I have a film saved and some screenshots. The guy had a flaming helmet as well. This video was taken yesterday. I just ran out of Bungie Pro, but if someone wants to help a guy out and render it so you guys can see, it'd be greatly appreciated. Anyway, the guy in the video gets a total of 20 headshots within about 2 and a half minutes into the game. He then quits out for some reason. At certain points in the video he shoots two bullets at once, and throughout the entire video you will notice that he doesn't ever reload. Some shots literally go at a 90 degree angle from the way he is facing. And no, he is not lagging. Thanks to alienman911 for the video. YouTube- aim bot footage for Zander1994 VIDEO: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
No, he was lag switching and failed. Jester and a few others (I think) that have aimbots in matchmaking, and they are the ones that are also running round with rockets in MLG and unlimited ammo -.- Welcome to xbox live.
No, dude, this guy was able to land 20 HEADSHOTS within the first 2 minutes. He wasn't lagging because he moves perfectly fine. It's just that, the second you were within his screen, he'd pop off a round no matter which way he was facing and it'd hit you in the head. Just watch the video. Please. Someone has got to see this. I know what people look like with lag switches. This was not a lag switch.
I don't know about you, but this would make my brother furious!!! I guess people just don't like playing the game
Lag switching doesn't give you a flaming helmet, nor does it curve bullets lol. It happens dude. Seems as Reach gets closer, Halo 3 modding secrets in MM are being released. It happens. Sucks to happen dude.
I have done this before, i failed epicly. Its hard as hell to get this mod working properly, and so ill give him a high-5 for managing it. That said, i beleive that it is a total douche move to mod in matchmaking- cheating is only for action sack and custom games, because they dont matter.
Actually, he only had nineteen headshots. Also, can someone render it so I don't have to DL it to my Xbox, because for some reason I can't DL anything right now, it says my queue is full, and I've been on Halo and nothing downloads. -.- I also looked at his game history and he's placed first in about 90% of his games, and just about every slayer game he played, he won.
Has anyone here watched the video? Here's what I got out of it. For one thing, this guy performed the glitch in order to preserve his flaming helmet. It was not on Bungie Day. Next, If you would have watched the video, you would see that he is not lagging, but accually has one of the better connections in the match. Also I would like to point out the massive clip in his sniper rifle. He doesn't reload until after 10+ shots multiple times. He also only takes one shot at an enemy and every kill is a headshot. I'm pretty sure Zander's right on this one. Watch the video. He misses like 3 shots and those seem to be on purpose. Not to mention the shots that go out of his barrel at 45* angles. multiple times, or that he shoots through a teammate to get headshots everytime. Before everyone calls Zander a crybaby watch the video, and put yourself in his shoes. Either that guy just happens to be Halo 3's best sniper of all time, or he mods. If he were that good he'd also be sponsored and well known. Not boosting playlists. -Kthnxbye
Did anyone ever think of him being a Bungie employee that wanted to mess with people in MM for a little? Seriously, they DO have the Bungie chest that gives flames, and they DO have the authorization to mess with people in their own game (I think...), so what if it's a Bungie employee?
No... It's an aimbot. Check out some of Jester's vids on youtube. Sucks you have to run into a cheater like that.
I guess it was an aimbot then. I know Jester released an aimbot for halo but it doesn't work with snipers, I know that because I hang around modding forums. He could just have adapted the mod himself and used it but I doubt that, not many people can mod the files that you need to mod. (That's why lots of people rely on Jester) Ohh and FYI, Lagswitchers do look fine while walking around and may have a good connection but as soon as they get close to you, on goes the lagswitch.
I played with jester snipes once, even without the aimbot hes pretty damn good. He wrecked me with his BR.
They have before, but someones found a way to unban yourself. And all you need is a jtag lol, so the most hardcore modders are safe while the harmless ones get screwed over.