does anybody have a picture of the "forbidden page" from the kurt cobain journals? i just wiki'd it and it sounds interesting. but i cant find a pic anywhere.
they photocopied a journal kept by kurt cobain and published it as a book or whatever that you can buy. and nemi did you get that message i sent ya on xbl like 3 days aago *edit* since tittyho isnt a mod i can add him to my ignore list. yay.
No, I'm not kidding. But I just found out now. He commited suicide w/ a shotgun? Cheap. Edit: Argh, this is a first. A Rick Roll over Xbox Live? Gah. BTW, your microphone quality sucks, get a new one.
I checked mai Xbox 360 message, and after a long, horrible screechy noise, I heard Rick Astley's voice like the thundering fist of God himself. And I still don't get why he commited suicide/was murdered.