That's classified. I haveta clear them out every few months but I only delete the recent ones. Oh man the PMs between Star and I are hilarious.
HAHAHAHAHA OH ****. I forgot... sharpshooter, back when he was a loyal-grubbing ho, PMd a bunch of staffers with a proposed F101 that read like he was recapping how forgehub came to be. It was horrible. ahhahahaha oh man
Wait how is it that you empty your inbox every few months yet remnants of the squirrel are still there?
My god I ****ing hated that kid. I think he was one of the members who made one of those moronic "help with gurl!" threads.
Lol... That is the best thing that I have read today. Not only is the subject funny, but the document itself is littered with typographical errors that make the entire package even more ridiculous.
Hahaha. A curfew? I'm pretty sure only married parents try to enforce that stuff, because having children gives them a bloated sense of self-importance. Seriously, who here has had a "curfew" or been grounded?
and on top of that, i always thought the stereotypical "nigga" just kind of naturally hung out in the middle of the street the entire night
1. he's 17. Still a kid by my parents' definition. 2. he acts like one. Always on the phone or on Facebook, talking about sex every chance he gam get, wears ****ing slippers with socks, cargo shorts and a wife beater, just generally acting like an ass toward authority...