Shelter? V1

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by xXEnr4gedHoboXx, Jul 11, 2010.

  1. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    The survivors thought an illuminated, rundown shack could protect them...

    This is the first map I am posting so please provide feedback.

    Shelter? v1 is an infection based map on Sandbox with blocked guardians. The majority of gameplay takes place on the outskirts of the map. The forging job was not the greatest but that is the point, it was forged the way I did to make it look rundown. The idea for the map came to me when i joined a friend that forged a small shack out in Guardian land. Using this as a base idea I made the shack a bit larger to support larger groups. There are a few weapons in the shack but the major focus is the three machine gun turrents on the roof that cover the vast expanse of barren wasteland. I also added a Gauss Warthog and 2 Mongoose for fun. The Darkness plays into effect do to the pitch black region beyond the shack's perimeter. I added the following filters: Juicy, Gloomy and Old Timey, which create a scarily dark aura to map and make the little light you have precious. The map includes all four lights as the only light source for the base. The perimeter is lined with some random colummns and walls that mark where the darkness and light meet. '

    Gametype info:
    Humans traits:
    -spawn with br/mag
    -75m radar that always shows infected
    -instant kill
    Zombies Traits
    -300% speed
    -50% gravity
    -energy swords
    -weak camo
    Game Info:
    -10 rounds
    -10 minutes
    -first dead is first infected
    recommended player 6-16
    recommended zombies:
    1 with groups <8
    2 with groups >8

    This game provides many laughs and it can be extremely scary at some points.

    -Use radar it will save your life as it is the best way to find the infected.
    -Use a buddy system.
    -Dont stand still.
    -Humans have waypoints and cant see you untill its too late
    -Surround the humans that are alone.
    -Keep moving, you are fast and deadly.

    As a Note Honor Code is required as the middle of the map is still open, although Crypt is blocked off.

    Download Map here: Shelter? v1
    Downlaod Game Here : Darkness

    Now for basic screen shots. **Note if I release a second version I will include some action shots.**

    Basic Overview

    Inside of shack

    The Vehicles

    Overview W/ Filters

    I'd like to give a special thanks to ECU walkindeth for letting me use his shack and also all my friends who tested the map with me.

    Thanks for checking this out, hope you guys enjoy it as much as my frriends do.
    #1 xXEnr4gedHoboXx, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  2. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I would add more to the "Shelter". There really isn't alot of places Humans can go, and it is very open which wil make killing the Zombie svery easy for the humans.

    Plus vechicles make it even harder for the Zombies to kill the Humans.
  3. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    thanks for the advice the vehicles arent really a help for the humans as long as they follow the honor code as it is damn near impossible for the humans to see anything. I have been considering expanding the shack as well. I appreciate the advice alot. i plan on releasing a v2 soon
  4. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Reasons I Don't Like This Map:

    1) It's incredibly small. Maps like this have been done before, and you're going to need more than one house type thing to make it a decent map.

    2) Nothing (almost) is merged in any way. This causes bumps that are aggravating for the Humans who have to line up shots, and the Zombies who have to control their insane movement speed.

    3) The house-looking-thing is very easily campable.

    Ways You Can Fix It:

    Simply add more onto the map. A lot more.

    2) Redo most of the structures, but with Ghost Merging. Be sure to make any playable surfaces smooth. Here is a link to "Ghost Merging" help.

    3) Add more entrances to the house, and more cover for the Zombies on the map. Make every LOS (Line Of Sight) in the house small, so that Humans have no chance of seeing and reacting to a Zombie in time if they stay in the house. This will force Humans to venture outside of their damned campable house.


    Reasons I Don't Like This Gametype:

    Humans have Instant Kill. This means Zombies have no chance whatsoever to kill the Humans head on, and are forced to find ways around the Humans. Due to the layout of your "Shelter", it is impossible at times for Zombies to go around the humans, and they lose all hope of winning the game.

    Also, the only possible kills a Zombie can get now is a cheap kill, where the Humans can't even see them. This isn't a huge problem though, as Humans can easily camp the map, making it impossible for Zombies to get any kills, cheap or not.

    Ways You Can Fix It:

    1) Make it so the Humans need a few shots to take down a zombie, and make their weapon something medium-rangish with a slow ROF (Rate Of Fire) so that the claustrophobic "Shelter" becomes a sort of death trap, and humans are forced to stick together outside of their damned campable house.

    The "Few Shots" thing makes team-firing a valuable strategy, and allows Zombies to actually stand a chance when they use their numbers to their advantage.

    #4 Hogframe, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  5. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    Thanks for the advice i appreciate it, im currently working on a second version while checking out other gametype on the site. i have figured that the one shot thing is a plain,
  6. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    tips/criticism for future reference

    1) NEVER use instant kill with a BR, it's just plain unfair. in fact, try not to use instant kill at all

    2) i like the idea of little light in a small fortress but if you could use some of the rest of the budget (if any is left) to add a barrier blocking off the rest of the map

    3) try making the weapons for the humans spawn as the game continues

    (keep in mind that these are only suggestions that do not need to be taken into consideration)

    #6 Sgt Surchin, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2010
  7. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    I have plenty of budget left and i am working on my second version. I also will tweak the gametype as i got more testers and they also complained of the instant kill. thanks for recommendations.
  8. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    Instead of giving humans insta kill, try giving them 75% damage multiplier, while the zombies have no shields and 500% damage resistance or some other high number. This will make head shots insta kill but body shots very weak. Also I hope you come out with a V2 I like what you're going for but it just doesn't have enough places for humans and zombies to hide or do stuff.
  9. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    also, as another tip, if you have enough budget left over isn't ti possible to do the infinite $ glitch after the map has already been started?
  10. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    i dislike the budget glitch as i feel it is cheating, i like the challenge of having a budget. And thanks for the suggestion warpath i was considering swat style health for the infected as it was. I am also completely redoing the gametype and will release that alongside version 2
  11. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    i do not use the budget glitch as much as possible because i also like the challenge, but in some rare cases it is useful.

  12. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    I agree with that, well if you guys have any other suggestions let me know, this is one map i will focus on as i want to create a map pack with the darkness style.

    CAPNxXxCANT Forerunner

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    This is a decent map, but i just feel like the idea has been worn out. I have seen many maps like this with one oasis for the humans on the outskirts and they fight for survival.

    My suggestions would be to add an original aspect to it or make it aestically better than all the maps like it to make yours better
  14. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Try something new and unusual. A mauler is more of a close range weapon, but with normal damage it takes 2-3 shots to kill, pretty much being exactly what you say. Also put some more powerful weapons littered around the map, like a sniper in one of the bases and a plasma pistol somewhere, along with a few others. I really like plasma pistols on dark maps, because they light up the night allowing you to see the zombie if you make contact, and completely remove the sheilds.

    But in general, listen to what Haris said. Its close to everything.

    @Sea Urchin: Make sure that your signiture is actually a part of your signiture instead of including it in every post. That forces people to delete it when they quote you, and some people have signitures hidden because they cannot load all of the pictures at a decent speed. You are circumventing this, and out of respect to them australian members (with your walmart connections ;D) you should fix that.
  15. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    I have considered many things such as a second base on the cliffs across the map, that seems to be the one i plan on going with, the only problem is there are only 4 lights and i dont want to take away from the sheer pitch black state of the map. If you guys knwo of anyway to make some more light please let me know.
  16. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    ^^^Fusion Coils, or Killballs. Or just use two lights in one, and another main one with two lights. And give plasma pistols default secondary for the lighting reason i said above.

    This, i do not agree with at all. There is no downside to starting with a budget glitched canvas, and if possibly you manage to stay under budget you can always go back and un-glitch it. Nobody will ever know the difference! I highly reccomend always using a budget glitched map.
    #16 Jex Yoyo, Jul 12, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2010
  17. xXEnr4gedHoboXx

    xXEnr4gedHoboXx Forerunner

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    I have used them before but for this map i dont see that it would be nessicary to use a budget glitch but i can agree with where you are coming from
  18. supertoaster

    supertoaster Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good Idea, bad map.

    1.) Avoid making open areas for easy to kill zombies, anyone with decent aim can take them out without much effort, making it boring/frustrating for the zombies.

    2.) Small "houses" and rooms with one entrance/exit are a nightmare for all but the toughest zombies. Humans usually camp in the corner oneshoting anything that come through the door.

    3.) Create a barrier. By creating a perimeter, you make the humans feel more closed in, leaving then with little to work with. This usually forces them to be creative.

    4.) No Vehicles. They usually can be a game killer if not placed/used correctly, or even of their used at all. They can, however, be a nice aesthetic feature to a map.

    5.) Low ammo forces humans to think when shooting. Once again, if their given little to work with, they'll usually be more creative and strategic in when to shoot or not. Just make sure you don't give them too littleto work with.

    Just follow all the wonderful tips that you think are good and it'll make a big difference in your maps.
  19. Obibital

    Obibital Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Sigh.... people still go for post counts around here?

    Some things never change...

    Well i like what you were going for, the generic "middle of no-where" dark map is very suitable for that zombie feel.

    Alas, that tends not to work out on halo since theres not many ways to limit the actions of the players (i.e. Humans running away into the infinite void of black)

    The Gametype, also a very generic and occasionally fun for a zombie game, but its only fun for the Human Players.

    You need to always make sure its fun for the zombies as well, its sometimes an annoying hassle to have to deal with both ends of the game, but do your best to please each crowd as evenly as possible.

    ;) keep on tryin.

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