Im guessing that it has to do with trading weapons in Campaign. That is the exact same picture as the ODST swap weapon achievement. Also there is a "skunked" medal. When you win an Invasion game without letting the enemy get past the first tier, the announcer yells "skunked" so it probably has to do with that. The daily challenge achievement looks it is the one to the left of the killing spree medal one because that is a picture of a commendation (which is pretty much a Credits challenge.)
It originally had 49 when the game came out and then there was a massive title update about 1 year after release which added the next 30 achievements.
Did anyone notice that there is four difficulty Completion achievements and not three like in Halo 3 and ODST. Does that mean there is a new difficulty above legendary, cause I know for sure that there isn't an achievement for easy completion? Could that mean it is mythic difficulty, since the last icon has a human skull and not an elite skull? It could be the "A Monument to all your Sins" achievement but I want there to be a new difficulty...
^Isn't the fourth one just completing it on Legendary, but by yourself and not behind three other guys while I'm listening to music that one time?
I mean it would be kind of stupid if the other one is complete legendary, with other poeple... Right?
I meant one is for completing it on Legendary and one is doing it solo, so yeah. I don't really see the point in it either, but hey, free points, so whatever.
I do campaign solo anyway so I'm glad for that achievement. Would be better if you had to have all skulls on or something I really want a HARD!!! achievement that doesn't require luck but a lot of skill. 1Mill on firefight seems like might be hard if has to be done legendary solo. but still I want some hard achievements like that or harder. I don't get the point of achievements that everyone can get with out effort.
Honestly, im not really an achievement kind of guy, so i dont really get the point of achievements in general. Ill do them if i need to to get armor, but honestly, who thought they were a good idea?
I can't wait to try for Banshees, Fast and Low. Got pretty good at jacking them with a jetpack in the beta
The skunked one is for stoping covies in invasion before they capture tier one. the forth one is most likely a monument to all your sins the multiplayer ones are: skunked getting an amour that requires Lt. Colonel rank completing all challenges in a given day first stike medal and one other i cant remember at the moment, it is on the bungie site and this isnt the complete post