Just one thing I thought about: considering how well the entrance to the base and the grass/land meet, it seems almost unnatural to be default on the map. All of the forerunner structures have been around for millenia, and usually show some signs of the land retaking their buildings. At the very least, I would expect a little bit of grass or dirt coming over the entrance, or something.
For placable water, there would need to be a depression in the ground so that it doesn't look tacky and the water doesn't "float". Look at this picture: How could they possible justify making it a forge object? The few spots where water would look good naturally are already filled. Not to mention the different properties each water body seems to possess. The water in the cave reflected light onto the walls. The water in the dirt is muddy. The water in the ocean was rolling towards the shore. These are the kind of deep finishing touches that can only be done while designing a map.
Good points, I was definitely wondering about how there was natural depressions there to begin with. Basically I'm thinking that this doesn't have to be Blood Gulch; the shallow depressions could be filled with rocks, or other objects. I'm feeling like the grass textures and brushes are the biggest indicators of it not being there originally. I know that there is sea grass and stuff lol. You gotta admit the textures are pretty much the same as the surroundings, it looks a little sloppy, right? Anyways, I'll definitely give this a "wait and see". However, I'm glad you posted that picture; what do you think of all those glitchy-looking black streaks on the rocks in the middle-background? Those definitely don't look like they have the same polish of the canyon's rocks. Are you of the mind that the bases and rocks in the Hologram scene are Forged in, but unconvinced of the water being an object? Just curious where we're all at, I'm sure we can collectively skull out what we're seeing here.
Well in my opinion concerning the wall I think it is there in slayer games and not there or eventually disapears in Invasion And concerning the water I don't think it is forgable sure it would be cool but honestly I think Bungie just wanted to re-vamp Blood Gulch by making it better and bigger
What about the entire rest of the level then..? I think I hit the nail on the head when I said that only one small corner of the map has contours reminiscent of Blood Gulch, but it's only a small part of a much larger canvas map.. The large wall is Forged in because it's much less obnoxious that just having a return-to-battlefield warning when you can see a road winding up into the hills, lol. I'm sure you could set up an Invasion gametype on there, but it wouldn't have to involve that wall in any way.
That's mainly a bug, actually: once you get far enough from some kinds of rocks, they start turning black in areas, but they go back to normal once you get closer. This was the most prominent in Halo 2, especially on Containment: just fly on top of a base and bring a sniper/rocket.
Well, that's maybe how it used to be... Fact is, most of the rocks seen at that kind of distance (and greater) in that video look just fine. The solidity of the image is actually quite remarkable. So it stands to reason that those rocks are a little more ephemeral; I think it's safe to say all those rocks, and the bases, and the large wall are forged. I'll reserve judgment on the water pools since I've met with such stiff opposition, lol.
Yea, but its only because those had a basement. I guess it will be alright because someone could always forge a garage/attachment to the base.
I liked the dipped-in land around the bases with the diagonal columns that you can dodge around. A lot of my combat took place there. Oh well.
I think the extent of our forge options end at that big wall that just happened to not be there in one of the shots. Frighteningly, here's something nobody else has pointed out yet: What the hell is out there?
Nope, whenever the camera is cutting between Simmons and Grif right before this shot, Blue base is behind Grif. The way the camera is pointing in the screenshot is in the opposite direction. BUT, what you are describing is the way the bases are set up in the original Blood Gulch. So it could go both ways.
I'm pretty certain this is what's out there, a water barrier (At least I imagine you can't cross the water).
If you're referring the to the area behind the first large cliff, then I believe it's shown when Sarge is standing on the large cliff, showing all of it. Still, I may be mistaken.
I agree with ScarecrowXavier the water in the map is there to begin with. I also think that the bases aren't forged, and I also hope they're not forged into the map.