What exactly are you asking? In that picture, that looks like a mountain thats way off in the distance, kinda like the waterfalls on narrows. I may have misunderstood the question though
I understood it as asking what is back behind that cut, over the rise in the middle ground.. but seeing the other overhead pic, it looks like it's just ocean behind there. The mountain in the background is the right hand side of the "middle area" between where Sarge is standing and the tank is firing.
I know for a fact it isn't that. Anybody with any sense of depth could tell you that you are wrong. What I point out is far behind the base, while the water is to the side of the base in the overhead.
If im understanding correctly you are talking about the exact thing you circled in that photo. If so, im pretty sure those are mountains way off in the distance, way away from playable area
So are we defining "playable area" as simply being the Blood Gulch section? If that's the case, then wtf are they showing us the rest of it for, and wtf is the tank doing there? As far as I'm concerned, the area the tank is firing from is just as much playable area as the small BG portion. With that being the case, look at the amount of fog that the very far mountains are obscured by, as opposed to how clear the cliff looks in the circled pic. The tank shell flies above and to slightly to the left of the circled cliff.
Im defining playable area as area you can play in. I think the mountains are scenery far away from the map, like the dishes on standoff or the waterfalls on narrows
Oh, of course, they're definitely scenery. So we're in agreement that the playable area of the map extends at least to the Scorpion? I'm hoping it also extends up to the Forerunner base, otherwise that would be a horrible tease. Looking at the pathway leading up to it though, it just makes sense that it is also playable space as well.
It means either: 1. There is a small wall on the other side of the water that is too high to get past 2. You die automatically after leaving the map boundaries or 3. You die if you fall into the water.
Don't forget about the 10 second rule. (not talking about food either) When you go out of bounds there is 10 seconds before you die in some places, It could be a way of limiting the Custom/MM version of the map compared to the campaign/Firefight/Invasion version.
Those would be seriously gay.... I WANT SHARKS TO EAT ME!!!! That'd be such a cool mini game... trying to survive as long as possible with sharks chasing you. Kinda scary.. like Crysis when you go out to see and you just see a shark circling you in the distance... and it disappears, then reappears closer.. then you turn around and his buddy shark is about to gnash your face off!!!!!!
I think they'd just do a soft barrier like in Valhalla's and Last Resort's water. Seems more elegant than having the return-to-battlefield barrier there. The water is a natural boundary, there's no reason to "push" that one like the death countdown can be used for (get to a vantage point, snipe, drop back down). Being in the water isn't much of an advantage.
I like everyone cannot wait for Reach! XD I really have no clue what all this conversation is about I just cant wait for reach!
Bungie already said they did away with the soft barrier. Obviously there has to be some impossible to cross map boundary, but it will be mainly the timed death barrier in Reach that you'll encounter.
Hmmm, ok. I may totally be mistaken, but I thought I remembered there being a soft ceiling at the height of Powerhouse, so you couldn't actually fly very high. It's been a long time since the beta though
maybe you can walk out into the water to a certain distance and then it just drops off and you die in the ocean.
You mean like the ocean around Relic? Maybe, but that would be a bit weird. It looks more like a shallow pond, and the ocean is behind blue base, not red.