Just a fun thing to do on here other then photos, map, and videos. Just post your ways to tell if your a noob in Halo (preferably Halo 3). • If you put music up to your mic. (ex. radio to your mic by holding it up close to your mic) • If you ask to be a party leader. • If you go for the: Rocket Luncher, Sword, Grav. Ham., Snipers. • If you think everyone on Bungie Day '10 was a Bungie member. • If you think the noob combo is the best combo. • If you try to make a game after another famous gaming company.
If you complain that you got beat in the aftergame lobby. If you scream down your mic. If you've got Rank 50 General lagging powers. (There's a video on YouTube about it... (FAKE))
-if when in an objective game, you do the same attack plan 20 times in a row, even though you died the first time. -you're carrying the flag in big team and wonder why all these vehicles keep coming up and honking incessantly at you -if in grifball you act like you're invincible as soon as you pick up the ball (3 sword guys around the goal.... i think i could make it by myself without jumping or deviating from a straight line.....) -You boot me when I hit you with warthog, even though I couldn't stop in time and you didn't look both ways (they teach that in 1st grade, idiot) -you message everyone with recon after the match
If I go positive 27 with 36 kills in a game of team snipers and you happen to have three generals who somehow can't get the fourteen killsbetween the three of them. And you all go negetive double digits and lose the game. Then blame it on my stealing kills, even though I end up with more assists than any of them had kills. True story......
-You camp behind corners with your Assault Rifle and when people walk around you double melee them claiming you are MLG Pro -On The Pit you always go for the Sword and camp in the Sword room throughout the entire game although you only got two kills -You launch a bubble shield thinking that you can Shotgun them when they are "tricked" into the shield only to find that they never walk in -When Social or Team Slayer starts on Highground you always go for the Mongoose and drive right into the base or beach and get team Assault Rifled -When playing Custom Games you always "insist" that "you" have a better game type and map only to surprise other players when they all spawn in the "kill ball" and you get all the kills -Tomo Stryker
By those standards. •If the party wants the play a gametype and I happen to have it so I ask for party leader. •Other team has all power weapons and best chance I have is to go for the Sniper and Snipe them 1 by 1. •Every one is a member of Bungie's community. •No comment. •No comment. I Must be a "noob" according to you. The way to be a noob is to be a newcomer to an Internet activity.
saying that it's "cheating" whenever someone kills you hiding in a corner or enclosed area with a sword/gravity hammer saying someone is bad because you killed them once you get one lucky shot, take a video, send it to everyone, and say that it was "skill"
I take videos of awesome ****, but only send to my irl friends. Also: -on guardian, you grab the sniper rifle, camp on S3, miss every single shot but one, with which you get a really good shot, and tell people about that 'AB50lo07 r4paGG3' for days. -Claim you're skilled when you 9-shot somebody. With a BR. Fail. (seriously happened once) -If you're under 11 years of age. -If you camp at the laser tower on high ground with the laser. -1f u t1hnk taHt c4mp1ngg iz teh leg1tz MLG st4tegeez -If you buy your 50. -If you call someone a noob because they don't have a 50... and neither do you.
• If you get annoyed by people playing music, yet you do not mute them. • If you think that because you are party leader no one else can possibly have a better game and keep playing you thing even though no one else likes it and people ask to be promoted, then everyone leaves and you piss yourself in anger at those ****ing noobs. • If you think the: Rocket Luncher, Sword, Grav. Ham., Snipers are noob weapons and no one is allowed to use them unless they wanna be a noob. • If you think anyone actually thought everyone on Bungie Day '10 was a Bungie member. • If you have never actually used the noob combo. • If you think making a game after another famous gaming company is noobish, just because you can't seem to come up with a way to successfully make one yourself. If you do any of the above things you are a ****ing noob. Excuse my French i <3 you all
lawlz at pwnage. But i have to agree, if you think any weapon is nooby then gtfo, because any way to get the win is essential. I dont care if my tool of destruction is a plasma (btw, i got another one related to this as long as i win. -If you brag about your tool of destructio being a plasma grenade, ghost, or Unknown.
lawlz i can empty a full sniper and not hit you once, then rush at you with a rocket and kill your face, saying that it was skillz that killed you. Good vs. Evil
is just obnoxious, not nooby... Why is that nooby? Requesting to put on a map or gametype? Yeah I felt like such a noob when I did that... This is true. I mean, letting the enemy use them on you and owning your team is pro. Noob combo IS the best combo. People only call it the "noob combo" because it is so cheap. If you can use a BR, then it takes less than 2 seconds to kill someone with this combo... mine: If you get ninja'd quite often If you get over excited for positive K/D If you tell people you do all the work while your teammates get their kills stolen by you If you think Isolation is the best map If you trash MLG because you are bad at it (at least get skill 25-40 before using excuses)
I haz one more to add -If you call anyone a noob while being totally serious without a hint of sarcasm in your voice.
- If you don't know how to forge. - If you cant beat campaign. - If you don't have a mic, but choose to play ranked.