Well I stumbled across these on Bungie.net and thought that I would share them with you: The Quote form Bungie: It’s only a matter of time before Halo Reach’s Achievements leak. It is officially the third of life’s inevitabilities, taking a place a few pegs below Death and Taxes. So while we’re not going to unpack all of the Achievements today, we are going to show you all of the icons. It’s such a shame that you only see these at "petite res" in-game, Dave Candland, Andrew Davis and Stosh’s work deserves to be blown up. A Monument to All Your Sins – Complete each Campaign Mission on Legendary – alone. Banshees, Fast and Low – Hijack a Banshee during the Reach Campaign. Yes, Sensei – Earn a First Strike Medal in a Matchmaking game. A New Challenger – Complete all of the Daily Challenges in a given day. Make It Rain – Purchase an item from the Armory that requires the rank of Lt. Colonel. There will be 49 total Achievements in Reach. Twenty-three of them are Campaign-specific Achievements. We set out to make sure that each Campaign mission has its own ‘special’ Achievement, like: If They Came to Hear Me Beg – Perform an Assassination against an Elite to survive a fall that would’ve been fatal. Achievements were bucketed into five different groups, Campaign (23), Firefight (7), Multiplayer (4), Training (6) and Player Experience (9). Some of the Training Achievements can be earned in both Campaign and Firefight. Source: Bungie.net : Bungie Weekly Update: 07.09.10 : 7/9/2010 2:53 PM PDT
nice find. I'm guessing the 5th achievement on the top row on the right has to do with Taking off someone's shields with a plasma pistol then finishing them off with a DMR
Now that I look at that one, you're probably right. And it does make the most sense. Also the one next to to legendary campaign completion is probably completing campaign on legendary by yourself.
or a different difficulty all together: Mythic. when you think about it, it may be improbable but it's definitely possible. think about it, a campaign harder than legendary. and for the 8th column 1st row... four words... FEAR THE PINK MIST.
wait a second... why are there not as many acievements? is bungie going soft on us!? what is happening!?!?
I just noticed something with the last row of achievements. It starts with the Roman Numeral of 2 (II) not 1. So is there going to be 50 achievements because there is no 1?
maybe there isn't an achievement for the first mission, or maybe bungie just screwed up. either is possible
First mission=video. Like all halo games. It would be retarded to give an acheivment for that. Also, that last one is probably completing legendary solo but its the emblem used by the guys who started doing mythic (SLASO) in halo 3. Beating the game with every skull on, solo, legendary. My thoughts, and im out.
This is my geuss on the achievements Campaign Achievements 1-3: Beat Campaign on Normal, Heroic, Legendary 4:A monument to all your sins 20:Banshees Fast and low 22:? 23:If they came to hear me beg 25:Space Combat Achievement 26:? 27:? 28:Get a skunked Medal? 29:Heal Yourself 30:X melee kills 32:? 41-49:Beat Missions 2-10 FireFight Achievements (These are the firefight achievements, you can see it because it had the same background as the ODST firefight achievements) MatchMaking and Default only 34:Get a Killionaire 35:Beat set X on Legendary 36-40:Get 5-1 million points in FireFight Training Achievements 5:Ah My clothes 2.0/Swap weapons with an ally 6-8:X DMR/Magnum/Needler Kills 9:Ket X kills in tank/Save a tank in Campaign 10:Kill a brute Chieftan Multiplayer Achievements 16:Killing Spree 17:Get a certain Spree 18:Get a First Strike Medal 19:Assassinate Armory/Player Rank Achievements 11:Buy 1 of every armory Piece 12:Buy Everything/100% Unlocked 13:Reach Rank X 14:Make it rain 15:Get Onyx rank in any comedations list 21:A new challenger (3 star for 3 daily challenges) 31,33:Reach Rank X
The emblem with the DMR and plasma pistol may be for trading weapons out during campaign like in odst, cause its almost identical looking. then again, both make sense.
Finally get some recognition. But I hope those II to XI ones aren't beat one level each. You get the achievement for beating all the levels you don't need one for each one!
I think mission I may just be a cutscene level, so they considered it redundant for getting an achievement for it. That, or there's actually one more achievement (Campaign Level 11, but it doesn't take place on Reach?) and they don't want to spoil it.
The one with the plasma pistol/DMR is the swap weapons with an ally achievment. It looks exactly the same as the ODST achievement. The one next to the beatdown medal has something to do with health packs.
I looked but not too closely.... there's so much info out right now I wanna it to be fresh when the game comes out
I am not going to guess what they all mean, but I found something that it tells us..... Reach has 10 missions, and possibly a new difficulty. Also, my guesses to what the ones that I COULD guess about: 15th: Earn the first level for a commendation 34th: Get a Killionaire in Firefight on Legendary 25th: Kill X enemies with the Sabre 9th: Get X kills with a Scorpion 5th: Trade weapons with an Ally 16th: Get a killing spree in a matchmaking game 23rd: Assassinate an enemy in a matchmaking game 19th: Interfere with an Assassination to save an Ally 41st - 49th: Complete the Xst/nd/rd/th Campaign mission