Here are two low server load ShoutBox alternatives currently built for the dark x theme. Feel free to try them out and see if any are liked.
They are ok but VERY glitchy, the IRC takes a long time to connect and I have to refresh the page to see new chats on the other one, is anyone else getting these problems?
The IRC throws all kinds of security exceptions when it tries to load, so I just stopped it from running. I typed a few test messages in the lower non-IRC one, but I am not sure if it was working because no one responded.
Both loaded fine for me (I'm on google chrome). I found that the bottom one had to refresh after each post, taking about seven seconds to send a post. The top one took a little while to load, but had no such lag. Although I guess it makes a difference given that there is not a lot of people using it at once.
I like the latest one the best. IMO it wouldn't hurt to make them a bit larger. You can only see about 5 posts in all of them. If that is possible?
Yeah, I agree with Noklu here. The newest one is the best, since I find that first two are laggy, even though I have a good processor + Google Chrome. I also agree that it could be a bit bigger, the text seems really tiny and it doesn't help that we can only see five posts at a time.
Alternative 2. Looks much nicer and it appears to function the best. question -how does it tell who is online at one given time? will it show everyone who is online on forgehub at the time, or does it only show people in the shoutbox?
I don't like any of them :/ The IRC one won't even load for me (yes I have JAVA) 2nd one is kinda ugly and doesn't have enough features. 3 Looks better but I think it would be better if it was same size as the old one and had a similar layout as the old one. (As in it didn't have a list of online users and just displayed the amount) I also think an archive would be good.
I actually really like the 3rd one, I like that it shows who's online, however maybe make it a little shorter and add a time stamp if that's possible
This, except i would throw in something having to do with the colors of it as well. It feels distracting on the dark background, and i assume its invisible on the light.
It's flash? Just rip the source and edit it to your needs (that's if you don't already have the source). I can rip flash if you need it..
Ok, it doesn't matter about timestamps. We can hover over a person's name and the time shows up. Credit to Black Theorem for stumbling upon this.
OMG THE IRC!!! I used to frequent the FH IRC back in the days. Why not just use Adelais' IRC network? KP pretty much made IBO link there, so that's where most of the IBO people hang now-a-days.
The non-irc alternative 2 is no alternative to me, it's an improvement. The 'Who's online' function is great, the color is changeable and timestamps are useless, if you want to know them anyway you can scroll over the name. Non IRC 2 is my favourite