YouTube - Call Of Duty: Black Ops BETA! Don't get pissed, Its f**king funny as hell. This is the best call of duty game ever!
If anyone is interested in some codes, I still have a few, msg me Edit: Obvious Joke just like the beta, sorry if it wasn't clear enough
Lol, I actually did a google search for "black ops beta" and there supposedly actually is one, but there is no legitimate way to currently get in.
Kratos, there is an illegitimate way. Or there would be, but the only thing you can do is mod yourself into a lonely game with nobody else involved, or possibly get into a match with one of the CoD paid testers in which case you probably get console banned, which is not possible to undo. Either way, since its a totally private server there is no point in doing it.
^^That. I heard a rumor that the beta would come out 2 months before the game. But it's just a rumor, lobby talk.
Ah, I see. I didn't even bother reading the stuff on google past seeing that the beta exists because I would rather get the beta the legitimate way.
Yeah agreed, im not gonna take the risk myself. But i do know for a fact that if it is up, it wouldnt be hard to get into. Its just a hidden download. Bungie though, was smart and they gave all of their testers beta copies of the disk to play it out, so there is no way to pop in that game- although the actual halo reach beta is still playable
I thought the video was really funny. It works really well since Saving Private Ryan was filmed sort of in first person.