be found under the "mandatory read before posting map" thread. It's a little bit funny that you never read it before posting your map.
The map may need a little bit more work like making the ends of the bridges more smooth but other than that it is a great map and plays well with any gametype. Still it isnt as awesome as i would like it to be.