Restriction Hello everyone. Today I bring you a new custom game experience I believe has never been done before: competitive balanced gameplay incorporating enclosed banshee play. You can skip down to the video and screenshots if that is what you are into. Made By: E iNGLouRIouS 3 (Me) and ProTocols0fZion (formerly redshadow11492) Map Supports: Team Slayer, Team Ball, and Team VIP. The map is not designed for but does support FFA variants of Slayer, Ball, and VIP. Suggested Size: 6-10 works best. About: Restriction was designed, as stated above, for indoor banshee gameplay. For this reason, there is a thick ceiling above all of the map, spaced to prevent banshee escape, and too high up for human escape. Technically this map is a remake of an old map of ProTocols0fZion's, but we remade the entire thing as the original did not work at all. We merely took the idea of indoor banshees. A big start was to make the ceiling out of thick blocks instead of walls. Otherwise the banshee will see on top of the walls which is frustrating for the pilot. There are wide corridors, and large openings so the banshee has mobility, although limited. There is a wide ramp up to rockets, kind of like there is on Rats Nest up to the sniper. The ghost was a natural addition along with banshees due to the map make-up. To counter the vehicle presence, cover was put on ground level, and key weapons were distributed around the map to keep things even. By and large, the most overpowered option on the map is the regenerator, which goes to show how balanced the map has become. Because it is so open, Restriction has a sort of big team battle feel for smaller parties, and can lead to fun games with everyone wanting more. Item List: Spoiler Battle Rifle...........x6............60 Sec...........2 clips Rockets...............x1............120 Sec..........0 clips Laser...................x1............180 Sec...........N/A... Plasma Pistol.......x1.............90 Sec............N/A... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Plasma Nades......x2.............30 Sec............ Regenerator.........x1.............120 Sec.......... Active Camo........x1.............150 Sec.......... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ghost..................x1.............180 Sec.......... Banshee..............x2..............90 Sec........... Video: I wanted to have cool music, but copywrite got the better of me. YouTube- Restriction Flythrough Download Restriction Pictures: Overview of Ceiling Middle room looking up at ceiling Blue Spawn Rocket Side Middle Room Pretty Middle Piece Laser Spawn Ghost and Camo Balcony/Overhang/Ghost side Top of Balcony A Banshee! Please thank these testers, and all others Download Restriction Gamplay Tip: when using the banshee, go for a quick banshee bomb or splatter, and then boost away to avoid getting AR killed or jacked. For most of the map, the banshee is in jump-up-and-board range. Please leave comments, and tell me what you think. Hopefully you enjoy it as much as my testers did!
This is definitly a unqiue design. The merges done on the map looks very clean so props for that. It does feel a bit open in some parts like near the middle. I owuld also liek to know how the Banshee works? Like how does it come into play in a Cyrpt map like this.
Looks great! The design really brings out the use of the cyrpt. I love the ceiling design you used. But I think the banshee is somewhat fair. Since it is in a space not that big it real be easy for players to hijack, or use the plasma pistol's overcharge shot to stun it. Overall Great map 5/5
Banshees love open space, and so this map limits their space. They can still move around enough though. Download it, play it, and you will see! That was the idea- for the banshee to be only as advantageous as a pilot can make it. That should answer your question JPeloquin.
Did anybody else lol at this??? Mwahahahaha! I must say though, this is easily the most original map that ive seen in ages. I was looking though the earlier features for inspiration, and saw Moon Waffle. I immediatly thought to myself "Too bad there arent any maps like these anymore... the originality is just dying..." This is definatly an original map. Not to the technical scale of the super elevator in Devinish's map, but its easily the first map to correctly implement a BANSHEE into gameplay in the CRPYT. Its also the first to limit the roof of the banshee, making this map an interesting experience vehicle-wise.
I cant belive you took a pic of my two point score! XD lol! Great map dude I wish you would have taken the score from that one game where i got 7 banshee splatter kills.
Wow, great map! I think that it gets most praise from the roof, and that's fine with me. The little grid of boxes is a great aesthetic piece. I've already DL'd the map and it's gonna stay on my hard drive for a long time.
It's difficult to describe this map, but I'll do my best. Somehow you made an enormous ceiling, huge walls separating map's middle and outside corridors, and then still had enough money to fill that space with tons of awesomeness. This map is truly a masterpiece. I've never seen a map that balances out banshees in regular competitive gameplay so well. The weapons on the map all felt right in the game and the map's flow is superb. Oh and banshees zooming around a few feet above your head definitely keeps you on your toes. And the centerpiece is so cool looking it gets its own little one-sentence paragraph. Aesthetics: Great Gameplay: Fantaspectaculamazing Kamikaze-ing: Splattered! Overall... you get the idea, this is an excellent map. I look forward to seeing more awesomeness from you.
I had to check out Moon Waffle after a mention of creativity, and it is genius! And waay before my time. It is high praise for indoor bansheeing to be compared to a switch elevator, and great map, so thank you. hahaha I pick and choose. I understand it must have been tough to play well when you are checking out a map/staring at the ceiling I do not know what to do with positive feedback. Look out though, my big team map I have been slacking on should be out soon, as well as a 5-sided, circular skybox map (DeathYoYo have your lolz on that one.) I am also planning an old-school combination of switches, natural forging, and caves.