Halo to continue!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by B3NW, Jul 1, 2010.

  1. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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  2. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    Microsoft just wants to beat Halo to death and make as much money as possible while the old fans just shake their heads in disgust while facepalming.
    Well 343's anime is horrid so I predict that their games will be the same... They will probably do the game with cartoon graphics/Borderlands graphics...
  3. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Oh my god, now we're gonna have a cartoonish, teen-rated Halo 4. **** YOU, 343 INDUSTRIES!
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    That remains to be seen. The only thing 343 has really done so far is the anime and, well, it's anime. It's very hit and miss for any given person. I enjoyed some, didn't like some. I know others that loved them, some that hated them.

    Though I have the same fears (even with Frankie there), I'm gonna hold on saying anything about it. I look forward to finding out and seeing more about the game. It can't ever really be a Bungie Halo but it can still be good.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Wow this sounds pretty bad. At least let the game go out with some dignity.

    Hopefully, the remains of bungie (even with the merger) will come out with a sweet game and the dumb new halo games will be tossed aside like the trash they most likely will be
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Remember that this doesn't imply (unless I misread) that it'll necessarily be Halo 4 or even an FPS. The Halo IP is a massive universe potential comparable to stuff like LotR and Star Wars. Obviously the established cult status of the universe, especially outside of the video game concept, isn't the same as those two names, but the potential diversity for directions to be taken with Halo games is so often forgotten. I guess this is because the only example is Halo Wars, but 343 is a whole new venture based around controlling Halo. I can't see them and MS taking this less than very seriously. Not saying you or I will like the the result, but the potential is there and I don't think it's fair to call 'cash in' at this stage.

    Who knows, they could be working on a Halo MMO or something.
  7. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Bye bye, awesome Bungie-made Halo games :(
  8. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    It could be this, or it could also be that the reporter is a retard and this something that they did exactly two years ago, it was on the news. "Bungie is hiring 15 new people for the next halo game." The only differences are the and 343 studios. ALSO, bungie said that they are not releasing another Halo game about ten times around E3, and i dont think they are going to randomly change their mind...
  9. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Also, just because Bungie isn't making the games doesn't mean it's not going to be good. 343 seems to be very serious about this, they're not jumping in there to grab whatever money is left. Easy examples to prove my point: two of the guys I know there, Vociferous and Cocopjojo, were hired from AscendantJustice with their expertise in the Halo storyline...I'd be surprised if they aren't a couple of guys making sure everything fits canon and helping with the story of whatever the next IP is.

    I'd expect great things from 343, and it's obvious they're not just sucking the last of the money out of a franchise like Rocky V or whatever it's gotten up to by now.
  10. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    Yeah I don't know why people are complaining about 343 picking up where Bungie left off. TBH with you, Bungie were starting to ruin the Halo franchise, I hope Reach will redeem this. As Insane said, 343 seem to be passionate about it. They have proven they are good with plots, due to their anime and there is 3 reasons why people like halo, each are and/or's Customizability, fun/community & storyline. They have one box ticked, what is to say they wont tick the other two?

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    Good points. Obviously, they are going to try to do their best and try to make it a good game, but ultamately I don't think it will live up to the title halo
  12. gingerninjasam

    gingerninjasam Ancient

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    Well 343 industries was always going to take over and it should be to similar standards as bungies as 343 had members helping bungie with the making of reach.
  13. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    however angry you are now, insisting that this is a travesty, the fact is when the game(s) come out you will probably want to play them.

    ANOTHER 49 halo achievements???? gotta get em.
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    This. If you've never read AscendantJustice's work, you're really missing out as long as you call yourself a Halo fan. They analyzed the entire Halo 3 campaign, showing everything that has to do with the canon, easter eggs, and more. Along with that, these guys created some of their own Halo short stories which were very well put together. These guys would never cross the canon.

    Honestly, I'm glad Halo won't die off, and I'm glad it's being put into the hand of a company dedicated to Halo, not just Microsoft. There's alot of things people are unaware of by just playing the games, and could learn by possible projects by 343. I don't think we should start judging them until we see what they have to offer.
  15. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Yeah, but we also dont want it to become another Call of Duty thing where they keep releasing worse and worse games that more and more people regret buying. Halo 2 is about 10 times better than Halo 3, which is in turn 10 times better than ODST. The thing that made halo so great was the simplicity and straitforward ease of playing it; any noob could pick up a controller and go. But they keep getting more and more complex, and Reach is bordering on overdone (armor abilities and space battles equal BULLSHIT imo) and its getting harder to control your charactor and stuff. This is exactly the problem that happened with CoD, and as i said it would be so much better for the franchise if it was laid to rest gently, not beaten like a horse.
  16. BulletMonkey

    BulletMonkey Forerunner

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    This can't be good. ODST was okay, Wars sucked BADLY, and now a 3rd party one, [sarcasm]YAY![/sarcasm]
    #16 BulletMonkey, Jul 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2010
  17. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    That's a good point you make. Though, Halo 3's multiplayer in my opinion was a much cleaner and improved Halo 2 multiplayer. I can't say Halo 2 is better than Halo 3, for it's not true as a whole. Yes, there were some points I enjoyed better in Halo 2 than in 3, but it doesn't mean Halo 3 is worse than it. For one, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now if it wasn't for Halo 3. With Forge they introduced new imagination, yet taking some away. In Halo 2, all you had to work with was a vew custom options in a game type, and relied heavily on honor rules. Yet people still made it work. Playing zombies, lava man, cat and mouse, warthog wars, etc. were all examples of how the community worked together with imagination.

    Now in Halo 3 all you had to do was slip into Forge and create a lava man map, zombie map, or cat and mouse map. It extended the play, which made it greater, but I feel it took away some imagination for you never see a mini-game being played without a custom forged map, or custom game-type.

    As for Halo:ODST, I'm almost certain it was not intended to be a full price game. But due to Microsoft's knowledge of the success of the series, they made it so. In turn leading people to beleive they were ripped off. But in my own opinion, ODST's storyline was presented in a totally new way, different from any other game. It was very enjoyable, especially with firefight. It was a unique Halo game in itself.

    As for Reach, I can't make comments on it yet, primarily being we don't know **** yet. We see it, we know what's going on, but we don't feel it or know how it plays out. The beta was a good demonstration, but it was a beta and subject to change. I'm just mildly speculating until the game is released, when I can then see my output on the game.
  18. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    so instead of change, would you rather have the exact same mechanics and gameplay as halo 2 for the rest of the franchise? I wouldn't, even though I enjoyed 2 immensely.... and if you do want that, I think you should recognize that you are in the minority. I think some people having a feeling of nostalgia for older games, especially when one of those games is rehashed many times in a series of sequels. They mistake that feeling for nostalgia as "that game was better"....

    The fact is, most people don't want to do the same thing over and over. If they didn't change anything about the game except graphics, it would get boring. "here we go, another halo game.... I know EXACTLY what to expect"
    #18 IH8YourGamerTag, Jul 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2010
  19. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    I was talking about the base multiplayer experience. And, forge was orignally supposed to be simply a way to change the spawns and weapons for a map if someone thought they could make it better. What it evolved into is simply amazing, and that can be hugely attributed to places such as this. So, i agree very much with what you said.

    ODST, however, while it had a very unique and new storyline, it has absolutly no replay value what-so-ever which is why people do not like it that much. Its a very good reason. But once again everything you said is completely valid.

    I dont think that. I think that there are definatly some things that needed to be changed and added and even a few technical changes (lock-on rockets and BXR combo, im looking at you) but there were many more things that were great about Halo 2 that were removed, such as the lack of an Assault Rifle and the dual-weilding needlers, and ALL of the amazing maps like Hang 'em High. And some things were added that should not have been, like equipment. Overcomplicating a game ruins its enjoyability, and that is what 303 will likely do to the series. I think it should be laid to rest while its ahead.
  20. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    I get your point. I'm just saying, I think you are in the minority. Most players just take the changes as they come... and adapt. :)

    I'm a bit of a hypocrite here though, I still play the old civilization II even though they are on 4 or 5 now... hehe

    PS I do miss dual needling too

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