how do you think the monitor will look in reach. describe your own view of what that fun little orb should look like and be able to do.
Not sure what you mean by requirements, but here are the rule if you're un aware of them, Spoiler Signature Rules Must abide by all forum rules. Must be 500 x 200 pixels or less. Must not have more than either: 2 quotes and 1 line of text 1 quote and 3 lines of text 10 lines of text alone I think the monitor will be more detailed. Other then that, it will probably stay the same.
thank you. and death, the picture is in fact 500 x 200 pixels and its only 1 sentence so where is the problem?
That was the fastest topic de-rail I've ever seen. You know... They already showed the monitor. There was one floating around the chessboard... remember?
I think it would be AMAZING if you could customize your monitor colour. (Default blue, red, green, yellow, etc, the team colours.) Nothing to change how it looks, just the "eye" colour.
*facepalm* He is posting his sig in his post, not as his actual signiture. Do you see how when i quote the sig is part of it? He is using a white HR bar instead of a black sig bar.
I don't like how the Reach monitor looks personally. It's still the same as Halo 3 essentially but isn't as vibrant and duller in terms of color and lighting.
Simply put, that would be orgasmic. No longer shall i have to charge up mah lazah before transforming into a monitor to get the super lazer effects. I woud ♥ moniter lazers
Omg yes. Somebody decides to mess with you with their AR while youre forging, just splash them with a lazer. Perferably, without having any charge time
Maybe you could hold it for about 3-5 seconds, then have double the time you sprayed for a cooldown. Ex. 3 sec=6 sec cooldown 5 sec=10 sec cooldown
In the zugwang evolved (or whatever the hell that video's name was) did you see how much it moves while idle? It's ridiculous the amount that it sways... I hope they change that up a bit.
That would make for some cool monitor screenshots. And as for lasers shooting out of it.... hell yah. Or what if the monitor could use armour abilities.