[FONT="]Highway To Hell[/FONT] [FONT="]After looking at all the amazing maps on forgehub, I decided to make one of my own. After about [/FONT][FONT="]2 weeks[/FONT][FONT="] of [/FONT][FONT="]nonstop-forging[/FONT][FONT="], it was finally complete. But what to call such an amazing map...then it hit me! My friend had told me that it was [/FONT][FONT="]hell[/FONT][FONT="] to race on, so I added some kill balls, darkened the map, and [/FONT]VOILA!!![FONT="]Highway To Hell was born. THANK YOU AC/DC!! In my map, there are u-turns, a circular turn (that's right, a circular turn), a medium sized down ramp at the beginning, a large sized ramp at the end, and a few tricky parts (including the u-turns with kill balls, the circular turn with a kill ball, and the tricky wall T's to the small ramps). [/FONT][FONT="]Honor Rules [/FONT][FONT="]IF YOU FALL OFF YOUR MONGOOSE GET BACK ON RIGHT AWAY! IF THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE, GO BACK TO THE BEGINNING AND GET A NEW ONE!! I've played with so many people who just cheat and walk to the end. But I have a little surprise for them (he he he...). [/FONT][FONT="] Don't kill people, EVER!! Killing people takes out all the fun of racing awesome tracks. So Don't kill anyone. Period. Finally, if you fall off the side and die, don't get frustrated and throw your controller at the t.v. and scream "I HATE THIS GAME!!!" at the top of your lungs, then throw your 360 out the window, and then grabbing a mallet and start smashing your unit to bits all because of a game. I mean, c'mon man. It's just a game. Now that through all that, let's move onto the pics. This is the beginning spot in which the mongooses, mongeese, whatever, spawn at The hill after the beginning After the hill, there's a small banked turn This is the dreaded Circular Turn Of Doom!!! [/FONT] This is where your land after the Circular Turn Of DOOM!!![FONT="] where there is a u-turn The awesome red light sky u-turn This is the tricky wall T to small ramps part The final u-turn The last jump to get the point!! Ya!! I finished it!! " Ha Ha Ha! I'm going to cheat and walk this course. Ooooooo. I wonder what these teleporters lead to." Looks like he'll never know... DOWNLOAD IT!!! I hope you download my map. Enjoy!! ^^ Download Links: Highway To Hell RACETRACKS [/FONT][FONT="] [/FONT]--- Please no bad comments please!! l READ COMMENT WITH THE A TITLE (that I, MattV01) DOWN in the comment posts!! _________________________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. [FONT="] [/FONT]
So, let me get this straight...Your own friend says that the map is "Hell to ride on", so you decide to add more effects and Killballs to fix that? ... Currently, this map isn't neat, pretty, smooth, or aesthetically attractive (I highlighted smooth because it's the only one of my points that would affect gameplay, other than the effects). It requires Honor Rules, which is a big no-no, and it doesn't seem to be set up for any official racing Gametypes. Also, there seems to be a lot of areas where the raceway is only one wall wide. A decent racetrack should always be at least two Walls wide to allow for skillfully passing the opposition. Can you even keep track of laps on this map? (Is there a dedicated V.I.P. finish line) Do you know for sure that it's uncheatable? (Is it possible to jump over, etc.) Is this map actually fun and competitive to play on? (Does everyone have a good time, and does the better racer always win.) I would strongly recommend that you ask yourself these questions, test the map more, and fix the map more. Currently, this map is in a position where few people here would download it. You must make it better. Cheers, HarisSales.
If anybody wants to get together online and forge a map with with, just send me a message on Xbox Live. My gamer tag is MattV01 Thanks --- Um, hello! Did you even read anything in this post!!! The supported gametype is RACETRACKS. Duh! I have a link at the bottom for it! And it actually is really Smooth. You see how I highlighted Smooth? And my friend, Jesse, said it was Hell to ride on. I hadn't even named the course yet at the time. It was still called "Sandbox001". And you just posted this 1 minute after I posted this! There is no way that you tested it to see if it was "Smooth". I also said, and I quote, "No bad comments please," unquote, and your reply clearly is a bad quote. --- Seriously people, NO BAD COMMENTS, like the previous one... I would appreciated it very much. Thanks _________________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. Please reply if you view it! Thanks _______________________________ On a dark and storm night, a vampire gave us lemons.
You can thank AC/DC for a lot of things. The name is what got my entention. The map looks like you put effort in it. But it just needs more aesthics. BTW is this your first racetrack? Cuz you've done well
Thanks for the good comments! ^^ And yes, this is my first racetrack. _____________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons.
How could you write "no bad comments". The whole reality of posting a map on a public forum is to know that you have to take the good with the bad. Writing no bad comments makes me want to find something bad to say. The map is just ok. I am not into single wide sections and cheatable tracks. No DL for me. Sorry.
Nice design, but with the quality of racetrack maps these days it needs something new or just does the same but better. This map look very rough to drive on (pics 2, 3, 7, 9, 10) improve those things and it wouldn't receive much criticism. Nice try and keep forging.
Matt, while i agree that Harris's super-colored and bolded text IS annoying, everything he said is true. Its called constructive criticism, and if you cant take that you are in the wrong forum. There are two types of posters here on forgehub; Those who say absolutly nothing useful other than 'Looks nice dl 5/5' and you seem to think those are the good ones. Actually, those are spam. The other type of poster is like Harris, where they take the time to write a well thought out post outlining all of the things that need to be fixed like this; Problem, Why its a problem, How to fix problem. And the biggest problem i see here is that you got mad at somebody for trying to help you. :::The actual map:::While it has a very fun layout, it resembles most other race track maps. You didnt include any of the beautiful aesthetics expected of a decent race map, or the impossibly smooth paths that are required. Because the standards of this type of map are so high it feels sloppy if you dont keep up to them in any way. Also, the fact that you have single wide ramps is depressing, made worse by the fact that you have to slow down to finish parts of this map. It has a decent path, but it was not fully developed yet. Spoiler This is really off topic, but i would make a horrible mod..... anybody want to agree with me that almost EVERY post in the maps section is either spam or flaming now-a-days? I think there is a total of four comments in the last five maps ive looked at that i would NOT infract for spam... My responce to the map is what i thought the bare minimum for a passable post is.
The track design is kidn of boring and unoriginal, a big loop. Honestly, kind of boring. I would also neaten up tyhe track, it seem a tad bit sloppy in soem parts making the track bumpy and hard to drive on.
Read this comment before downloading or posting!! Look people, racing maps are supposed to be challenging. i mean, what fun is it if you go on the map, and it is so smooth, that you can finish it just like that without a problem. This is what people aren't getting. It's always, "Oh, you need good aesthetics to have good map," and, "oh, this map is a bit sloppy, which instantly makes it not a really good race course". So now, I will explain my course for you who really don't know how to read map posts. First of all, in a lot of the pictures shown, I was told they were sloppy, even though I clearly said in the post that these parts were tricky and were supposed to be a little sloppy so that it is even harder to complete it. Secondly, YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO FINISH THIS COURSE ON YOUR FIRST TRY!!! Even I can't finish it 10 times in a row without falling off at least once. Third, I will answer questions that I was previously told to "ask myself" in a not so helpful post by HarisSales1996. Q. Can you even keep track of laps on this map? (Is there a dedicated V.I.P. finish line) A. At the end of the post (and it is very clearly typed) there is a Download link that says "RACETRACKS". If you have any experience with racing maps (and you obviously don't), you would know that "RACETRACKS" is a game variant for VIPs in which they race around the map until the end, in which there is a lovely VIP destination point, instantly giving the racer a point. It also just so happens that if you look at the bottom of the page, you will see your team colour and how much points you've gotten. Also, if you look at picture #9, you will see a VIP point. Q. Do you know for sure that it's uncheatable? (Is it possible to jump over, etc.) A. As a matter of fact, it is uncheatable. Of course I would know. I MADE THIS MAP!! Why else would I post it. You would also know if you took the liberty of downloading it and seeing for yourself if it was uncheatable. You can also see that I've made a little "trap" for those people who like to cheat, which is clearly shown in picture #11 and #12. Q. Is this map actually fun and competitive to play on? (Does everyone have a good time, and does the better racer always win.) A. Well, I don't want to brag, but I do consider myself a pretty good racer. And I also said that I do fall off (because in a tricky map, you can't always race perfectly (if not perfectly means slightly bumping into a wall, causing you to swerve and slow down, or even falling off, or just missing a turn without a wall and falling off) like myself. I do bump a wall or two, or miss a turn a few times every time I race it. And if I fall and laugh when the spartan hits the ground and the mongoose blows into a million pieces (and I think most people do this to) then I'm pretty sure that's having a good time. Hopefully i have answered some questions for everybody. Also, please be a good gamer and don't leave a useless comment like HarisSales1996 and Death Yoyo did. Thanks _________________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons.
It's very sloppy I must say. It seems like their is just way too much going on. And how do you expect people to have fun on this if you fell off a couple times like you said? You might think it's fun, but to most people, it isn't. How are you supposed to make better maps if you don't accept constructive criticism? Just take what people tell you, and improve your map. And don't say that people's comment are useless, they are just trying to help you out and don't get mad about it. Smoother Racetrack=More Fun
What Death and Haris said are completely true. MAYBE it has a fun element to YOU, but to other people, it doesn't. That's life. People like things, people dislike things. If dislikers outnumber the likers, then which seems to be the more believable story? Some of the parts in the track are just unbelievable, though. To me, the parts of the track you pass of as 'tricky' are 'could not be arsed to forge nicely'. No wonder you fall off, the jerks from the walls sticking up would throw anyone off.
I apologize for not looking at the Download Links that were under your actual map post. I focus more on actual text, and tend to ignore Download Links unless I need to use them... : ( Also, you didn't understand what I meant by "Is there a dedicated V.I.P. finish line?" Giant squares do not count as a "finish line." Cheers, HarisSales.
How is this useless...? Dont be a douche. He and I are the only people so far who have left a truly useful post, everyone else has been spamming. And here you are waltzing around on your high horse thinking you made a perfect map and that no criticism towards it is good, regardless of how helpful it is. Haris and I both gave well thought out, intellegent, and easy to understand posts that offered advice and suggestions on how to make it better. I never in any way attacked you are got upset or anything until you proved yourself yet another spoiled, condescending four year old who cries when somebody says they arent the best. The funny thing is, i havent met a four year old yet with a single reason to be condescending. I never said difficult was bad. I never said bumpy was bad. I did say SLOPPY was bad. This is in no way criticising you or your map, and does not warrent verbally flaming Haris and I. Your response was incredibly immature, and i am disapointed that you seem to think that immaturity is accepted. If you want to reply to this, take it to a PM so that we can keep it private and i am not forced to be polite.
really the point of this post is to get constructive criticizm. so chill about the bad comments. anyways. i dl it and found that the map is really hard to race on because of the bumps and the skinny roadways. it is not very fun because you fall off too much and the bumps flip you all the time
quite inventive, however it needs some neatening and merging especially at the starting corner. Although it still looks good fun
Ok im giving you constructive criticism wether you like it not. -turns need to be double wide -the changes from the ramp to the banked turn and then to the flat turn could be interlocked into each other to make it smoother -after the sky u-turn which sucks btw for not being double wide there should really be a guard rail or at least double wide it. -once you get in a position after the start you stay there with little chance of passing except for the first 10-15 seconds of a lap. -also the start point is completely unfair. -not fun at all. -my main complaint is lack of double wide through out the track. and if you think i didnt test it im playing it right now im afraid this is only a 3/5
I understand what you are saying, but you haven't been here long enough to understand what everyone is like here. If you post a track that is 1 lane wide, has large gaps in it, no aesthetics, lights and killballs, don't tell people NOT to leave bad comments, otherwise you are kidding yourself. Everyone enjoys a fun track, but not many people are going to download this unless it looks fun and different. I will admit, the 'Circular turn of doom' looks fantastic, but you haven't been consistent with this kind of forging throughout the map. You could try for a V2, taking into account some of the things that Haris and YoYo said, or you could try a different genre of map.
Hey I noticed a few flaws with your map that could be easily fixed and improve your map and more enjoyable for people playing on it and learn from you mistakes and become a better map maker. But I guess you don't want that kind of reply so here is my reply: It's a race map that uses mongooses and teleporters and other forged objects.
No worry's dude. It's not your fault. And I take back all the crap I said. I'm sorry. If there is anything anyone can say to help my map look for original, please say something. Thanks ___________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. --- Swearing is not permitted in my comments. And that day you guys posted, I was really mad because, well, this was my first race course. And exactly one minute after I posted it, HarisSales1996 just sayed my map was basically horrible. He never said anything good about, which made me mad. You also never said anything good about my map. when other people started joining in on not saying any good things, it made me very sad. In fact, i think only one person said good things about my map. Anyways, I'm sorry. But please, next time you post, people probably will be offended if you don't say anything good about there map. Thanks _________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. --- Oh my god!! Does anybody say stuff about the map anymore!!! ___________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. --- Thanks for the tips! ^^ And also thank you for commenting on the map instead of quotes. _____________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. --- I told people not to leave bad comments, not suggestions to fix my map, which would be nice if everyone left at least one good thing that they liked in the map. In my eyes, bad comments include the following: -swearing -inappropriate talk towards the poster -discussion totally off topic of the map (ex. Talking about movies, talking to another player that posted, etc.) Thanks _______________________________ On a dark and stormy night a vampire gave us lemons. --- Gee, thanks. Just because i might not have understood what some other people said and got frustrated, don't take it against me. That just shows how childish you are. Your comment left no help at all,which makes your comment spamming. No thanks for you! (lol, instead of "no soup for you!") __________________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons. --- Also, if I left all the spots as, "double width," then the map wouldn't be as challenging as I wanted it to be. Thanks ______________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons.