[Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Cherry-It was originally a small co-forge on local for funzees, but I gradually went on from the mah base and got a setup sat up.... It has many long lines of sight on one half and the other has a much closer quarter fights, (kinda like derail ) It is an asymmetrical map, best for 2v2 maybe 3v3, mongeese are for faster movement when necessary or just for fun your call [Weapons]Respawn Rate[Spare Clips]Spawn At Start 1X Rocket 150, 1 clip, yes 1X Sniper 90, 1 clip, yes 1X Sentinel Beam 60, na, yes 2X BR's 30, 2, yes 2X Covenant Carbines 30, 2, yes 2X Maulers 45, 1, yes 2X Magnums 10, 2, yes 2X Spikes grenades 10, na, yes 3X Plasmas 10, na, yes 2X Mongeese 30, na, yes 1X tripmine 90, na, yes 1X AC 90, na, no Its can play CTF and Team Slayer Le Pics! Spoiler OverView Red Base Red Base CTF Red Base Bridge Blue Base CTF Blue Side Blue Grass 2nd Blue grass Blue Side toward Red Side Red Power Building Blue Grass Sheilds Red Grass Red Grass 2 Construction AC Trip Mine into Lower Red Building Red Building top Red Building top2 Sniper (top screen) Rockets Action Shotsss Spoiler Spoiler I'd like to thank these guys for testing my map And rorak kuroda for helping me out mucho, white glo os for helping me make it inescapable, and vyctorious for giving me some tips, thankyou very very much Fixed Flag Spawn Fail
What is up with the pictures? They looks so blurry. Anyway, I can tell from the pictures that that map was pretty well forged. The only thing I do not understand is the role of the Mongoose, there doesn't look like there is alot of room to drive it around.