Is Point Lookout DLC for Fallout 3 worth it. i heard from some that it sucks and from others it is really fun.
Eh, theres really not all that much too it. Buy it if you want alot of money, as these plants you pick up are worth a bunch back in the wasteland. The best weapon you get is basically a modified Lincoln's Repeater. I got em all, I'd say get Broken Steel, then work your way down: Alien place, pitt, Point Lookout.
Anchorage is easy and you get a bunch of cool stuff afterwards. And you don't need power armor training.
Well broken steel is a must after that I'd say get the Pitt as it adds a lot of cool new weapons to the game with a good campaign, then get mother ship zeta or operation anchorage, then get point lookout. Thats what I think you should do. Anyway to answer your question Point lookout is good if you want to add an extra couple of hours of gameplay and some caps but apart from that its not really worth it.
Point lookout storymode isnt that interesting or fun and the enemies are high level, but there is alot of mysterious sidequests like the one where you follow a Pre-war Chinese spies mission I myself enjoy wandering it even if i do hate swamps
As much as I liked Fallout 3, I had issues with all of the DLC. Unlike the main game, the pacing of the DLC just felt wrong. That being said, if you had to get just one DLC, i'd probably get Point Lookout.
Operation Anchorage is not worth it at all. It's only an hour or two at most. Broken Steel is the best. Point Lookout is the biggest between the Pitt and Mothership Zeta. I think the Pitt has the best questline, but Point Lookout has a couple of quests that are superb and has my favorite quest from the whole game. Mothership Zeta is kinda boring to run through, but cool once you get to the end. The Pitt takes around five hours or so and Point Lookout takes a bit longer.
You could get it for free with a USB drive and a program. Its really easy, I forgot the link to download though. You can get all the fallout 3 DLC and some Mass Effect DLC for free.
I think that might be illegal. I got Fallout 3 a few weeks after it came out and got all the DLCs in order. I didn't hate any of them but Broken Steel being released late would have really helped in all the other DLCs. Point Lookout was the hardest out of all of them so get Broken Steel, complete it and get to level 30 before you do Point Lookout. The other ones are slightly difficult if you are a lower level like -10, but all you would need are stimpaks.
No its not that hard really. I had to make a new account due to a Hard Drive crash and beat this around level 14 or so. Keep Punga Fruit on you (fruit found on the island that are almost as good as stimpaks) and be sure to keep a lot of them on you (get huge cash for them too). I didn't think it was the hardest though. I think Broken Steel was more challenging than being on Point Lookout because the enemies normally have melee weapons or pretty weak weapons on the island while the enemies on Broken Steel had some heavy weaponry.
When you play PL, do they take your items like in all the other ones at the start? Just so I know how much to bring.
You keep your stuff. And there is a container on the boat. However the guy on the boat is a jerk so I wouldn't trust it too long while he's there. (and remamber you can't stick bodies to walls with the railway rifle, only body parts. You'll know why I tried when you get to it.)
I'd make sure that you're at least level 20 before you venture out to point lookout. Some of the mutated people out there are pretty crazy to kill.
So what is the pont of the Container? Just a random spot to put items in if need be, or does he take it for some reason?