YouTube - Kingdom Hearts II - Utada Hikaru - PASSION (piano cover) Kingdom Hearts had an AMAZING soundtrack.
When I had RROD a while back I rented Kingdom Hearts 1 for some entertainment. I practically beat the whole game in one week, but the end of the game you have to fight the final boss like 20 ****ing times..he never dies. I beat your arch rival, then you beat your rival when hes super evil, then you fight the big boss guy, then you fight the boss guy again...and I never got past that. so...instead of getting a late fee on the game I decided to return it unbeaten.
I own KH1 and 2 as well as a functioning PS2. Win. EDIT: Also, RDR DLC packs for the rest of the year. Spoiler Legends and Killers Pack New active map locations, characters and more: - Release date: beginning of August 2010; - 9 new multiplayer map locations — more than doubling the amount of territories in the multiplayer competitive modes; - 8 new multiplayer characters — play as characters from Red Dead Revolver; - Introducing a new projectile weapon: the Tomahawk, with corresponding challenges for single-player and multiplayer gameplay; - New achievements and trophies; - Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE). Liars and Cheats Pack New competitive modes, multiplayer mini-games in Free Roam, and more: - Release date: TBC; - Attack and Defend multiplayer competitive mode and challenges; - New multiplayer horse races, complete with mounted combat; - Play as the heroes and villains of Red Dead Redemption, as well as 8 additional multiplayer characters; - Multiplayer versions of Liars Dice and Poker from the single-player game; - Introducing a new weapon: the Explosive Rifle, with associated challenges available in single-player and multiplayer gameplay; - New achievements and trophies; - Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE). Free Roam Pack Delve deeper into the world of Red Dead Redemption with new modes, challenges and gang hideouts to discover: - Release date: TBC; - Additional Free Roam challenges; - New action areas and defensive placements; - Posse scoring and leaderboards; - New anti-griefing measures in Free Roam; - Pricing: TBC. Undead Nightmare Pack Ghost towns and cemeteries come alive in a West gone horribly wrong: - Release date: TBC; - Brand new single-player adventure, challenges and quests; - 8 new multiplayer zombie characters; - Additional animals unleashed in the world; - New dynamic events and more; - Pricing: $9.99 (PlayStation Network), 800 Microsoft Points (Xbox LIVE). I'm sooooooooo excited.
everytime I see ForumTech online I set the forums main page to a 5 seconds refresh, in case the brobox get's back ..
I had a feeling that the DLC would get pretty expensive for RDR... I don't know if I would get all of them at that price, but it is still good to see that they are continuing to support the game.