Foundry Abandoned

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Ragumshnagum, Jul 9, 2010.

  1. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    Abandoned - just a simple symmetrical map for simple symmetrical games.

    Recommended 4-8 players.

    Essentially, you have a big room, filled to the brim with crates and boxes, creating a labyrinth. You have two bases, each identical to the other.

    The map has been updated. The armories are no more.

    The map is set up symmetrically, as it is divided through the middle by a massive wall of boxes with one way through. Your teleporter takes you very close to this one entrance.

    Supports: Team Slayer, Capture the Flag, and Assault.

    Download Link:

    Base A.

    Base A - Armory and spawn.

    Base B

    Base B - Armory and Spawn

    Outside Base A

    Outside Base B
    #1 Ragumshnagum, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  2. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    OMG... um.. where do I start.

    Bases are way to stacked with Weapons making it liek and armory. Vehicless surve no purpose because the map is too small for vechicles. Map look sloppy, rushed, and unmerged in everyway. Looks like not alot of time was put into the map.

    I suggest a redo of the map.
  3. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont think merging is required here. the point is that it is an abandoned wharehouse so everything will be sloppy and all over the place.
    i will say two things though. LOSE the armories and vehicles.
    a) maps too small
    b) armories make maps ****
  4. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    It was intended to look like an armory. You choose your load out before you leave. I thought it would be an interesting twist to gameplay, but if enough people say otherwise, I'll see what I can do.

    Yeah, I know vehicles can't be used for much. Essentially, on this map, your warthog is a mobile turret. What's wrong with that? I've tried, you can still get around, albeit slowly. So, it requires players to improvise.

    The map is supposed to look sloppy and I can't see how merging would be necessary on a map that's supposed to be an abandoned warehouse. I thought the whole abandoned title would go without saying that this isn't supposed to look like something spectacular. That's the whole point.

    I will not "redo" this map. I see no need to change anything beyond weapon spawns since you guys seem so against that.
    I understand you don't like the armories and vehicles. But who cares if you have an extra warthog? It's not like it's in your way and a creative player can use it as a mobile turret or something (just bringing this up again).

    a) You say the map is small. I concur. I feel like this map is rather large.
    b) I understand, "armories make maps ****," but you haven't explained why this is so. I'm at a loss.
  5. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    let me explain. maps are good when the weapons are spread out around the map. From the looks of things, you have most of the weapons, even heavies, in the base. players can just camp there with them. also they dont have to fight and compete with the other team over them. players can simply grab the rockets and practically dominate them map
  6. SVD Zero

    SVD Zero Ancient
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    I think the Warthog is a great idea for this map, because, like you said, it causes players to improvise. I'm a HUGE fan of vehicular combat, and I'm glad to see someone putting some vehicles in. As for the looks of the map, I must say I understand the look completely, but you want to focus on gameplay over aesthetics, especially in a competitive map. Although, aesthetics are important, try to make your map have a flow to it, and this can be done with interlocking. If you walk on a smooth surface, you will be able to aim better. Trust me, I've been through the same thing.

    Another thing you might want to focus on is laying out your weapons around the map, so players can move around it and feel the map, and not just look at it from one side.
    I see you were going for the loadouts, but Halo is not like Call of Duty or Battlefield: BC2 in that you can actively walk around and pick up weapons at their spawns, and not just kill someone and take their gun. But for a first try (I assume this is your first map?) you did pretty well. There are just a few key things you need to monopolize on, such as flow, aesthetics vs. gameplay, weapon placement, and if you want to go the vehicle route, accessibility of vehicles. I look forward to seeing your progress.

    Love, Zero
    P.S. Yes, that was a ridiculous wall of words
  7. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Well number one, obviously the players care. If you aren't going to listen, no one will like your maps and you will never improve. Armories ruin gameplay. They require no tactics, become an experienced player if you don't learn through forge. A smart player would camp at the armory and wait for the other team to rush toward them, he is safe because he has everything he needs. Slayer is basically get the weapons and take control of any safe spot you see according to experienced players. Please dl other maps and see what kind of gameplay makes them so great. Your map is pretty much pointless without good weapon placement and good gameplay features that all great authors look into before they release their maps.

    Zero! I thought you loved me! sad face
    #7 BloodBender97, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  8. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You have obviously never tested this map, and have based everything in your post on your ideas, and not on actual facts.

    Also, look at this map. It looks destroyed, it looks abandoned, and it does it all while looking good. If this map can accomplish this, why can't yours?

    #8 Hogframe, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have to agree with previous posts, armories are usually more well suited for larger maps because the distance makes it more dynamic than just spawning, grabbing a rocket launcher spinning 90 degrees blind firing and getting a double kill, I suggest that if you do keep the armory, block it off so that each time spawns in the armory then maybe uses teleporters to be placed in the actual map itself, so there will be no camping in the armory, or stealing the other teams weapons and raping their spawns near the armory. neutral weapons spread out around the map always seem to work out much better because people are rushing for them and fighting over them making the game play more dynamic. This map is way too small for vehicles.

    Don't get discouraged though, it's a good map with lots of cover and interesting angles above and below, a V2 would be totally sweet :)
  10. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    There's a lot you guys are giving me on this, and I'm not going to address all of you individually, so I'll just get out what I'm seeing the most prevalent here.

    1. This is not my first map. I've made many, many maps before.
    2. I realize you all hate the armories. Thanks for letting me know. I'll get on that. I thought it would be an interesting twist, but apparently not.
    3. I don't care about the aesthetics. One of you gave me a link to a map and basically said, "THIS MAP LOOKS GOOD. WHY DOESN'T YOURS?" which I found to be, at best, insulting. This is not an aesthetic map. Do not judge it as such.
    4. I don't see a problem with a warthog. It stays.
  11. sum1youdontknow

    sum1youdontknow Forerunner

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    What's the problem with a warthog? if you're intelligent enough you realize it wont do too much kill-wise, so you can either ignore it just because (i think) it looks good in a map like this, or you can do what i do, and use it to block off different paths and use as cover. As we've seen many many many times before, not everything can be used for what is it originally intended to. =p

    If you add me i can get to helping you with placement of weapons because i think this map has a lot of potential if we can shape it up together. =)
  12. King of the tuna

    King of the tuna Forerunner

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    A bit harsh

    The critisizm has beens a bit harsh however:

    By the looks of this map it looks overall good. I like the warthog idea. It leaves the players to try and invent a way of winning. The armory idea is also a good idea but will be countered by noobs camping in a corner. I like the idea of the map and dont care about the aethestics of the map as long as its fun.

    Keep creating maps

    The King

    P.S sorry about spelling mistakes

    #12 King of the tuna, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  13. forgenarb

    forgenarb Forerunner

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    sadly here, on forgehub, you need gameplay and aesthetics for a map to get alot of praise, but your map isnt as bad as half of the people on here's first posts so don't get discouraged.

    for some reason you are getting WAY more negative feedback than i've seen before, and its all the same thing repeated, the armory, interlocks, and warthog. i think he gets it, you guys can stop harassing him now...

    what i can say about the actual map is that if there is only 1 way inbetween the two halves of the map ( which is all that i can see from the pics ) then it will probibly get a bit campy, especially with an armory.

    i suggest you check out the forging 101s if you havent, they could probibly help you alot
    #13 forgenarb, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  14. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map I provided you with isn't an aesthetic map either...

    You do realize that in today's competitive Forging world, you have to have a map that plays well and looks good. Your map accomplishes neither of these. I've played your map, it wasn't fun. I've looked at your map, it wasn't appealing.

    I might come off as mean, but It's in your best interest to receive these harsh words. Hopefully, you will realize what went wrong here, and make another map. Please don't attempt to edit this map. It's not worth saving, and you'd do yourself good to start over from scratch.

    Please realize that (mostly) everyone here is just trying to help you out for the future, try not to take any offense to what we say.

    Take it for what it is: Advice

    #14 Hogframe, Jul 9, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  15. WarpathZone

    WarpathZone Forerunner

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    I think the map is alright, and could use some improvement, but I like the idea of it. The armories do ruin the game, but if you only put in the AR's, BR's, and SMG's in the base it wouldn't be as bad. Like if you had the sniper outside each base, and the shotguns moved out a little bit it would be a tad bit more playable. Also I would suggest moving the rockets out of the bases and have only one in the center. Just make sure to set the weapon re spawns! It would be very unbalanced if the rocket had the same spawn as the assault rifles. Speaking of which what are the weapon spawns?
  16. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    You have not offered me any decent advice. So far, all you've done is complain about what you don't like, which seems to be everything. Telling me that my map is not only not fun, but aesthetically unpleasing and not giving me any reasons as to why you think so nor giving me any advice as to how I can fix it is hardly advice.

    I have already changed the weapon spawns, and that is all I will do.

    Now unless you have decent advice for me, rather than the complaints you seem to love to give me, please refrain from offering your two cents, because unless you can give me something useful, I care not for your words.

    And don't say this is in my best interest. My best interest would be constructive criticism. You've given me criticism and nothing more.

    The assault rifles, battle rifles, and sub-machine guns respawn after 60 seconds, the shotgun after 90, the sniper after 120, and the rocket launcher after 150.

    Kind of fast, I know.
    #16 Ragumshnagum, Jul 10, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2010
  17. drssoccer55

    drssoccer55 Ancient
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    Map is supposed to look sloppy??? Thats a terrible excuse for being lazy. Even if its supposed to be an abandoned warehouse at least make something interesting not something that looks like a first attempt at forge.
  18. Noirtatsu

    Noirtatsu Ancient
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    I'm going to agree with EVERYONE about the armory....BUT I feel that if you really want the feel of an armory/weapon load-out. Make a closed room that has spawns in it with weapons and multi one way teleporters to different points on the map to avoid camping at just one teleporter and killing all who come through it. As for me, no I hate armory's I want to just put that out there but I also want to help someone out. Just a few hints as for the Warthogs, I'm not the kind of person who likes vehicles but I don't see how it would really effect any super changes in gameplay considering the lack of manuverability. Most of the people I play with would see it and say "looks cool" nothing else really. Um one last thing about the armory's if you store the weapons in one spot only, someone is bound to run out of ammo so I suggest at least some weapons on the map.
  19. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    It's supposed to look jumbled. Why is that so hard to understand?

    Also, it's not an excuse for sloth.

    Furthermore, whether you think it looks, "interesting," or not does not help me. If you are going to put your two cents in, at least try to help instead of just wasting my time. You're one for calling someone lazy.
  20. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Ok seriously to all nooby flamers harassing this poor guy. This is not a half bad map. All you guys are posting is the same ****. THE SAME ****! Aesthetics warthog and the g**damn armory. Please DL the map then give him feedback. or give him feedback concerning something other than THE SAME ****! Honestly the map looks really fun to play on and i think the warthog could serve a use or two. for weapons on map suggestion i say two snipes, one rocket. 6 Brs and 4 ARs 4 SMGs, 2 Carbines and 1 plasma pistol. It's definitely good I give it a 4/5. I'm gonna ask the mods to remove all comments having to do with THE SAME ****! Seriously people sometimes.

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