Anything on this list Porno Titles That Should Exist, But Don't - Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
uhhh... Gladiator Big Fish Anchorman The Count of Monte Cristo Apocalypto The Boondock Saints others...I can't really think right now..
May I suggest: Chitty Chitty Gang Bang Dude, wheres my ****? ET: The Extra Testicle Fast & Curious Fun with **** in Jane Or for more fantasy types: Hairy Twatter and the Order of the ***** Hairy Twatter and the Half-Blood Minge Hairy Twatter and the Philosopher's Bone Hairy Pounder and the Sorcerer's Bone Hairy Pooter and the Goblet of ****ing Big Black Women In the Ass
have you guys ever seen this movie? The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Its and older movie, but I thought it was great. It was on the instant queue thing a couple months ago, but not anymore.
Sarge, did you see the recent Robin Hood film? If so, how would you rate it? It looked interesting based on the theatrical previews, but I don't know whether or not I should go see it.