Author: cory21 Map Name: Culmination Map Canvas: Sandbox Map Size: Large Player Count: 10-16 Supported Gametypes: Assault, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Team Slayer, Territories __________________________________________________ Description: YouTube- Video Request .:Culmination - BTB Map by Cory021:. Big thanks to Rifte Gifle for making the awesome video. Culmination has been my map I've been working on for a long time (most of the time I wasn't doing anything to it though.) It is a big team map based on the middle tier of Sandbox. It features many awesome aesthetics along with an elaborate, yet well thought out map design. The bases are diagonally laid out on opposite sides of the map, to provide as much playing space as possible. Culmination features a balanced amount of walkways, bridges, and 'valleys' for infantry and vehicle movement. Right from the start of the game, many options are presented to the player. They can go on the man-cannon on the right side of the base to get the Rocket Launcher, Active Camo, or Sentinel Beam, go right through the middle to seize the Spartan Laser, or go left to the Overshield or Chopper. Vehicles are an important factor to gaining map control. There are four main vehicles; 2 Choppers and 2 Warthogs. Warthogs are more effective at taking out infantry, while Choppers are more effective at taking out other vehicles. Although Choppers tend to be used more, they are both equally important for taking the upper hand in battle. There are many power weapons laid out over the map, which provides incentive to move to each area, and to take out any significant threats on the map. Power Weapons - 1 Spartan Laser - 2 Missile Pods - 2 Brute Shots - 2 Sentinel Beams - 2 Shotguns - 2 Gravity Hammers - 2 Rocket Launchers - 2 Active Camos - 2 Oversheilds - 2 Stationary Turrets - 2 Needlers - 2 Bubble Shields - 2 Regenerators - 2 Gravity Lifts - Plasma Grenades Big thanks to Mickraider for giving me a lot of advice on a lot of issues with the early iterations of the map such as spawns, weapons, and other important areas. Thanks to Rifte Gifle for making the awesome video you already saw, and also to all my testers, who are too numerous to thank. A lot of work was put into this map; downloading and replying would be very appreciated Here's the download link
Tis' a beautiful map, lol. But seriously, wow. This looks quite impressive. The map ihas beautiful asthetics and has a very interesting design. What i really admire is the flow of the map. The way that gameplay happens and where people move around to. You added alot of ways to go in a situtaion that it map the map so much more playable and a lot more enjoyable form what i have played on it.
OMG! This is an amazing map. I've not posted in about a year lol but this I must reply too, it amazes me how you've managed to get so many pieces out of the budget/limit, it looks full of action and there isn't an too open section anywhere. Seriously one of the best maps I have seen all year, well done. let me say that again, one more time for emphasis Spectacular. You know that feeling when you watch a montage you feel the urge to go play that game and try top recreate some of the amazing feats displayed, well this wants to go make me forge. If this doesnt get featured (unless gameplay is atrocious which i highly doubt is true) i will do something witty and funny, im drawing a blank here, but still awesome. But how does one come up with such a confusing and elaborate design. I cant even make sense of it this is fanfreakingtastic. But your video doesnt work.
nice This is my style of map, very aesthetic with good game play. Its nicely spread out but has enough cover, I also really like tank or tower you built out of tube pieces, as well as the wall that separates the middle of the map, should deter some cross map random grenades lol, over all great map man.
JPeloquin218: Flow is something that I spent a lot of time designing, even before I began to actually forge the map. Glad to see other people admire the design elements as well. T4K Shadow: Nice to see you post on my map for your first post in a year Something I was careful to watch for when I was designing was making sure each area would be used equally, which some areas I admit still could use a little bit of adjusting, specifically the Camo spot. Shenanigans.nom: Actually, the map stared out as a figure-eight design for vehicles, with cross-map bridges used primarily for infantry. The aesthetics just came along while I was forging, including the epic wall of epicness. As for the video, I guess just follow the link and watch the video. It was made by Rifte Gifle, and it defintely worth a watch. ASSASSINinWH1TE: The wall wasn't first intended for any gameplay purposes. Although, yes it does happen to stop some 'nade spamming. Also, I've seen some people actually use it for some sick grenade bounces. If you haven't noticed, the wall is accessible from the sides of the map, or from the middle via Grav Lift, which can be effective with a Spartan Laser, Rocket, or Brute Shot. Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate reading them.
This map is epic i did see it once on a preview and it shas changed much sinse then anyway hope i get a game on it this arvo. you have really out done yourself mate.
It hasn't really changed much with the basic design, except with spawns. Aesthetics are probably the thing that have changed the most aince the previews that I've released a few months ago. Its kind of funny, because vehicles changed a lot since the previews, but they're still the same as the original previews back in March. I tried a lot of different variations such as Banshees, Ghosts, and Prowlers before returning back to my standard 2 Warthogs, 2 Choppers, and 4 Mongeese.
I remember playing this with you and rifte. Totally awesome map, I suppose it took ages to get everything straight and I really like the bases and the multiple paths in the map. Really awesome job.
It didn't really take long to make, but it was quite a hassle to align all the Hill points, to make the bridges and walkways as straight as possible. Once I got the hills aligned, everything just kind of fell into place, since everything was pretty much already planned out on paper. Also, thanks for the comments guys, just got over 100 dl's (that's good, right...?)
Culmination Enjoyment: As a whole Culmination is a very enjoyable map. Players tend to enjoy the fast pace combat that this map provides, and the interesting and unique weapon set. This map truly is a culmination of everything needed to make a solid mid level map. Taking a different route and stretching the map from end to end it creates a very large map. It is well separated by cleverly designed walkways and passages, making the map feel even larger. A few minor problems hold this map back from being perfect, such as unusual spawns that can disorient the player. As this map is budget glitched it can only support a maximum of 12, and due to its size a minimum of 10 is recommended. Best suited for assault and flag, it can play a multitude of gametypes and definitely a map to keep around when you get those large parties going. Balance: Being a predominantly symmetric map, it’s fair to say that Culmination is well balanced. Teams had the same weapons and routes to navigate the map with only slight variations between the two sides. Players often felt as though they had to jump to navigate around the map, which hurts the flow. The weapon set was well balanced with a wide assortment of options to counter the opponents. Everything had its counter and nothing felt overpowered. The vehicles worked surprisingly well and were greatly appreciated in objective gametypes. A few minor issues were apparent that caused balancing issues. The first that was noticed was that the invisibility was often underused. Players tended to not wander over to it, and even if they did they were very vulnerable while trying to retrieve it. A more beneficial position would have been if it was closer to the playing field. The other issue was that the spawn points often lacked direction and tended to be too heavily weighted in areas far away from the action. Durability: Because the vast majority of the map’s geometry is used directly as routes and pathways, there are few ways to actually break the map. One thing that would appear to be an issue is that players are able to walk up the double walls and get a high vantage point. Once on top there’s literally nowhere to hide or dominate so it’s not entirely fair to say this is that it’s a problem. This wall also plays an important role of blocking the line of sight between the two bases and the solution suits the map well. The spawn system had a few issues with it. The first and most common complaint was that some of the spawn placements were a bit unusual. Players would spawn pointing towards the outside of the map, which would confuse the player more often than not. The overall consensus was that the spawns should be placed pointing towards the middle of the level or towards the opponent’s base. This would give the player a bit more sense of direction off the spawn. Another issue with the system was that the player would often spawn at their own base, which was as far away from the action as possible. This is due to the fact that there is a heavily weighted spawn cluster in the back of the base. Moving most of these spawns outside of the base would help player movement, especially in games such as KoTH or Slayer. Aesthetics: While the aesthetics of Culmination are not exactly jaw dropping, the map did have a good overall theme and the areas blended well together. At the same time every area was distinct enough from one another so the player always had a good grasp of where they were on the map. As mentioned before the players were often jumping around. This was caused by areas of walkways where the players were forced to jump across to keep moving forward. Another ise ramps that didn’t quite line up. These jumps and ramps can be quite annoying during battles and are probably the only issue with this map aesthetically Originality: While it’s difficult to be entirely original building on the main level of sandbox, Culmination definitely is a unique map that uses the scenery effectively. The wide variety of routes and passages help the players to navigate quickly around the map, while still finding the occasional opponent. By cutting the level across the opposite side of the dune, it deviated from the more traditional layout. The lack of the sniper is also appreciated and not missed as there’s still a unique and fun weapon and vehicle layout. Taking some of the old and mixing it with the new, Culmination is an entertaining and enjoyable experience that is a welcome break from the traditional. [floatleft]Enjoyment Rating: Balance Rating: Durability Rating: Aesthetic Rating: Originality Rating:[/floatleft] Overall:
Thanks for the review Mickraider. Looks like a fair review, and it placed among some of the higher competitive ranked maps, so I'm happy with it. I'm already starting to think of designs in Reach, specifically for the bases, since that was where most of the concern seemed to be. The Active Camo placement at first had good intentions when I was designing. It was meant to be a sort of way attackers could get into a defender's base when the defenders were heavily defending their base. However, players would spawn in their base, and quickly leave. This did kind of make Camo useful for getting to the flag uncompromised, but did nothing for the player after that. I think the problem with too many spawns probably has something to do with map design. Since the bases are so far back away from the map and nothing is really around it, I was forced to make spawns in one condensed area. I'll be sure to spread the spawns further out on either side of the base and not have it so condensed. Again, thanks for the review, and I will definitely use it to improve the remake in Forge World.
Amazing. . . this is soo cool. 2 things in one map, Aesthetics and Gameplay, this looks like it can hold some pretty Epic Battles, nonetheless, this map looks great.
wow this is probaly one of my favourate maps I have seen on FH . Normaly I dont download that many maps but this one I just had to. Gameplay was great and I just Loved the layout. 9.5/10 P.S. I also like the way the bases are built into the hill so you can take advantage of all the space.