Yer I shouldn't post when I'm tired gets me into trouble. but I realize waist isn't confirmed but there has been heavy facts towards that it is and seems logical that it would be. Also read the article on it doesn't eliminate the possibility of 2 pieces. That's not really a good point because Imagine if it was 2 pieces that's exactly how they would highlight it still. I would actually prefer you proving me wrong in a nice way over letting me believe something that's incorrect. So Thank you.
Well if you think that way, might as well just shut down the reach forum and wait for the game to come out
I'm just saying that I'm tired of people speaking and coming up with wild **** without something to back it up. It was my way of saying that I'm so over confident with my statements in the thread that I'm just going to sit and wait til I get to say "told ya so".
That really sucks because i pre-ordered legendary edition so I could have all the armor and now because I live in Australia and ordered from EB games I can't get everything. (if I understand that right because I don't understand SKU or oft) Also my opinion is changed seems like the waist will be an attachment of the chest piece.
Armor Chart Here's the armor chart for what you get when you buy reach. This isn't new information its just all in one spot with a convienent chart to help display whatcha get. It may help answer some people's questions.
Is it just me or does that say you get recon as long as it's not pre owned? I thought pre-ordering was the only way?
Recon helmet comes as a code inside the American copies. It's inside the game case like the free 48-hour trial.
Pre-owned =/= Pre-ordering. Pre-owned means that it was bought, but then returned without the purchaser ever actually opening/using it. I'm not really seeing many people buying reach and returning it without ever using it, though.
Don't be to sure! I've heard a quite few people say "I'm only buying Halo Reach Legendary Edition for the statue"(or something like that) meaning they could return the game and just keep the statue. Although they could be referring to why they are getting the Legendary Edition as apposed to Normal or Limited but who am I to judge
Pre-owned here is where someone buys a game, gets sick of playing it and returns it for $10 or so off another game. They then sell that copy for 20-50% off normal price. (something like that)
I don't think thats how it works. This is the one you get from picking the game up on release day. If it is like the GOW2 golden hammerburst, they have a giant pile and just hand them out to every buyer.
Thats how I thought it was too, but it doesnt seem like that anymore with everything I've been reading.
Pre-order it outside of the US, play the first day in the US. Which probably means that they put the code inside the case for the first run of the game. All following pressings will not include it. That's what I'm going to assume based on what we know.