ICE CREAM MAN ON BUBBLEGUM ROAD I am a hardcore Ice Cream Man minigame fan. Then a while ago I decided to make my OWN Ice Cream Man version. The fat kids are desperate to get some ice crean on a burning hot day. Mr. Ice Cream Man dosent think so, so he runs over te kids who try to get the ice cream on Bubblegum Road. So this is how the game play is: There are up too 16 fat kids spawn at the end of Bubblegum Road. Their point of the game is to get to the the other end of the road to get the ice cream. FAT KID SPAWN Then at the corner of the ice cream is were the Ice Cream Man's garage is. The zombie spawn (Ice Cream Man) (Only one ice cream man in game play). There in the garage is warthog. Only Ice Cream man can have any use of Warthog. Theres some teleporter so zombie cant get out of garage without Warthog. So ice cream man must drive and "splatter" every kid. Kids are very slow, giving Ice Cream Man a big advantage. But there are some equipment I added on the road. Such as, firebombs, covers, and some other protective stuff. Ice Cream Man cannot pick up equipment. Okay this is how in my version the fat kids get the ice cream. There is a sheild door and ice cream (of course) but the ice cream is raised up. Below the ice cream is a gravlift. Since Ice Cream Man cant pick up equipment you can use it to get your beloved ice cream. So keep those downloads ready. DOWNLOAD MAP DOWNLOAD GAME TIP: Push fat kids into garage
It looks very well forged...maybe add something unique to the map? Like a small drop bridge going from one side to the other on top of the blocks. BTW it just my opinion.
So you took the original design, and added a grav. lift? I don't see this as a good enough reason to download a whole new map. The forging is good, and it probably does its job nicely, but I honestly cannot download another of these maps. Maybe if you made something more creative, I would download.
Well you see this map is the basic original but it is GLITCH PROOF! All the others have some glitches. I know I do need to add some more creativity....
Nice work overwriting my ICM game variant settings and putting your name on it. I am not mad, but why not just link to my ICM variant instead of overwriting mine, and putting your name on it?? As for the map, it's just ok. The reason I didn't make any ICM maps in the crypt is simply because the "runway" is far too short. By the time you get going, the fat kids are already at the ice cream. I am not bashing your map. I like it. It's just that the only difference to your map is the fact that the ice cream is suspended in the air. Some could still grief by using the grav life to jump out of the arena. Nice effort with the new addition, but it's not enough to really get me excited.
Thanks but you see I test this with one freind most of the time meaning it says last man standing. You didn't put any settings there because it shouldn't be 1v1. BTW it is my first ice cream man map, and I will add some more aesthetics in the next version. I'll even add "originally made by Dream) or something like that in the gametype description.
Wait, what? I DLed your game and the settings were the exact same as the ICM variant I made last year. You just overwrote it and put your name on it. What do you mean by last man standing? What do you mean by 1vs1. I really would like to understand what you are trying to say. You get no extra bonus for LMS for a reason.
You see, you had no settings for last man standing. Since i only played with me and my friend he was last man standing, because there weren't any other players playing the game. Since the game was not meant for two people only you didnt add any settings to it. I hope its ok with you though, i can change it if you want me to
I still don't understand what you are saying. You can use whatever game settings you want. I don't own the rights to the game. I just really want to understand what you mean? What were the settings you added for the LMS? Can you list them so I can see what you are talking about. In my game, the LMS is the same as any other base player. They carry over. What did you add to the LMS settings?? Thanks.
It isn't even neat at all. It looks kind of rushed to be honest. Some blocks aren't even lined up. I recommend making it cleaner by merging the map.
You seem to be criticizing this map to much. Don't tell other peoples that there reviews are wrong. Its their opinion, not yours to change what they think. I spent lots of time on this map. Doing your best is the best. I'm pretty sure you haven't even downloaded the map haven't you?
*facepalm* Its called constructive criticism people, and its used to help you get better. He was not being rude, aggressive, or attacking you in any way. You have no reason to get defensive. He was annoyed that somebody had made a post without thinking, a completely spam post too btw, and so he brought it up. And then gave you a suggestion to help do better next time.
im so tired of regular ice cream man maps. they need to do a new one where the road is slightly uphill ,downhill or bumpy. My friends have a bunch of maps exactly like this