What FPS of 2009 had the best Campaign?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mister man 1217, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    Unfortunitly, I thought MW2 had the most interesting and interactive Campaign.

    What do you think?
  2. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    To stay true to the halo in me, ODST.
    I just can't express how much I loved the ODST campaign. Just something about popping grunt's heads off while using the VISR just appealed to me more than MW2. When it comes to campaigns I take more into the story than the graphics, weapons, even gameplay... I just personally loved the ODST storyline and to me the MW2 one was good but it just didn't quite match up in my opinion.
  3. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I would say ODST, just beacause of Halos track record of great campaigns. And the fact that you could play inbetween missions aswell. I don't remember alot of FPS in 2009 though... Hmmm.
  4. flip778

    flip778 Ancient
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    MW2. Although I constantly bag on the multiplayer, I have to admit that the campaign was pretty good. I actually got into the plot of an FPS, which is something that hasn't happened for a long time...
  5. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    Metroid Prime Trilogy. The original games didn't come out in 2009 but that game did so it counts. Metroid has a great campaign in it's FPS or side-scrolling games. Metroid practically has free roam where you just go to places and get certain items then you go kill a super boss. You could also be very off task and go look for pick-ups. Metroid=Greatest games evar.
  6. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    EDIT: ^^Read the above post^^
  7. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I hope that means you completely agree with me. Anyways I'm off to get 100% on the first Metroid Prime. Another great FPS of 2009 was Borderlands. The game was essentially campaign only which made it perfect. After you beat the game you can still play some more and go free roam which could be done at any time throughout the game. The story was simple: You like treasure, go find the vault. The game is very epic.
    #7 Klaydude11, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  8. V

    V Ancient
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    Best FPS campaign for me had to be ODST probably. I love all of Halo's campaigns (personally, I think Gears is equal if not slightly better).

    I hated MW2's campaign; it was too simple and unmemorable. I beat it within two days of me buying it. On veteran. It wasn't hard at all. And I still have yet to beat CoD2 or CoD4 on veteran, mainly because I keep dying and give up.
  9. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I felt like a beast when I played MW2's campaign, especially the british part. All covert black ops ****. So I would have to go with MW2
  10. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    I totally agree, but in xbox only terms i would have to say ODST. Just the free roam abilities and the very story driven campaign made it fun. MW2 was too easy and i didnt enjoy it as much as Cod 4 story
  11. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
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    I would have sais Halo but it really wasn't a "Halo" campaign. It didn't feel like a interesting campaign. It felt rushed.
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    There aren't many good FPS that came out in 2009 and I play pretty much every FPS that comes out, whether it be good or bad. I refuse to play any new Metroid games because they have ridiculous stupid controls that make me want to punch Nintendo square in the nose. I do love Metroid, but I cannot comment on the campaign because I haven't played the Wii retardo controls ones.

    Modern Warfare 2 has a really nice campaign, it had ups and it had downs. They killed off lovable heros and had a nefarious villain. Overall it had everything a good story has and it told it's tale well.
  13. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    I know it's not first person (it's third person), but I figure it's a shooter so it's worth mentioning.

    Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption both had excellent campaigns with likable (or hateable) characters who were really deep...as expected from a Rockstar game, RDR's characters not only had great personality, but they pretty much all are another way overdone stereotype, always great (<3 Irish). Worth looking into, even if we're just talking FPS.
  14. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    Dragon Age.

    Owait a second...

    ODST. Haven't played MW2 so can't comment.
  15. stickmanmeyhem

    stickmanmeyhem Ancient
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    Both released in 2010...
  16. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    Scratch that I change mine to Borderlands. ODST was great and all, but it couldn't compete with Borderlands' millions of weapons and clever characters. Not to mention a skill system and Boss Fights (Which FPS games seem to lack nowadays).

    And the fact that you could beat the game (Around level 30) go back and play it (Higher difficulty = Up to level 50) and then go back again. (New Game++ with level 50-52 Enemies with even better drops).

    Not to mention the DLCs, which were great! (Even though Mad Moxxys was a pain in the ass) and extended level cap. (You may have played games that extened by 5 or maybe even 10, but with all the stuff we crammed into this expansion, your going to need 11) Somewhat of a quote from the marketplace.

    I hope they start/started on a second one as i'm sure it will be another hit. (Borderlands being a suprise hit of '09)
  17. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    I read somewhere that Borderlands was going to be first in a planned franchise. Just here:

    Now, I'll rate my favourite campaigns of 2009:

    1. Borderlands
    The entire game was pretty much all campaign. And judging by the fact I love this game so much, I love its campaign. Its got millions of guns (what more could you want?), interesting characters, and a pretty good story.

    2. MW2
    Although the multiplayer is terribly broken, the campaign is a lot of fun. Although easy and quite short, it had an excellent story, and some epic moments (rushing to the top of the White House, the siege on the gulag, the entire mission in the mountain base, No Russian, etc.). Every weapon had its uses as well. Overall, a very enjoyable campaign.

    3. ODST
    Although it has a relatively short campaign, and to me Legendary was a lot easier than in Halo 3, it was also a lot of fun. It doesn't have as much replayability as the other campaigns, but it also is a high quality campaign.

    This is what I think.
  18. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    ODST's campaign was ridiculously bad. It starts off with a terrible looking cutscene, followed by a gorgeous drop-pod sequence, followed by getting lost for 2 hours trying to find your way around. The game has all the downsides of a Sandbox game, yet none of the benefits. The "central hub world/ detective mode missions" was a great idea, but to be honest it wasn't tremendously fun, or even interesting.

    In contrast, MW2 was fun, constantly challenging, had a host of cool missions and a great story...

    ODST was by no means a worthless single-player game, it was pretty decent actually. And I wouldn't say that of many FPS that get released. But it wasn't fantastic. MW2's singleplayer was.
    #18 Transhuman Plus, Jul 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2010
  19. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I honestly don't know.I wantr to say Gears of War 2, if that's a 2009 game, just because of the movie-style gameplay, which was pretty interesting.
    MW2 was very good, but I'm terrible at MW2. I regret buying the game, actually, because I never play it now that I've done the campaign. Ever.

    A SILENT EMU Ancient
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    Probably modern warfare 2, though I can't really think of many FPS of 09 right now.

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